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More of my Science Fiction Poetry

A Good World to Visit

If the tempature isn't too terribly hot to endure,
or so cold that you'll freeze solid for sure,
if the gravity won't crush you flat,
and the air is breathable at that,
then you might think it's a good world to visit,
but if you knew better you'd ask is it?
For alien worlds aren't safe no matter how pleasant,
since an alien animal that looks like a pheasant,
may bite you with the fangs of a snake,
or you could be sickened by the perfume the flowers make,
Or you could be killed slowly by some unknown virus,
Or killed so fast, you'd never know what it was.
Alas, no, it is not a good world to visit.
No, not even for just a minute.
But humans must explore, since they are a curious lot,
be the worlds a good place to visit, or be they not!


The vastness of the blackness
-of outer space -the whole universe-
goes onward to forever- and backwards to never-
countless stars dance around-with all their planets bound-
even more moons swirl-and some comets hurl-
but the vastness of the blackness-
is what there is the most of-all around us below and above.


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