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Chapter Four

*The next afternoon-Mandy’s*
“Hey Mand.” Rayanne padded out into the living room, having just awoke from her nap.

“Morning Sunshine.” she smiled. “What’s in store for this afternoon?”

“Nick’s coming to take Madi at quarter to two.”

“Raybee, are you sure about this whole thing?”

“About him taking her?”

“That and moving in with them.”

“Yeah, I want him to spend time with her. It’ll be best for her...that’s what I need to think about right now.”


“Why do you ask?”

“Because I know how you feel.”

“This is what she needs.”

“It would suck to have you decide you want to do this, then she leaves and is flying down there...and you change your mind.”

“I would never do that to her.”

“I know. Let’s get her ready, they’ll be here soon.”

“Yeah, good idea. You gonna help me?”


“I’m gonna go in her room and grab her clothes quick.”

“Anything out here you want packed?”

“Yeah, the blankets and toys on the couch. There’s a bag to put them in behind there.”


“Thanks Mandy.”

“You’re welcome.” She started packing things into Madi’s bag as Rayanne walked out of the room and down the hall. She entered the room Madi was in, seeing she was awake.

“You’re awake! How was your nap sweets?”

Madi stood up on the bed. “Up!”

“Guess what Mads? Daddy’s coming to get you in a while. You’re gonna go with him for a few days.” she said as she picked her up.

Madi’s face lit up and she threw her hands in the air. “Go!”

*Knock, Knock*

“Come in!” she heard Mandy say.

“ can you possible know it’s him so quickly and be so excited? He’s here though sweetie, we better get ready.”

“Ray, Nick’s here! With his friends!”

“Nick come in here!”

“Hey!” He appeared in the door a minute later.

“Hey there...she’s all changed and dressed. I told her you were coming and guess what she did?”

“Did somebody just wake up? What’d she do?”

“Yeah she did...she threw those little hands of hers right up in the air!”

Nick smiled. “Excited Madi?”

“I thought maybe you’d like to carry her out and show everyone.” She handed Madi to him.

“I’d love to.” He took Madi and carried her to the livingroom.

“Everyone...this is the infamous Madi!”

“Aww...she’s adorable Nick!” said Brian.

“Can I hold her?” LeighAnne asked.


“Hey there cutie! How are you? You are too cute!” she talked to her as she took her from Nick.

“So Ray, you’re really ready to let her go for a couple days?” Lyndsey asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be I guess!”

“She’s in good hands.” Nick reassured her with a smile.

“I know she is.”

“Alright guys, let’s get her stuff in the limo.”

“OK, Leigh give her back and hand me that bag.”

“Mommy’s gotta say goodbye!” LeighAnne handed Rayanne her daughter and walked downstairs with Brian. “Nick, can you stay up here for a minute?”

“Sure.” Everyone else headed downstairs and started loading the trunk of the limo.

“OK, I don’t want to sound like a mother hen...but ya know.” she smiled.

“It’s OK.”

“She eats breakfast watching Sesame Street, never before.”

“Breakfast with Big Bird. Check.”

“She naps around ten, sometimes around one or two.”

“Nap at ten, sometimes at one or two. Check.”

“There’s a couple teething rings in there if she gets cranky because of her teeth.”

“Teething rings...?” he looked at her confused.

“Yeah, if she cries and bites her fingers a lot...they’re little round rings. Lyn will know what they are.”


“She can’t have strawberries, she’s allergic.”

“No strawberries. Check.”

“Apple juice makes her sick.”

“No apple juice. Check.”

“She you remember?”

“Orange juice.”

Rayanne smiled. “Yeah. I think those are the only really important things. You have her car seat right?”

“I think they took it out.”

“ there anything else?”


“Do you think you’re all set?”

“If I think of something I’ll ask.”

“OK. Mommy loves you Mads.” she said kissing Madi’s forehead.

“Want me to give you a minute alone with her?”

“If you don’t mind.” she smiled.

“OK, I’ll make sure we got everything." He walked out of the apartment and headed downstairs.

“OK be a good girl OK?” Tears started to form in her eyes, she tried not to cry. “Mommy loves you and I’ll talk to you tonight. You have fun with Daddy, he loves you too. Give me a kiss.” Madi wrapped her small arms around her neck and gave her a mother a sloppy kiss on the lips. “Aww..thank you precious. I’ll see you in a few days OK? Promise me you’ll have fun.”

“La u.” Madi smiled at her mother.

“I love you too.” she smiled. “OK Madeline Nicole, let’s do this.” Rayanne walked down the stairs to the limo where Nick was waiting for her.

“Ready Madi?”

“I think she is. She’s gonna have a lot of fun, aren’t ya Madi?” she asked as she handed her to Nick.

Nick took her, placing her gently in her carseat. “We’re going to have lots of fun.”

“Call me as soon as you get there?”

“I will.”

“Thanks.” she smiled. “Hug?”

“Sure.” He gave Rayanne a warm hug. “You know the number if you miss her.”


“OK, we have to go.”

“Alright, have fun with our baby.”

“I will.” He got in the limo. “Bye!”

“Bye!” she waved as the limo pulled away. She watched it until she couldn’t see it anymore before going back upstairs.

Chapter 5

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