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The 8th Month

Ashley & Austin's Journal
December 1998

Austin is now 8 months old and doing all kinds of new things. He is crawling, pulling himself up to standing, and has 2 teeth. I guess the biggest change is eatting solids. He didn't want anything to do with them untill he was 7 months old. And now at the end of 8 months he dosn't want anything to do with baby food. If it dosn't come off of mommy's plate he won't tuch it.

Austin has had a bad case of diaper rash. For awhile I thought it was from my eatting tomatoe foods. Things like chilli and pizza, but we found out this week that it isn't. We have switched him to cloth diapers and that hasn't helped either. I know that it isn't from what he eats because this happend before he was eatting solids.

One of the problems we are having is sleep. Austin won't nap in his crib and comes into my bed in the middle of the night still. I didn't mind this for a while, but now I feel that it is time to get him into his own crib.

Untill next month,
Ashley and Austin

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