Here you can read about the different spells from the school of Dark.



Toxic Cloud

When somebody gets in your way, create a cloud of toxic gaze and maybe he'll forget about you!
25 + 1-10 dmg per point of skill. Cost: 15 SP


When your lovely monster accidentally dies, you can always resurrect it as a mindless warrior for the cause of Darkness! Reanimated monster fight for you with your enemies. HP recovered is 20 on N, 30 on E, 40 on M, 50 on GM skill, per point of skill. Cost: 10 SP

Shrinking Ray

When you walk through the lands, you will encounter many big monsters, but don't be afraid, make them small and crush them by foot!
Decrease monster's size to 1/2 on N, 1/3 on E, 1/4 on M, and all nearby monsters to 1/4 on GM level. Cost: 25 SP

Vampiric Weapon

Don't drop your old sword, bring it to a Dark Magician and he makes it more useful!
Weapon gains drain life ability for 1 hour per point of skill, permanent ability on GM level. Cost 20 SP


Well, guys, come to me…closer…closer…even closer. Bah!!! 5-9 corpses with smoking metal pieces in their bodies! Hm… It's too powerful!
1-6 dmg per point of skill, on E 5 fragments, on M 7 fragments, and 9 fragments on GM level. Cost 30 SP

Control Undead

A really necromantic spell, find somebody who likes to walk after his death and enslave him, they quickly understand who is their true master!
Duration: 3 min per point of skill on E, 5 min on M, until party leaves the map on GM level. Cost 35 SP

Pain Reflection

Why should only you suffer from monster attacks? Let him take damage too, cast pain reflection!
1 hour + 5 min per point of skill on E, affect entire party on M, 1 hour + 15 mins per point of skill on GM level. Cost 40 SP


The most famous Dark spell, if you like to use this, you really are a Dark Follower! Best when used against civilians to destroy whole towns and realms!
Outdoors only, damages all creatures on the map including your party, 50 + 1 dmg per point of skill, only 3 times a day on M, 4 times aday on GM level. Cost 55 SP

Dragon Breath

When your enemies stay together in groups to discuss how to harm you, cast this spell and all your troubles are solved! An explosive blast damages creatures staying in groups, but be careful, you may hurt yourself badly!
1-25 dmg per point skill. Cost 50 SP

Dark Grasp

Surrounds its target with the power of raw darkness, rendering it unable to fire missile attacks or casts spells. Target's movement is slowed, it's armor class is halved and it does half damage in melee combat! Well… even if you're unarmed, it is easily defeated!
Duration: 5 min per point of skill on Ml, 10 min per point of skill on GM level. Cost 45 SP


In the end you become Grand Master of Dark Magic, all dark forces are under your control! Take from your enemies souls, all must serve you and Your Dark Mastery! Sucks life from all creatures in sight and transfers it to your party.
Damage (and healing) is 25 + 1-8 per point of skill. Cost 60 SP


MMVII Spells


Slay one of your hirelings and heal your entire party! This spell is really dark!
Cost: 45 SP


MMVI Spells

Mass Curse

Weaken your opponents by casting dreadful curses upon them! Inflicts the cursed condition on all monsters in sight.
Duration: 2 min per point of skill on N, 3 min per point of skill on E level and 4 min per point of skill on M level. Cost: 40 SP

Day of Protection

The Dark also knows how to protect you! Casts Protection from Fire, Cold, Magic, Electricity and Poison, Feather Fall and Wizard's Eye on all characters at dark magic skill!
2x skill on N, 3x skill on E and 4x skill on M level. Cost: 70 SP

Finger of Death

Instantly slays your opponent by stripping their soul from their body!
3% chance of success per point of skill on N, 4 % per point of skill on E and 5% per point of skill on M. Cost: 80 SP

Moon Ray

Works only at night, damages all monsters in sight and heals all your characters!
Damage and healing is 1-4 per point of skill. Cost: 90 SP

Dark Containment

This spell tries to trap the forces of darkness into its victims! The victim suffers random effects. This is a spell for true followers of darkness!
Cost: 200 SP