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Name                   /                     Quatre Raberba Winner
Age                     /                     15
Ethnic Orgin       /                     Ariabian
Height                 /                     5.1 feet
Weight                 /                     110 pounds
Birth Place        /                     L4 Colony Cluster
Eye Color           /                     Blue
Hair Color          /                     Platinium Gold
Mech                   /                     Sandrock Custom

Quatre Raberba Winner is the elected leader of the Gundam pilots. Being of a well-known and rich family, Quatre believes in peace as much as possible. However, Quatre believes that fighting must occur sometimes. Qautre is very vocal, and has the ability to persuade people easily. He has the best all around qualitys of the pilots, but that can sometimes be his down fall.

Quatre also has a legion of 40 loyal followers, the Maganac Corp, that lead their help to Quatre whenever called upon. With his contacts, his intelligance and leadership skills, Quatre is a dangerous addition to the team.