Questions to ITCHY FEAT
Questions to ITCHY FEAT
Janice of Kingston in the ACT sent this Email:
You guys are just great! Saw you recently at The Irish Club. I had a great night. My grandfather remembers ITCHY FEAT from his university days.
To resolve a family argument, can you tell me how ITCHY FEAT got started.
Keep up the good work guys.
How Did ITCHY FEAT Get Started?.
Andrew of Higgins in the ACT asks:
Didn't you guys used to be called Itchy Feet??
Did We Used To Be Called Itchy Feet?
Sue and Jennifer of Newcastle NSW write:
We were at a friends party the other night. The place just went off when they put on your "Retreads" CD.
Our friend (Janelle) said she bought it from you at a gig in Canberra.
We probably won't be able to get down to Canberra for months.
And we MUST get that CD!
So please tell us
Where Can We Get A Copy Of Your CD?
Harry from Mawson asks:
I hate music and musicians. I only listen to talk-back radio. But my wife insists that I book a band for our daughter's wedding. She wants to know what sort of stuff you play. I want to know how much you cost.
What sort of stuff do we play?
How much do we cost?
Alf at Jindalee writes:
I'm sure I saw that bloke with the beard and the bald guy when I was a young man. It was at Kimbo's in Philip.
Surely you can't be the same two guys??
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Gee Andrew, you certainly have a good memory! Yes we were known as ITCHY FEET way back in March 1999. We decided to change the name because it just didn't sound right on radio.
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