Here you find songs and poems written by our members.


You burn me, to pieces...
I am like a butterfly, draw to your light
And falls dead down, can't find the way out,
can't find freedom.
What happened here?
What happened to my independence, my selfrespect, my soul?
You pull me down, falling...
I am a raindrop, drawn to your ground.
And falls dead down, doesn't float,
doesn't find the right wind.
Why, how can you control me and my feelings?
You don't care, don't see that,
I'm burning up, falling dead down
because of you...

I want to lick my wounds, to pick up the pieces of my broken soul.
But you make everything worse.
You lie, cheat and manipulate.
I want you to go away, I don't want you near me.
But you get closer every second.
I don't want you, I don't need you.
But you are my Soul, my Senses, my Being.
You and I are one, only together can we be free
So come, destroy me once again, I can't defend me..

The man is running,
chased by fear.
Fear is catching up,
it's near.
It comes closer and closer
and he can't get away.
Suddenly he falls
and fear is there -
to stay.

I am so tired, I would gladly sleep.
But I mustn't...
I am so tired of it all, I wish I could disappear.
I know I can disappear forever, but am I prepared to go so far?
Not yet, wait a moment first.
I want to se the Dark before I go to sleep.
There; sunset one last time.
It is beautiful, now shall I sleep, deep, long
and never wake again, not to this life.
Farewell to Light, Welcome Darkness...



When the flashes lights the sky
I think over the night of my birth
When the storm roars
The memories return
When the wind fades
I'm begging for the death
who will never frees me

Out of the night Arms grabbing for me
ugly and cold like the wind
tearing me up
up to the stars and the darkness
to the peace behind memories
a peace that whispers
"I'm waiting for you"

I'm falling down
Inside the deepness of my soul
Endlessly I'm falling
And nothing that catches me
I'm smashing hard to the rocks of the past
Smashed I lay in the darkness
'til the end of time



covers your skin.
streams out of your heart.
runs over my hand
while I'm turn the dagger
inside of your wound.
Your dying eyes
met mine
for a last time.
They ask
I kiss your lips
a last goodbye.
Then you see
the answer
"You've trusted me"
and your soul
fades away
into darkness.
I gently smile
one single tear
leaves my eye
and starts
her journey
down my face.


When the candle fades
all your light is gone
You feel him
Reaching for your soul

The Unholy One
He's the madness son
chained to the dark

To late
your soul is cought
You cry
but no one hears you
When you feel the touch of evil
it's to late

Look into his face
see his sunken eyes
like eternal flames

And you hear the bells
of the seven gates
and everything comes out

To late
your soul is chained
You cry
all mortals join you
You released the oldest evil
it's to late

when your world filles with blood
No One
will surviving this flood
You've released the oldest evil
it's to late



And again I see you
Child of the Darkness behind the night
Cold and cruel like the sunshine
Beautiful and deadly
Praised and damned
Bathing in the Light of destruction

Your eyes hit me
Deep inside my heart
Something starts to melt
Deep inside my soul
Breaks the ice
That frozens my Soul

Feelings waken up again
Gone or never begone
Felt but never lived
The pain near the lust
Rises fog inside my brain
'cause the fate is laughing over me

Zajin McBeron


Legend of Nightfall

A demon wakens in the night
Reviling sun and allthings bright
Evil's friend and vrtues foe
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes

Eyes Darker than the midnight shade
Teeth sharper than the headsman blade
When he smiles a cold wind blows--
Darknes comes where Nightfall goes

When shadows fall and sunlight breaks
What Nightfall touches Nightfall takes
Lives and silver, maid in bow
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes

A demon cruel; a monster stark
Grim moonlight, coldness, deepest dark
Nightmares come to those who doze
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes

Lock up your chilren after dark,
Lest Nightfall find an easy mark
For safety ends at twilights close
Darkness comes whre Nightfall goes

Razor claws and fiery eyes
Leathern wings to cleave the skies
His soul within the stark midnight froze
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes

Those who brave the night will find
Horror, dread, and demon kind
He slays them all and rends their souls
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes

Birthed within the black abyss,
His silent gift a deadly kiss
Gone before the rooster crows
Darkness comes where nightfall goes

Where Nightfall walks, all virtue dies
He weaves a trail of pain and lies
On mankind heaps his vilest woes
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes

Counting years like grains of sand
Countless fall beneath his hand
Time his minion, night his clothes
Darkness Comes where Nightfall goes

Wolves and bats and beast of night
Spirits black that flee the Light
Cringed in fear when he arose
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes

He feed on elders and children
On soldiers, kings and beggerman
He never stop and never slows
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes

Three kings and their armies rode
To hunt the demon in the cold
But where they've gone no mortal knows
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes

A dragon laughed at Nightfall's fame
Rained curses on the demon's name
The dragons bones now lie in rows
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes

A wizard hoped to slay the beast
He conjured up a poisoned feast
The demon fed him to the crows
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes

A gambler bet the tales were lies
And scorned the wisdom of the wise
The odds were not the ones he chose
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes

Six princes fought him in the night
Their fortress of unequalled might
'Twas gone before the sun arose
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes

The Evil One, the demon blight
Who hides in day adn stalks the night
He steals the stars and drags them low
Darkness comes where Nightfall goes.
