"Katie, Katie wake up!" Nikki urged as she shook her friend on the bed. "Happy Birthday! You're legal!!"

"Ughh," Kaite groaned. "I'm not feeling so great."

"What's wrong?"

"I have a pounding headache and a sore throat, let me go back to sleep."

"Ohh, ok. I'm sorry. You should rest. I'll get you some Tylenol."

"Thanks," Katie said as she drifted to sleep.

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About a half hour later Nikki jumped at the knock at the door. She kknew who it was, it was a surprise for the sick Katie. Nikki opened the door to reveal 'N Sync. "Shhh, Katie is sleeping."

"What!?! I thought we ere goin' to the beach!" Justin yelled.

"Shh! I don't think we're going."

"Why not?" JC questioned.

"She's sick with a sore throat and headache, and I think she has a fever," Nikki stated.

"Is she ok?" Justin asked with a concerened look on his face. Nikki could tell he really cared about his best friend.

"Yeah, I think she's ok, she's upstairs sleeping."

"Oh," Justin replied, upset that Katie was sick.

"So whats new my girl?" Joey asked as he came over to her for a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hey girl, we missed ya!" Lance enthusiastically said giving her a hug and kiss, as did the rest of the guys, exxcept for Justin. He immediately made his way up to see Katie.

He walked in the room and saw her sleeping like an angel on the top bunk. He climbed up the side, and softly laid down next to her on the bed, being careful not to wake her up. He sat there, just looking at her and her beauty. Then he slowly bent over and gave her a soft kiss on her cheek. She winced a little, but didn't wake up. He laid back down and put his arm around her waist, just waiting for her to wake up. She turned over and her face was just inches from his, but she was still sleeping. He leaned towards her and kissed her nose, which finally woke her up. With Justin's arm still around her, her face lit up.

"Justin!!" She jumped up on the bed and hugged him tightly as if she would never see him again. "What are you doing here!?!" She was sitting on her knees facing him, and he was in the same position. With her arms around his neck and his around her waist, Katie was staring into his crystal blue eyes.

"Happy birthday!" Justin sweetly said with his golden smile. "You didn't think I would miss my best friend's big day did ya?"

"Aww, I love ya Jubee!" She tightly hugged him and planted a quick kiss on his cheek.

"I know, doesn't everybody?"

"Watch it boy or I'll go talk to your little girlfriend and spill some beans about ya!" With this comment, Justin lowered his head. "What's wrong?"

"Arielle and I broke up, Kit-kat."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's ok, it wouldn't have worked out anyway. Lets get down from here and go talk to the guys." Justin said, changing the subject. Katie climbed down first, with Justin following closely behind. They walked hand in hand down stairs cracking jokes at each other.

"Feeling better, Miss?" JC casually asked.

"Yes! Thanks so much for coming! I love you guys!"

"Hey, since it's your birthday, we planned a little something special for you, Chris happily said.

"What is it? What is it?" Katie anxiously yelled, still holding hands with Justin.

"Geez, Kat, you're just gonna have to wait!" Justin stated and from behind her he put his arms around her stomach and kissed her cheek. It was at the moment when she realized how safe she felt in Justin's arms.

"Ok, ok, ok, so where are we goin'?"

"We?" Chris yelled out.

"You are the only one going anywhere and you are going upstairs!" JC exclaimed as he pulled her away from Justin and pushed her towards the stairs. As he did this, he got a death look from Justin because he took her out of his arms. "We'll come get you when we're ready!" He shouted to her as she walked upstairs. "So, Justin, what was that look for? Are you falling for Miss Katie??"

"No! Why do you think that?"

"I don't know, you seemed to not get away from each other."

"JC, you know we're always like that."

"Oh, ok."

"I'm gonna go upstairs and talk to her while you guys set up," Justin said and he walked in the direction of her room.

"Hmmmm....they're going to 'talk'!" Chris suspiciously said with a smirk on his face.

"I Heard that Chris!"

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Chapter 3