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  Disclaimer:  You are not paying for the characters. The Characters are   copyrighted and are not for sale.

  You are actually paying for the materials, labor and wear and tear on my   machine. Materials include: fabrics, embroidery thread, batting, embroidery   stabilizer and binding.  

Do I have to have a Pay Pal Account to make a purchase?

         No, you do not have to have a Pay Pal account. Only a Credit Card.

How long before my purchase will ship?

         Items ship within two or three days, sometimes sooner.

What size are the designs?

          The designs vary in size, but most are 100 mmX100 mm (4 inches X 4           inches).


What size are the pillows?

  The pillows are approx. 12 inches by 14 inches. I do not make Full Size        Pillow cases.