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Science Fiction Poems written by Ginger Strivelli

By Ginger Strivelli

Just stop
look up
out there

this exact moment
some distant planet
is exploding away
upon its dying day

maybe it is a comet
or an asteroid hit
a black hole perhaps
or shifting ice caps

it matters not how
that world is dying now
before you exhale again
everything there will end

were there some type of people there
in crops and animals in their care
does it matter anyway
with their world dying today

by now it is all over
that planet is no more
we watched it disappear
from way down here

what difference does it make that we noticed
wasn't our paying attention just pointless
how many other countless world today
have been just blown forever away

when our Planet Earth does also go
will anyone out there even know
will it be tomorrow afternoon at four ten
or not till a million years from then

Our Cousins
Little green men And Europa's fish, Mars' face and Seti's one wish, We can't be alone in all of creation. The Cosmos is too big to have only one station. The others will come they have before, or we'll go out and seek their door. Mother Earth's sisters surely have children too and we should meet our cousins and say "How do you do?"

Faster Than Light
Faster than light, flying from sight, far far away, before today, we'd arrive there, if we do dare, to break the rule, Einstein's a fool, or just not right, on fast flight, we must go fast, visit the last, stars in space, and Mars' face, all in a day, and we would say, faster than light, is traveling right. It just makes sence, to jump the fence, when there's so much, for us to touch, beyond our reach, so we must teach, not to assume, the sonic boom, doesn't prequel, a light speed sequel, Faster than light. that's our fight, to go faster, become master, of all of space, not just our place, not impossiable, just improbable, not stopped us yet, and I'll not bet, we will stop now, until knowing how, to surpass light, in our space flight.

Somewhere between F and J

There's a scientist who claims, he's found proof that there is a door,
To another dimension, and he's set out to find it, what's more.
he's looked inside the Sphinx and in the Sybil's Oracle cave, and at Stonehenge also.
And now, he's searching all through the Bermuda triangle, you know.
But I am sure he will not find the dimentional port hole there,
because I know where it really is, almost exactly where.
That door is most assuredly in my file cabinet somewhere between F and J.
And it is always capturing the things that I file away.
They disappear from the file cabinet as soon as they leave my hand.
And appear in that other dimension, where perhaps they land,
In a pile of papers atop some other writer's cluttered desktop.
The phenomenon is quite awesome, of course, but it really must stop.
I have grown tired of my notes and outlines dematerializing,
and of doing all of that other writer's work, for her, without even realizing.
The door to the other dimension is in my file cabinet, somewhere between F and J

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