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Spider Grandmother's Web

Haiku by Ginger Strivelli

Grandmother Spider
spins the tangled web of fate
weaving the future!

Haiku by Ginger Strivelli

Butterfly Maiden
sings with the Corn Mother and
Spider Grandmother!

"The Weaver" Painting by Ginger Strivelli

Spider Grandmother Prayer
By Ginger Strivelli

Spider Grandmother, hear my prayer
Let it travel by light, by sound, by air.
Let my wishes fall into Your web strings.
So You can spin and weave me all these things,
that is all that I'm asking from You,
Weave me these blessings, I ask You to.
Spin me a beautiful line of fate.
tell my story and make it great.
Spider Grandmother upon Your web of life,
Spin me a tale of happiness not strife.
Let no tangles or broken threads ruin,
The wonderful, lifetime, for me, that You spin.
Weave me health, happiness, prosperity, and above,
all else, tightly tie me to those that I love.

"Spider Grandmother" drawing by Ginger Strivelli

Spider Grandmother
By Ginger Strivelli

She weaves
She spins,
She Crafts,
She pretends.

Fate they say,
Or is She Time?
Perhaps both

Destiny or Karma
Maybe Both, again.
Past and Future
beginning and end.

Weaving Her
web of life
Silvery threads
quivering with strife.

For Her web is
tangled, they say
Since we climb and
fall in Her way.

She weaves on
around us yet.
Spinning her tale.
Is the plot set?

Or does She
Write Her story
one thread at
a time, maybe.

Us grandchildren
Always in Her way
or are we the
characters in Her play?

She crafts Her web,
an artist of Magic.
Weaving the world,
wonderful and tragic.

Carved Gord art by N. Scott

Invoking Grandmother Spider Woman
By Ginger Strivelli

Grandmother Spider Woman hear my prayers
guard us from all fears and cares.
Trap all want and need and doubt,
in your web and never let any oput.

Send away all danger, trouble and strife.
Bless us with joyful, carefree, healthy life.
Wrap all sadness in your webs so tight
keeping all things bad hidden from our sight.

Banish any wind that would bring us woe.
Catch every dark, evil, aweful foe.
Weave our fates into strong webs so fair.
That none could harm us, or even dare.

Spin traps in your webs to catch those.
Who might disturb the peace we compose.
Spin magic traps as well, catching the unseen.
For sometimes danger may be curses or fiends.

Grandmother Spider Woman hear our call to you.
And love us as we love You too.
Protect us, who worship You, so that we might.
Never forget You or stray from your sight.

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