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Chapter Three

“Lyn, I’m back!” Nick called shutting the door to their room behind him.

“Hey sweetie, how’d it go?”

“It went good. I had a lot of fun.”

“I’m glad! Did she do anything cute?”

“Well, she stuck a fry in my ear,” he laughed “but guess what? We’re taking her to Florida with us for a couple days.”

“We are?! That sounds like fun!” she said excitedly. “But...why exactly?”

“So Ray can get her stuff packed up without having her in the way. So it can get done faster, because we only have 3 weeks.”

“So they’re going to stay with us?”

“Yeah, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to at first.”

“She wasn’t? I wonder if it’s going to be hard on her or something.”

“She didn’t want to impose.”

“So do you think she’ll be OK alone with us leaving so soon for tour?”

“I think so. We can show her around a little before we leave.”

“I thought you’d be happier about having Madi close.”

“I am happy! It’s going to be so much fun!”

Lyndsey smiled. “I know. So how was she with you today?”


“That’s who I meant.”

“She was great! She likes me.” he smiled. “She has the funniest expressions too.”

“You’re kinda hard not to like sweetie.”

“Yeah, well, you know...” he smiled.

“What about these expressions?”

“Like, when she gets excited, she opens her mouth and raises her eyebrows really high and throws her hands in the air. She doesn’t talk much, but it’s funny to hear her when she does.”

“What does she say? Tell me about her, she is going to be living with me!”

“She likes Pooh, she asked for it while we were at Hard Rock. She just says simple stuff, like mama.”

“Aww...did she eat?”

“Yeah, she ate what she didn’t throw or stick in my ear.” he laughed.

“Uh oh, messy one, huh?!”

“Yeah, we’re going to have a lot of baby-proofing to do.”

“Oh yeah, I never thought of that.”

“Almost everything is glass!”

“That’s not going to be good.”

“We’ll make it work.”

“Yeah, we will. When are we taking her? When we leave tomorrow?”

“Yeah, tomorrow.”

“I kind of can’t believe Ray is letting us take her so far away.”

“Me neither. But I’m glad she is, it will give me a chance to spend time with her.”

“Yup, you are her father.”

“Yes I am.” Nick smiled proudly.

“I’m glad you had fun today, but babies aren’t always fun remember.”

“I figured that out already. I had to change her stinky butt at Hard Rock.”

“Did you offer to do that or did it take some persuading?”

“Well, I kinda wanted to get out of the way so I didn’t have to do it, but she asked me to, so I did.”

“Well, you got the first time over with, that’s always the worst! Is Ray bringing her here tomorrow? And who’s taking her back to Buffalo?”

“She’s gonna call, and we’re taking her back. Oh, that reminds me, I have to talk to the guys.”

“Are you gonna talk to them before the movie?”

“Yeah, I should go do that quick.”

“Alright, I’ll be here when you get back.” she smiled at him.

“You better be.” he smiled and leaned down to give Lyndsey a gentle kiss on the lips before heading to Brian’s room.

*Knock, Knock*

“It’s open!”

“What’s up Bri?” Nick walked into his room.

“Hey Nicky, how’d it go today?”

“It went great! That’s actually what I’m here to talk to you about.”

“What’s up?”

“Ray is moving in with Lyn and me.”

Brian’s face went blank, his mouth dropping open. “Wow...OK.”

“Just until she gets a job and saves enough money for an apartment or house.”

“Is Lyn OK with this?”


“And Ray’s OK with it?”

“Yeah, unless one of them isn’t telling me the truth.”

“One thing my sister does is speak her mind.” Brian laughed.

“I learned that all too quickly. Anyway...would you be willing to take a few days and help move her stuff from Buffalo to my house?”


“Alright, cool. I’m so excited!”

“I’m happy for ya little man. When is this happening?”

“Well, Madi is coming down with Lyn and me tomorrow until Ray is ready. Then we’re gonna rent 3 or 4 U-hauls and come back up to get her stuff.”

“You’re bringing Madi? That should be interesting!”

“It sure will be!”

“Ray’s gonna go nuts without her!” he laughed.

“She’s the most adorable little girl, Rok.”

“I can’t wait to see her.”

“You’ll see her tomorrow.”


“Well, I have to go talk to the others about helping.”

“Yeah, I told LeighAnne I’d be down for dinner. Good luck.”

“Thanks. Have fun.”


“Bye.” Nick walked down the hall to AJ’s room and knocked on the door.

“Yeah?” he heard Kevin call.

“It’s me!”

“Come on in!”

Nick walked in the room and saw that Howie was there too.

“Yo Nicky!” AJ greeted him.

“I got a question for y’all.”

“What is it?” Howie asked.

“Save your questions for later please.” Nick laughed.

“Ask your damn question man!”

“Ray is moving in with Lyn and me until she has enough money to get an apartment in Florida, so I can be closer to Madi...and I was wondering if you guys would be willing to help us move her down there.”

“Whoa...lucky man!” AJ smiled.

“I will.” Kevin offered as Howie said “Sure thing Nicky.”

“Count me in buddy.” AJ added.

“Sweet. Thanks guys! You got any questions?”

“Yeah, when is this happening?”

“Well, Lyn and I are bringing Madi down with us until Ray is ready for us guys to go up and help. So it should be maybe a week at the most.”

“OK, just let us know man. We’d be glad to help.”

“Cool. I guess I’ll see you guys later. Oh! What movie are we going to see?”

“Star Wars, Episode 2.”


“Catch ya later Nicky.”

“Later.” Nick walked back to the room he shared with Lyndsey and jumped on her where she was laying on the bed. “I’m back!”

“Ugh...I see that.” she smiled. “So, is everyone gonna help?”


“This should be fun.”

“Do you mean it?”

“Yes, I do.”


Lyndsey smiled, picking her head up off the bed to kiss Nick, parting his lips with her tongue...

“I should probably call Ray and tell her what’s going on.”

“OK, I’m gonna go take a shower.”

“OK sweetie.”

Nick picked up the phone to call Rayanne as Lyndsey headed for the bathroom.

“Hello?” she answered.


“Hey you.”

“Our flight leaves at three tomorrow, is that cool?”

“, yeah. I can’t believe she’s leaving at three! I’ve never done this before.” she let out a little laugh.

“I’ll take good care of her.”

“I know you will.”

“If you’re unsure about this just say so Ray.”

“I’m not. Of course I’ll worry a little, I’m her mother; but I trust you and I want her to be with you.”


“What time do you want me to bring her over?”

“Don’t worry about that, we’ll be there at quarter to two with the limo.”

“OK. Will the guys be with you? I haven’t seen them yet.”

“Yeah, everyone will be. We’ll all come in. Is that cool?”

“Of course.”

“They said they’d be happy to help you move too.”

“That’s nice of them, I’ll make sure everything is all packed when you get there.”


“Can you call me as soon as you get home tomorrow?”

“I can do that.”


“You’re welcome.”

“So does everyone thing we’re crazy to do this?”

“No, they all think it’s a good idea.” he laughed.

“Good, I was worried.” He could hear the relief in her voice.

“They know we wouldn’t do anything stupid.”

They both paused for a minute, Rayanne speaking first.


“I need to get myself a shower, I just wanted to fill you in.”

“OK, so I’ll see you tomorrow at quarter to two?”


“OK. Bye Nick.”


*45 minutes later-Brian & LeighAnne’s Room*
“Leigh, I’m gonna go talk to Nicky for a minute.”

“OK.” she said without looking up.

Brian walked down the hall to Lyndsey and Nick’s room.

*Knock, Knock*

“Come in!”

“Hey guys.”


“Lyn, can I talk to Nick for a minute?”

“Sure.” Lyndsey got up, leaving them alone.

“What’s up Bri?”

“Nicky, I don’t want you to take this the wrong way...” he started

“OK.” Nick agreed, confused.

“I know you love Lyn, but having Ray live with you...are you sure you’re doing this just to be close to Madi?”

“Yes. I don’t want to miss out on her growing up.”

“I know you don’t.”

“It’s only a temporary thing anyway.”

“I know, I’m sorry I brought this up. I trust your motives.”

“It’s OK Bri.”

“OK, I should go back and get ready for the movie, you guys gonna be ready in about 20 minutes?”


“OK, see ya then.” Brian walked out the door.

“Lyn! Are you about ready?”

“Yup! I just have to brush my teeth.”

“Good, because I have to get in there.”

“You can come in.” Nick shared the sink with Lyndsey, brushing his teeth and his hair. He walked out of the bathroom and got dressed. “Don’t you look handsome!” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his nose.

“Thank you.”

“Did they tell you what movie we’re going to see?”

“Star Wars, Episode 2.”

“I know, I’m excited!”

“Me too. I can’t wait.” He forced a smile.

“Sweetie, is something wrong?”


“OK...ready to go?”


Lyndsey took Nick’s hand and walked beside him down the hallway, out of the hotel and into the limo. The movie was long, Nick sitting quietly through most of it, which Lyndsey knew was unusual for him.

“You were awful quiet tonight baby.” she commented as they walked into their room that night.

“I was?”

“Yeah...did you enjoy the movie?”

“Yeah, I did. And I enjoyed watching it with you.”

“I enjoyed watching it with you too.” she smiled. “Are you nervous about tomorrow?”

“A little.”

“You’ll do fine sweetie, Rayanne wouldn’t let her go if she didn’t think so.”

“I know.”

“Do you need to talk about this before we go to bed?”

“What is there to talk about? I thought we did.”

“OK, we did.”

“Sorry. I guess I’m just...I don’t know. I need to sleep.”

“OK, we can sleep.”

Nick stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed. Lyndsey climbing in next to him, and wrapped her arms around him.

“Good night sweetness.”

“Good night hun.”

Chapter 4

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