The Punk Wear Directory
Most descriptions are based on my own personal opinion. If you feel anything should be changed please let me know. Also, if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions (or for any other reason) please e-mail me at punkwear13@aol.com. Thanks. Enjoy!
: 3/23/01
- A42 Clothing
Skate, snow and punk clothing company with great attitude.
- Airwalk
Site under construction.
- Alli Army Inline Clothing Company
Clothing featuring their logo and tested by their skaters. Supposed to be quality but a relatively small selection.
- The Alternative Shopping Complex
Several punk and goth shops rolled into one. Site is very hard to naviagte but has some cool graphics. I may have missed some stuff here too.
- Angry, Young, and Poor
I'm a big fan of these guys. Tons of great punk clothing and accessories and even more in their print catalog. Highly recommended.
- Anok & Peace
This site is a staple in the anarcho-punk community. DIY clothes and accessories to express your anti-government sentiments.
- Another State of Mind
Large selection of punk and goth essentials and more.
- Army Navy Shop
Military uniforms, BDU's, police and security, camping and survival, and more.
- Artist At Large
Shirts featuring the rockin' tattoo flash of Dennis McPhail. Lots of cool rockabilly designs.
- Bad Seed Thredz
Apparel that sports their logo, skate oriented.
- Ballyhoo Vintage
A large vintage clothing shop organized by decades with a little bit of almost everything.
- Beer For Grrls
100% DIY shirts, patches and vintage all dirt cheap.
- Bella Bambina
Jewelry, vintage clothing, and retro body products with rockabilly style.
- Bitchen Industries
Offensive, political, hot rod, and fun t-shirts. Very reasonable prices.
- Bizo
Street shoes for skaters, snowboarders, surfers, and the rest of us. Fancy web site too.
- Black Sunrise
Goth jewelry and t-shirts with some punk and Bettie Page thrown in for good measure.
- Bound Beauty
Goth and punk clothing and accessories.
- BowlingShirt.com
Choose from a huge selection of bowling shirts, add your own embellishments, or have them custom made. You can't go wrong!
- Burning Church Enterprises
T-shirts and watches of serial killers, the satanic church, and many other offensive designs.
Extensive catalog of skate and snow clothes and accessories from most of your favorite companies.
- Chainmail & More
Chainmail in every shape and size you can imagine. Lots of pretty, cool and unusual designs.
- Chaser Merchandising
A ton of interesting t-shirts and accessories from some of your favorite bands and brands. Offensive and friendly at the same time.
- Chester Boot Shop
Huge selection of Dr. Martens boots and lots more. Great customer service and user-friendly site.
- Circa Footwear
Skate shoes and clothing. Most apparel sports the Circa logo.
- Concrete Streetwear
Clothing with roots in skating and snowboarding. Very fancy website.
- Coolthingz.com
Over 1200 cool punk products. Really cute graphics. Very nicely categorized. They also support charities so be a good punk and check it out.
- Converse
Converse shoes. Forever in style.
The official COOP store sporting their infamous devil and alien sex designs on various items.
- Cruisin USA
World's largest manufacturer and distributor of fifties merchandise. They even make custom bowling shirts.
- The Crypt
Canada's largest goth store. They also have catalogs of leather goods, chain mail, and cosmetics as well as other goth and punk items.
- Daddy-O's
Fantastic selection of the best in rockabilly style featuring favorite designers such as B.C. Ethic, Stop Staring, Johnny Suede, and many others.
- DC Shoes
Skate shoes and apparel from the well-known brand.
- Delphina
Large selection of cool punk, goth, and club clothes and accessories.
- DIY Records
Records store for punks, skinheads, and rudies with some band t-shirts.
- Dogpile Clothing
Dogpile makes some of the punkest clothing out there but unfortunately their website is still under construction.
- Dr. Martens
The official website of Dr. Martens shoes and boots.
- Duffs
"Prcision engineered" skate shoes and apparel with their logo.
- East Coast Ghost
Old school punk and skinhead t-shirts and braces.
- 8 Ball Web Store
Lots of cool rockabilly clothes and accesories including some unique items.
- 81 Shoes
Alternative designed street shoes.
- Electric Chair
Punk and goth gear including a good selection of cool shoes though prices can get kind of steep.
Etnies shoes, clothing and accessories for comfort and style.
- Famous Stars & Straps
This is the store owned by Travis from Blink-182. They're in the process of putting up a full e-commerce site.
- 5 and Dime Vintage
Lots of cool and interesting vintage items to dig through.
- 555 Modified
Excellent, excellent, genius idea for super punk rock clothes. These are original, durable and cheap! How does he do it? Click here to find out.
- FOS Clothing
Freedom of Speech clothing from the makers of Porn Star. Apparel to offend and make a statement.
- Freedumb
Skate oriented apparel with some disturbing images.
- Fresh Jive Manufacturing
Site under construction.
- Fuel Clothing
Skate and surf oriented apparel. Nice selection and easy to navigate.
- Geertsen Clothing
Skate clothing and accessories.
- Girl Skateboards
Skate clothing and accessories. The site isn't very well designed but there's a good selection of clothes.
- Girl Star
Just for girls skate oriented streetwear. Site is very hard to navigate--at least for me.
- Global Rerock
A ton of punk rock t-shirts. It's kind of expensive but some designs are rare.
- Goodgoth.com
Mostly for goths but a large selection of hair dye, cosmetics, hosiery, t-shirts and more. Animal-friendly products.
- Gorgeous Rock N Roll Gear
Made to order rock n roll, swing and lindy clothes. Wide variety of materials and easy to customize. The page takes a while to load and the graphics aren't very good but they're working on it.
- Gotees.com
Band t-shirts and Porn Star and Serial Killer clothing. Big selection but hard to find what you want unless you're looking for something specific.
- Gouge USA
Store coming soon.
- Homewrecker
This site is way too fancy for me. After watching their movie ads for a few minutes I decided I'd wasted enough time. Maybe your computer will have better luck.
- Hot Rod Condoms
T-shirts and a few other items with Hot Rod Condoms logos and designs.
- Hot Rod Hell
Award-winning hot rod designs on a variety of shirts and accessories. Very nice site.
Hot Skates Company
Catalog of clothing and accessories from popular skate and snow brands.
Hot Spot
Large skate and snow catalog featuring popular brands.
- Hot Stuff Mall
Lingerie by Shirley of Hollywood, sexy footwear, and much more.
- Hot Topic
The trendy punk, goth, club, lounge store from the mall. Besides those discouraging factors they have some pretty cool stuff and a very extensive catalog.
- House Industries
A bunch of t-shirts from some of your favorite artists including rat fink and muscle car designs as well as others.
- House Pop-Culture Artifacts
Lots of retro clothing and accessories featuring a wide variety of tastes and styles. Lots of other cool stuff too.
- I Spy Graphics
T-shirts, stickers and other paraphernelia for all your subversive needs.
- Innes Clothing
Skate oriented clothing sporting their logo.
- Interpunk
Punk rock store with shirts and accessories. Great resource for all your favorite band merchandise.
- ISchwartz
Rare and unique punk and rerock t-shirts. Kind of expensive though.
- Jamin' Leather
The first and largest online leather catalog. Everything you could ever want in leather.
- JJ's Rock and Pop
Large catalog of punk and gothic items. Wide variety. Prices are in British currency. Very easy to navigate.
Journeys Shoes
Website of the shoe store found in malls across the country. Lots of popular skate shoes, Dr. Martens and other footwear. Also apparel and accessories.
- K Starre Designs
Swingin' rockabilly clothes that can be custom made. Very stylish. Very nice web site.
- Katstyle
The net's first rockabilly store. Small selection.
- King Dork
T-shirts and hats with dork slogans. Great prices.
- Kingpin
Cool rockabilly clothes from Vienna, Austria. Lots of awesome designs.
- Kitty Killdare
Site under construction.
- The Last Resort
A great online resource for punks and skins. Tons of Fred Perrys, Ben Shermans, shoes, and more. Very customer friendly.
- Lip Service
Pioneers of clothing for fashion freaks. One of the most well-known punk, goth, club, etc. clothing producers. Pretty expensive but this is the real thing.
- Liquor World
Cute t-shirts sporting Liquor World Skate Co. designs. Reasonable prices too.
- Living Things
Expensive designer bags and custom made leather apparel.
- Lo Buck Industries
This company makes their own inexpensive bowling shirts. They can customize to customer needs too.
- Lord Clothing
The ultimate underground skate shop. I don't know how you're supposed to order this stuff but if you find out more power to ya.
- Loserkids
This web site was started by Mark and Tom from Blink-182 and carries all their merchandise as well as lots of skate clothing and accessories.
- Lovebone
Offensive t-shirts.
- Lucky 11
Really cool bracelets, earrings and hair accessories made out of dice, dice replicas and mah-jong pieces.
Machete MFG
Rancid's new merch company. A great selection of merchandise from some of the best bands in punk rock today, as well as Dogpile clothing.
- Man Made Hell
Site under construction.
- Manic Panic
The official Manic Panic site. Home to their famous hair dye, cosmetics, and accessories.
- Marche Noir
A huge catalog of all kinds of jewelry featuring some very unique pieces. It's be hard not to find something you like.
- Merc
Fred Perry, Ben Sherman, and Merc clothing labels.
- M20
Skate oriented apparel. Site still under construction.
- Mutiny Distribution
A DIY punk distro selling patches, pins, and soon back patches and T-shirts. We have a large selection and are really cheap! All pins and patches only 50 cents. Quality made too.
- North Records
England-based company that sells workshirts and t-shirts featuring a variety of punk bands plus lots of rare memorabilia.
- Outlaw69
Site under construction.
- Pacific Sunwear
Trendy skate clothing and accessories. Big catalog.
- Pair-A-Dice
Custom made, hand-stitched, glam rock clothing. Very expensive but you get what you pay for.
- PimpIt
Club oriented (and very well organized) web site that sells a ton of bowling shirts plus punk and rockabilly shoes, rings, and more.
- Pogo N Puke Distro
Total punk attitude and the style to match. They seem very accommodating about custom made stuff and have a large variety of prints.
- Poon-Tangs Inc.
T-shirts and hats with Poon-Tang designs. Most of them are take-offs on trademarks. Pretty expensive.
- Porn Star Clothing
Home of the skate clothing line with sexual innuendos. Large selection. Almost all items say "porn star" on them somewhere.
- Poseur
Uniquely designed quality bondage pants. Kind of expensive but you pay more when you get more.
- Poster Pop
T-shirts, hats and patches with Coop, Kozik, and Forbes designs.
- PukeStar
A catalog that sells everything from awesome punk t-shirts, plaid pants, unique tops/shirts, vintage finds, patches, jewelry, and more! For cheap!
- Punk Ass Gear
Offensive shirts for punks, goths, and others that like to piss people off.
- Punk Rock T-Shirts
The site's not very well organized but they make their own punk t-shirts.
- Punk Rock Shop
The supplier of UK Punk Merchandise mostly direct from the band themselves.
- Punk Shop
Small selection but lots of punk rock essentials.
- Punk 2000
Site under construction.
- Rattlesnake
Good selection of punk band t-shirts and a few really cool designs of their own. Based in Vienna, Austria.
- Rebelhwy.com
A huge selection of bowling shirts as well as other rockabilly apparel and Sha Sha shoes.
- Red Dice
Nice rockabilly and punk site with some unique items. Low on variety right now but in the process of updating.
- Red Haze
Club, goth, and punk clothes and accessories from England. Many unique items.
- Rejected Ideals
This website offers alterations and custom made clothing/accessories for punks looking for styles at more reasonable prices than found in stores.
- Retail Slut
Large clothing and accessory catalog for goths and punks.
- Rev. J. Belick Novelties
Unique goth, skate, and rockabilly characters printed on t-shirts and patches. Very creative. Definitely worth looking at.
- Ripzone
Skate, snow, and surf clothing.
- Robotshoeslondon
They sell a wide range of creepers in a variety of styles and colours.
- Rock Fetish
T-shirts and stuff of punk and alternative bands and designs. Large catalog.
- Route 66
Rockabilly clothes and accessories from Australia. There are some interesting items here including lots of bowling shirts.
- Sailor Jerry
Sailor Jerry - the company that the legend himself inspired - offers classic, old style tattoo designs on men and women's clothing, glassware, housewares, and accessories.
- Sessions
Skate and snow apparel designed by professionals.
- 7Finger Threads
Custom punk attire. Very inexpensive though a very small selection at the moment. He plans on expanding. No pictures.
- Shock Therapy! Boutique
This is a new site with some fabulously unique punk and rockabilly items. It's pretty expensive and I had a lot of trouble with the pictures but they are in the process of upgrading the site. Definitely worth checking out.
- Skank Clothing Designs
T-shirts and gas station shirts sporting the skunk logo.
- Skatespot.com
Skate shoes, t-shirts, and hats organized by label.
- Sluggo
Large catalog of lots of Fred Perry, Ben Sherman, and Lonsdale items. A skinhead's dream come true.
- Smash! Records
Lots of cool punk and rockabilly items as well as a ton of t-shirts.
- Solid Inc Ltd
Unique bondage punk clothing from England. Unusual patterns and designs.
Sourpuss Clothing
We are an online punk rockin' clothing company featuring punk, tattoo & rock n roll t-shirts for everyone! Check it out!
- Spider's Web
Goth website with some cool punk clothes and accessories. NOTE! I have been informed of a bad experience with this company resulting in lost money. Buyer beware!
- Star Booty
Lots of cool and unusual punk and rockabilly clothes and accessories as well as old favorites. Site is kind of hard to navigate but it's worth it.
- Steel DeSade
Studded leather and steel jewelry and fetish items.
- Stompin Ground
Site still under construction but already has lots of skinhead and punk apparel.
- Stop Staring Clothing
Adorable vintage-style clothing for rockabilly girls that love to look their best.
- Sunspot Designs
Gothic jewelry and other miscellaneous items.
- The T-Shirt Shop UK
T-shirts with targets for all you mods with more punk shirts coming soon. They're charitable too so help 'em out.
- Throb Inc.
This place is so incredibly awesome. I wish they had more stuff up on their web site. Fetish, punk, and rockabilly clothes and accessories by people who know what they are doing. They even have clothes for your babies and pets!
- Thrown In The Gutter
Handmade bondage skirts and pants in a variety of prints. Very reasonable prices and they can even be customized.
- Trashville
Huge selection of Lucky 13, Sailor Jerry, Tiki merchandise and more. This user-friendly site is highly recommended for any rockabilly cat looking to complete their wardrobe.
- TSA Clothing
Skate and snow apparel. Nice selection and easy to navigate.
- Tshirtsthatsuck.com
Brand names turned into offensive sayings and other such slogans guaranteed to piss people off - or make them laugh.
- Tumblin Dice
Cool rockabilly shirts and accessories. You can also design your own cool shirt.
- 200cc
Clothing and accessories for scooter aficionados.
- Unamerican Activities
T-shirts and pins with anti-mediocracy slogans. All are white print on black and pretty explicit. Recommended for the dissatisfied.
- Vans Shoe Co
Skate, snow, and surf shoes and clothing by Vans and Triple Crown.
- Vixens & Angels
The only distributor of Underground Shoes on the Internet. They also carry lots of other goth and punk items.
- Volcom
This company puts out some of the most awesome punk/skate clothing. A little pricey but lots of quality merchandise with cool designs and great attitude.
- Water-Bulb
This site features crazy original tattoo art on t-shirts and underwear, as well as rockabilly designs. Unique designs at reasonable prices.
- Wild & Free
Club, fetish wear. Also carries manic panic, Dr. Martens, and leather goods. Adult oriented content.
- Zombie Hot Rod Wear
Very cool hot rod and pinup girl designs on shirts and jackets but prices are kind of steep. Great web site design with some awesome graphics.
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