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Kudzu By Ginger Strivelli

The magical kudzu does bloom
tiny torches of pinks, purples, and reds
Climbing like acrobats
over trees, light poles and sheds.
With lusty fertile bodies
it does reach up, down, and out,
it curls, twirls, and swirls
all over and all about.

Making sculptures in the
wires and trees
it seems to go just
wherever it does please.
The Kudzu does create artwork;
as if inspired by the Muses
with its vines and leaves it paints designs
wherever it chooses.

Clings to everything, it does
including itself.
it is such
a mischievous little elf.
'tis a flower for the brave
and adventurous
Not the poor souls
who do live slow and cautious.
Kudzu is a plant for joyful artists,
cooks, Witches and crafters
For it does make good baskets,
jellies charms and laughter.

--------------Some of my Kudzu baskets and wreaths--------------

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