Here you find stories and texts written by our members.

The Truth about GoL & GoD

A pitiful band of board members suffering from identity crises and inferiority complexes organized a support group called the Guild of Light. Although they pretend to represent the forces of good, they Blind people and search for a Final Solution against imagined enemies. They have serious psychological and emotional problems. Since they have no one to talk to but themselves, they have become stuffy, self-righteous prudes.
 While obviously engaged in substance abuse, they had a "vision" impelling them to "holy" war. Now they pretend to be selfless servants of the "good," but their hearts are filled with impurity. This is the testimony of disillusioned former member Dyson Leyland: "Hiding behind the righteousness of sanctity, order members commit the worst crimes of greed and self-indulgence!" (Note: They are employed by a SunGlasses manufacturer.)
 As one Lady of the Night said about another: "I can't stand her "holier than thou attitude."....Thus, more stable and honest board members established the rival Guild of Dark, dedicated to decadence, deviltry, dalliance, debauchery, dissipation, dancing, drinks, dudes and dames. GoDs do it in the Dark and Have more Fun! Douse the Light and Dare the Dark!

Daffy Doc


The Vampires

Being forced to retreat in The Pit the vampire hordes waited for the time for revenge. This moment arrived when with the help of some Queens of the Dead they succeeded in building an outpost in the Wine Cellar in Tatalia. More forces have been moved there for the final assault.
  When the moment came, in the silence of the night they attacked. The guards were asleep just to make the job easy. The town's people were caught in their sleep. No one was able to fight back. Some of them were killed in that night, but most of them were kept as slaves.
  The next night they were put to work. A Cover of Darkness tower was needed in Tatalia in order to protect this new conquered region. Soon Erathia's forces will attack protected by the sun.
  The building's construction took 4 nights, but it was worthy. The sun will never shine in Tatalia!
  Catherine gathered a quite large army. They arrived in Tatalia in the 6th night. They settled their camp waiting for the sunrise. A group of vampires were sent to slow them and to keep them busy.

 Meanwhile, traps were put for unexpecting mortals. When the troops were ready the attack was launched.
  The mortals resisted very good waiting for the sun to rise and burn our forces, but soon their hopes vanquished. Rivers of blood apeared on the battle scene as the invaders disapeared into nothingness.

  After this great victory nobody dared to challenge the dark forces gathered in Tatalia. Their soldiers became zombies ready to defend their masters.
  The time for retribution came. Soon Erathia will be ours.


The fairest lady among them all

The fairest lady among them all, who once had dwelt in this, now lorn, place, is lying still in her last bed - the bed of roses in old mahogany tomb. Her fine eyes are closed for ever, her tender lips will never smile again, and the fine blush will no more touch her fair cheeks.

Even in her death she’s filled with life so much that it seems she’s petrified with deep sleep for incredulous eye. She was so young the time she had died and she was untouched by any man. Her last dress is lovely snow-white wedding gown for she had never been a bride to any men. The path she used to walk is now abandoned and overgrown with weed. People say she died over a distress for she’d fallen in love with a man who appeared to be ardent philanderer and perfidious heart breaker. His conscience had not pricked him at her funeral - he simply stood there, close at hand, watching her being put into old crypt. No tear had fallen out of the tail of his eye. He sincerely wasn’t aware of what was waiting for him for her suicide brought her to midway between life and death. She was sentenced to rise from her tomb as undead and drain his blood at the nighttime avenging her undone life.

Lady Kindred

Lady Kindred's Tale
Introduction of Victoria Bloodfest the Vampire.
Discovery of the Ancient Blade Foulfang.

Hey, innkeeper! Fill this cup with thine finest Tobersk Brandy! And grudge not for I'm about to tell you the history of those legendary heroic events that occurred long ago in this prosperous land. Most of you present here had only heard of some legends and rumors regarding those brave days for you weren't yet born then. Only very old people of yours or those of my kind can remember those days. Therefore, I considered to share with you true story of those days for I'm not simple witness but the one who had played important role in saving our homeland from Cataclysm caused by Destroyer. Let this heroic past never be forgotten!
  First let me say few words about myself just to make sure you all know me. I was born ages ago in Twilight, capital of Shadowspire, which is in Jadame. Alike half of my kind I was born as Vampire. My parents gave me the name of Victoria, but I believe only few of you can really remember my name. Since those days I got to be known under name of Lady Kindred, the first Vampire who became official member of Shadowspirean Necromancer's Guild. Powerful Knowledge revealed to me ever since I started my training, and by the time of initiation I became quite powerful spell caster and well skilled follower of the Dark Path.

  After initiation I felt some mysterious attraction to the North where as I heard the mystical unseen before lands lie Therefore, after this inner call of travelling became unbearable I packed my possessions, threw Vial of Grave Dirt into my backpack, and headed towards our port where I took the boat heading to the North. We moored up to Southern port town with strange name of New Sorpigal. I stepped on the shore of the beautiful land I've never seen before. Everything seemed strange to me: trees, colors, people, houses, everything! And I definitely was the palest one! As I guessed by taking quick look at the dwellers of New Sorpigal, that they were Humans, thus, I should be more careful and therefore should resist from smiling too widely in order not to scare them off. And to my luck this land was haunted by Goblins, therefore I have got not only free food, but by this I wouldn't have to kill these poor Humans.
  After successful service to the local Crown I became quite respectful, rich, and famous. The local King's heir, prince Nicolai, gave me a Lord's title and granted me some lands. But due to my adventuring nature I could not stay there for too long, therefore, two years later, in 1167, I once again packed my possessions and sailed to another huge continent of our planet Xeen, Erathia.
 It happened that I was hired by Queen Catherine to recover Oscillation Overthruster in order to save Erathia. Also, I was the one to stop the ancient war between Elves and Humans. I succeeded once again and as reward I was granted new land with a castle . As it always was I had to clear my lands off nasty Goblins that had infested my land. I also was granted title of Savior of Enroth and Erathia, and became the most welcomed guest there.
  But I was not alone on my duty. I had other three brave men who were willing to travel with me and provide their help. Then I finally returned to my homeland Jadame. I thought that my travels and brave deeds are over, and I finally could have some rest. But on my way home I heard as two other passengers were talking about Jadame, that something evil had happened and that whole world was in danger. I decided not to wait till we get to Shadowspire and to go ashore at the first land.

The closest Jadamean lands to Erathia were Dagger Wound Islands. When I went ashore on this land I realized that those rumors had some true background: vile Regnan Pirates infested these Islands. When I asked first-met villager to tell me what was going on here, he didn't want to talk at first but then he advised me to seek for their Chieftain Breckish Onefang, and quickly vanished into crowd.
  Few hours later I finally found chieftain house. He briefly described the situation to me and hired me to clear off his lands from Regnans. Thus, once again I became authorized official warrior. I agreed at once for I had nothing to do, and some strange Volcano ruined all the bridges. It's been rumored that the Destroyer was real cause of these misfortunes. The worst thing was that it was me who was to fix stone portal on every island. Likely, I found a cleric, called Talimere, who knew how to fix the portal. Also, I discovered that on this island were two types of taverns: a regular tavern as in Shadowpire, and so-called traveler's inn, where I met two other wanderers: a Vampire as me, and Necromancer, both from my beloved Twilight. We talked whole night about our dearest city if Twilight. They told me that they went here in order to find some help in protection our sweet home from Destroyer's minions. When they heard that I was authorized to hire any voluntaries for my assistance in banishing of Destroyer, they were willing to join me at once.
  Thus, I found three brave men who were willing to be my party. It remained only to find one more. On the very next morning we took special stone and headed to the nearest portal. Actually, I was skeptical about this but Mr. Talimere managed to fix it, and we appeared on Neighbour Island, and headed toward our port where I took boat heading to the main port-city Ravenshore.
 We moored up and I had to find inn to stay in waiting for next ship to the North. Walking down the streets of Ravenshore I stumbled on strange stone. Well, the weirdest thing with that stone was that it was locked! And there were no ways to open it. I asked passer-by about this oddity and he told me that it was legendary Vault of Time, and that the local library has some books regarding this vault. When night fell upon us I left my inn-room and went to the library. I quickly found necessary book and turned into bat in order to leave the library. I flew through the open window carrying the book in my claws. In my room I read it and found out what to do to open this stone.
 At the morning following closely instructions I took horse ride to Alvar, capital of Dark Elfish lands. And from there I walked to Murmurwoods. Because Clerics were living there I bought in Alvarian magic-shop scroll of invisibility. After I stepped on this land of eternal summer I casted Invisibility on myself and safely headed to the abandoned contaminated well with its help I could meet Unicorn king and take key to the Vault from him. I found the well, I met the Unicorn king, but he wasn’t willing to give key to me. Therefore I was forced to kill him. When he died, I came up to him and took the key that was hung on his neck.
 The Sun shined cruelly and had I no Nightshade amulet with me I would have been burned at once. Unfortunately, sound of battle drew attention of wisps and I hardly found time to turn to bat and fly away to Alvar. When I returned to Ravenshore I opened vault with king’s key and to my disappointment it appeared to be simply large chest filled with gold, ore, and few blades. One of them drew my attention, I took it and swing it in my hands – it seemed to be designed only for me. It reminded me of blade from our tales I heard in childhood. I lifted it to my very eyes and saw engraved script saying: “This is Foulfang – blade created by Corbu.” I heard before that it was lost and everyone considered it to be just the legend nothing more. I hid it under my cloak from others’ eyes, and headed to the dock for it was time for my ship to leave.

Enroth. New Sorpigal. The First task.

We moored to Southern port town with the strange name of New Sorpigal. I stepped on the shore of the beautiful land I’ve never seen before. Everything seemed strange to me: trees, colors, people, houses, everything… And I definitely was the palest one! As I guessed by taking quick look at the dwellers of New Sorpigal, that they were Humans, thus, I should be more careful and therefore should desist from smiling too widely in order not to scare them off. And to my luck this land was haunted by Goblins, therefore I have got not only free food, but by this I wouldn’t have to kill these poor Humans. At the local inn I met one weird dressed man who hearing that I needed money gave me the letter and told me to deliver it to King Ironfist and that I would be generously rewarded. Then, this man disappeared in the crowd.
  I left the inn and went down the streets of town in order to find any information regarding king Ironfist. I had no idea where to find king as suddenly I saw white piece of paper glued to stables’ door and trembling on the wind. I came near and managed to read the message: “Every Monday since now tour to Ironfist is open”. That was major luck to me. I came inside and asked stables master to take me to Ironfist for it was Monday. He gave me the best horse (for extra fee, of course!) and in two days I was in completely strange new land with weird name Ironfist. I had small trouble on my way to the city - maddened old men – local bandits, attacked me. I took me few minutes to kill everyone and I peacefully and well dined continued my horse-ride.

  Once in the place, I left horse in the stables and went up to “higher” city. . Local crown built palace in “Higher” City. I knocked on palace’s door. Guardian opened, I told my name to him and he went into throne room. In a while he opened doors widely and shouted: “ Lady Victoria Bloodfest!” I entered throne room and graciously bowed down. The room was huge and luxurious. But young boy sat on the throne and not the man of certain age as I expected. The man beside him broke the silence: “Prince Nicolas Ironfist will hear your busyness, milady. Speak up!” I bowed once again with more grace. Then I rose and handed the letter I was carrying from New Sorpigal to him. He read it silently then talked in low voice to the boy… forgive me, to the prince. Then he gave me little beg with money and said: “Our Kingdom is in war now. Something unknown is threatening us. Thus, I hire you to our service.”

Lady Kindred


The Tower Of Shadows

Darkmoor. Everybody is sleeping but a sudden scream wakes everybody up. The screaming is coming from the Tower Of Shadows which is one of the towers of Castle Darkmoor. It is rumoured that an old and insane Lich is living in the tower. He has been insane since Archibald was captured and now he is testing his spells on humans. He is researching a spell that will release his master, Archibald. Nobody has ever seen him anywhere but they say that he comes out in the night to seek a new test-person for his crazy researches. This must be true because after a night when there has been screaming in that dark tower a corpse is hanging outside and many Harpys a flying around it and eating it. For three years nobody in the whole Enroth has had the courage to go out at night but still somebody is always missing.
  Suddenly the screaming stops and some brave people peek out of their windows. A pair of red eyes can be seen clearly from the Tower Of Shadows. It's him the Lich who has just killed a new unlucky person. No one knows the name of this lich, it has been forgotten in time. The Lich is laughing as he hangs the corpse out of the window. " I have done it!!! I have accomplished!!! Finally my master! I am coming to free you!!!"
  Those who are watching paralyze from fear when they see that the Lich flies down from the tower and calls for the other Liches! "I, Daromal the Lich have found a spell to release our master, Archibald! Follow me!!!" "Gerulad! You will stay with the other apprentices and prepare our Masters room. You are in charge until I come back!" Daromal says before he casts a spell which makes huge teleport open in front of them. Every single Lich, except the apprentices, walk in to the portal and in a second they are all gone.
  The Castle of Ironfist is quiet, only some guardians are patrolling. Suddenly a teleport opens in to the main hall of the castle. Hundreds of Liches step in to the room. Daromal screams and wakes up everybody in the castle. All guards grab their weapons and prepare them self for battle. Wilbur Humphrey comes and says to Daromal "You stupid undead! What are you doing here? You cannot fight against us! You are so stupid and weak!" Daromal answers with one flaming burst of his eyes. He raises his hands and puts every single soldier to their knees with only on single blow of his Chain-lightning.

 "Now you are going to take me to my Master!" Daromal says to Humphrey who is shaking in front of him. "Your Master?" Humphrey answers. "Archibald, you stupid living human!" Daromal screams. "Oh he he is in the library " Wilbur replies with a shaking voice. Daromal grabs Humphrey by his hand and drags him up to the library. When they get to the library Daromal throws Humphrey infront of the statue of Archibald. "Get up and stand next to the statue!" Daromal says and Wilbur obeys. As Humprey is standing there Daromal starts to prepare his spell which is supposed to remove the Stone Curse to Humphrey from Archibald. Daromal starts to mumble something and Humphrey knows that he has to do something to stop the freeing of Archibald but what can you do when hundreds of Liches are standing in front of you? Suddenly he notises an old sword between the shells. He grabs it and crushes Archibald's statue into million little pieces! Daromal has just finished his mumbling and casts the spell but too late. Archibald's statue is in pieces and the spell turns its way in to the Liches. Humphrey runs out of the library just in time.

  When he returns he sees only statues of Liches. He takes the same sword which he had earlier and crushes all the statues. Humphrey's men are again on their feet and they collect all the pieces and bury them into the ocean east of New Sorpigal. "No more of these stupid undead! I have got enough of them!" Wilbur says while he and his men are coming back from the burying trip. But Wilbur Humphrey was were foolish as he left one statue... Daromal's statue.
  Now it is my work to come and free you, my MASTER!!! Like you said, teacher. I am in charge until you are back!!!

Gerulad the Apprentice of Daromal the Lich