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Intro to Torques Problems

Now that you have read the section on torques and examined some sample problems, try some of the following problems below. To guess an answer, simply click on the text that says guess answer then type the number you believe to be the answer in the block that will pop up. Pay attention to significant figures as if they are not correct, the answer will be wrong. Also make sure you include the units of your answer. To see the solution for a problem, click on show solution and you will be taken to the solution.

Problem 1:

What is the magnitude of Force required to generate a torque of 36.1 N*m if you have a lever arm of 3.24 m?

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Problem 2:

In the Physics lab, a lever is used in a lab to generate a torque of 75.2 N*m. If a force of 21.0 N generated this torque, what is the length of the lever arm?

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Problem 3:

A force of 15 N is applied at an angle of 43 degrees northwest of the horizontal to a rigid body. If the torque generated was 46 N*m, how long was the lever arm?

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Problem 4:

At what angle must a 40 N force be applied to generate a torque of 76 N*m on a rigid body with a length of 2.11 m? (*Note: Be sure to type in degrees a space after your answer as you have done with the other units or the answer will be counted as wrong)

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Problem 5:

What torque is generated by a force of 10 N applied 30 degrees north west from the horizontal pointing towards the pivot point on a lever 4.1 m long?

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You have completed the introduction to torques section problems. Good job, go check out the other sections for more practice with torques and other more involved concepts.
