Lines written on oct 8th, 2010
Sitting in Kukulcan's Pyramid's shade
Watching the centuries away fade
Listening to the tropical birds sing along
in a chorus that has gone on so long
For over a thousand years or more
the Sun God has risen over this sight before
But watching Him rise above the platform
makes my heart, mind, and spirit warm.
Prayers and poems written on my feb. 2012 trip to Chichen Itza
(My 3rd trip, my 3 youngest daughters; Amethyst, Sybilsue and Harmony's first trip there.)
lines written on 2-16-12
By Ginger Strivelli
Sitting at the Mayaland hotel bar
sipping a double Chichen itza Zexi
I make a wish on the first star
that above the observatory I see
asking Kukulcan the plumed serpent
to let me return in a couple of years
to have yet another magical visit
only then can I leave Chichen itza without tears.
Thrice in Chichen itza - BY Ginger Strivelli
So blessed to have came once
to Chichen itza, now yet thrice!
I've been an awed and happy pilgrim
to Kukulcan's temples, dedicated to Him
I've sat in the ballcourt and drew
I've walked in the observatory and through
the jungle that surrounds the sacred city
And I've basked in the memories of Mayan history.