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Haphazardly Ever After By Ginger Strivelli

Happily ever after is a fairy tale fantasy
Haphazardly ever after is the best within reality
That is unless you fall prey to 'not ever after'
and the story just dead ends in disaster

So one must long for and accept Haphazardly
If one wants to do 'forever' stubbornly
Most people just give up and move on to a new tale
then another one when the 2nd one doesn't end well

It's not always a tragedy or a horror
It's just not the fairy tale you signed up for
So you try to accept reality is what it is
ignoring what it is not, that you sorely miss

Haphazardly ever after, if you are lucky enough
is the best one can expect from real life love
Otherwise it's a string of failures one after another
but I'm not sure if haphazardly ever after is any better...

Surviving Damnation By Ginger Strivelli

Alas, I am not really dead.
Just ruined 
and discarded,
A broken body 
without spirit,
My lost soul 
on fire within it.
My heart is broken 
but still it beats.
Through those veins 
only ice water circulates.
Pumping pain and grief 
it gives life cruelly,
When death might be 
more merciful, truly.
I'm not laid to rest or 
banished with cremation
I am forced to survive 
this damnation
Alas, I am not really dead
It just feels like death 
in my heart and my head.

Suffocating Grief
By Ginger Strivelli

My Gods, I need a cleansing breath of relief
From this suffocating seemingly endless grief
I'd give the world and the universe beyond away
To finally just once again have a happy day
Drowning in this abyss of grief is so stressing,
Frightening, and overwhelmingly depressing
And it keeps going on and on and onward
Spiraling on down, down, downward
Oh my Gods, it hurts so unfathomablely bad
But even my pain is eclipsed by my feeling so sad
My Gods, I need a cleansing breath of relief
From this suffocating seemingly endless grief.

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