March 23, 1979

"Christopher Alan, now don’t give me any trouble. I promised Mrs. Da’ Cord that I’d come visit her and the baby today."

"Aww, mom," the seven year old whined, "why do I have to come along?"

"Because you’re the one who faked being sick to get out of school so you’re just going to have to come to the hospital with me. We’re here," his mom said as she pulled into a parking spot. "Now don’t get into trouble and don’t leave my side."

"Yes, mom." Chris followed his mom into the hospital and trudged behind her to the maternity ward. He bumped into her legs when she paused before a door.


The woman in one of the beds looked up. "Hi, Beverly, who’s that you’ve got with you?"

"Oh," Beverly reached behind her, "Chris came with me. He’s supposed to be in school but he played sick."

"And you gave in to him," Lydia laughed. "Just make sure I don’t do that to my little girl when she’s older."

"So you had a baby girl?"

Lydia nodded. "Yes I did. She’s the most beautiful little girl ever."

"Girls have cooties!"

Beverly and Lydia laughed at the scrunched up face of the little boy.

"This is coming from a boy who has two little sisters."

"Don’t worry, Lydia, he says they have cooties too. Where’s the baby? In the nursery?"

Lydia nodded. "Yeah, but the nurse is about to bring her in here. Can’t go too long without seeing my baby."

"I know the feeling," Beverly sighed as she looked at her oldest child.

"And here she is," Lydia said, interrupting Beverly’s reverie. Beverly watched as her neighbor took the baby in her arms and started cooing at it.

Chris tried to stay away from the baby but could not. "Can I see the baby, Mrs. Da’ Cord? Can I, mommy?"

"Sure you can, Chris. Come here and meet my baby girl." Lydia waved him over and tilted the baby so Chris could see her.

"Can I hold her please?"

"I don’t know if that’s a good idea, honey. She was just-"

Lydia waved a hand in the air. "It’s okay, Bev. Just make sure he’s sitting down in a chair and help him support her."

"Come on, Chris, sit in the chair and you can hold the baby."

Chris sat in the chair and followed his mom’s instructions on how to hold the baby. He smiled as she was placed in his arms. He looked up from her face and asked; "What’s her name?"

"Well, her first name is Veronica."

"And what’s her middle name, Mrs. Da’ Cord? Mine’s Alan," Chris told her proudly.

"That’s a nice middle name, Chris. She doesn’t have a middle name yet. Any ideas?" Lydia asked.

Chris thought about it for a moment before smiling. "I think it should be Michelle. She looks like a Michelle." Chris nodded in agreement to his choice.

Lydia smiled. "I like that one a lot, Chris. Veronica Michelle Da’ Cord. Thanks for your help, Chris."

"You’re really going to use the name I chose?" He asked incredulously.

"Here, let me take her from your arms, son," Chris’ mom said worriedly.

"No, mommy, don’t. I like holding her." Chris held Veronica closer to him.

His mom sighed. "We have to be going soon, sweetie."

"Then let me hold her until we have to leave," he stated firmly.

Over the next ten minutes the two women talked and watched the boy stare and talk to the baby before a nurse walked in.

"It’s feeding time, Mrs. Da’ Cord."

The woman nodded and turned to the commotion that Chris was making.

"No! You’re not taking my baby away!"

"Chris, it’s time to go. Let the nurse have Veronica," Beverly commanded.

"But, mom-"

"Don’t ‘but, mom’ me. It’s time for Mrs. Da’ Cord to feed Veronica and time for us to go. Say good bye to Mrs. Da’ Cord and let’s get going."

Chris leaned down and placed a kiss on the baby’s forehead. "I’ll see you soon, Veronica." His smile disappeared when the nurse took her out of his arms. Chris walked over to the bed. "Bye, Mrs. Da’ Cord. I really like your baby."

Lydia laid her hand on his. "I’m glad you do. Please call me Lydia. I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot more of each other."

Chris smiled. "All right, Lydia. Take care of my baby."

"I will." She smiled at the child’s retreating back. "Bye, Bev. Thanks for coming to see me. I think Veronica just made her first friend."

"That she did. I’ll be by tomorrow to help you when you come home. Now I have to go before that son of mine has a chance to cause any trouble. Bye." The two women kissed each other on the cheek and Beverly walked out of the room and grabbed her son’s hand. "Have fun, Chris?"

Chris nodded. "You know what, mom?" he asked excitedly.

She shook her head. "No. What?"

"I’m going to marry Veronica when I’m older."

"Why do you say that, son?"

"Because she’s the only girl I know that doesn’t have cooties."

Beverly shook her head and laughed inwardly. Boy did her son have a lot to learn.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

October 31, 1979

"Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat."

"Chris, that’s not a nice thing to say," Chris’ mom told him.

"That’s okay, Bev, I think it’s cute. Here you go Chris." She placed candy in his bag, then turned to his sisters. "And here’s for you Molly and Kate. So how’s your Halloween, Chris? Chris?" She looked around for him.

"I know where he is. He’s in Roni’s room," Molly told Lydia in contempt.

"Now, now, Molly, there’s nothing wrong with him going in to see Veronica." Beverly patted her daughter’s arm

Everyone ran into the nursery when they heard Veronica scream. When they ran in the room they saw Chris standing next to the crib, trying to calm the crying baby.

"I’m sorry, Roni. That was just a mask I was wearing. See it’s me. Nothing to be afraid of. Just me," he explained hurriedly.

"Now that’s enough to be afraid of."

Chris turned to his sister. "Shut up, Molly. You’re the only one in this family that’s frightful to look at. Now let me calm Roni." He turned back to the crib. "I’m sorry, Roni, please forgive me and calm down. I didn’t mean to scare you." He reached in and stroked her face. She began to calm down at his touch.

Beverly and Lydia shooed everyone out of the room except Chris.

"I think Chris has got it under control." Lydia looked back towards the room. "I have no clue what it is but he sticks to her like glue, and she loves to have him around."

Beverly shrugged. "I don’t know. I’d like to say that she’s like a sister to him but he only acts that way towards her. Who knows what it is. It is nice to see him care for her though. It’s cute and he’s taking some responsibility. Even if it’s not cleaning his room."

Lydia laughed. "Well he’s been a big help around here. With Roger gone and all." Lydia closed her eyes in memory.

"Here, Molly, take the key and take your sister home. I’ll be home soon. Now go." The tone in her voice left no room for complaints.

Molly nodded her head and took the key from her mother. "Yes, mom."

Beverly watched her daughters until they entered the house before turning back to Lydia. "Has he called yet?"

Lydia shook her head and sat down. "No. He knows she was born, and sends me money, but other than that he hasn’t contacted me. Even the money comes through a friend. I have no clue where he is." She put her head in her hands and began to cry.

"Don’t cry, Lydia. That just shows how much power he has over you." Beverly put an arm around her friend. "You’ve been a great mother so far these past seven and a half months. So he wants to miss out on a wonderful experience, let him. That girl is getting the best that you can give her and I’m sure she’s appreciating it."

"But what about the experts that-"

Beverly sat down and looked her friend in the eye. "Screw the experts, I say. Would you take back the look of adoration that you get when she looks up at you?"

"Never. I love my little girl more than life itself."

"I know, Lyd. Now don’t go being down on yourself because Roger wasn’t man enough to own up to his responsibilities. You’ve got a beautiful little girl in there that needs you. Okay?"

Lydia sniffled and nodded. "Yeah. But I tell you the only good thing that ever came from that so-called man was Veronica."

Beverly laughed and hugged her friend.

Inside the nursery Chris heard the women talking. He turned to Veronica.

"I’m never going to leave you, Roni. I’ll always be here for you. You’re father doesn’t know what he’s missing." He climbed in next to her and put a protective arm around her. He heard the door open but pretended to be asleep.

"Well it looks as if he’s fallen asleep next to her again. He was so lively when we came in. I would wake him up but we’ve tried that before."

Lydia nodded. "Yup and then that just wakes her up and we were better off leaving him there. So you want me to send him over in the morning before school?"

Beverly nodded. "Yeah, might as well. I must admit that they look so cute together."

"That they do. I’ll call you when he’s up."

The women walked to the door.

"Thanks, Lydia. Talk to you tomorrow."

"Bye, Bev." Lydia closed the door. She walked to the nursery door and peaked in. "I know you’re awake, Chris, but I’m going to let you stay. I won’t forever though." She closed the door and went to hand out more candy.

Chris heard Lydia’s words and stayed still until the door closed. He tightened his arm around Veronica and watched her until he fell asleep.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

March 20

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Ro-ni. Happy birthday to you."

Everyone clapped as the eight year old bowed to his audience. The little boy walked over to the guest of honor and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Happy first birthday, Roni."


Chris faced his mother. "I think she just said my name. She just said Chris." He began jumping up and down. "She said my na-ame. She said my na-ame. Say it again, Roni. Say Chris." Everyone leaned in to hear her.

"Cwis." Before she finished the word a pair of arms were around her. She smiled at his happiness and repeated what she said. "Cwis."

Chris smiled and picked Veronica up. "I can’t believe you said my name. You called me Chris."

"Well it is your name, idiot."

Chris hugged Veronica to his chest and covered her ears. "Don’t call me that. Especially not in front of Roni. She doesn’t need to hear that kind of language, Molly."

Molly ignored her brother’s comments and began skipping in a circle around him. "Chris and Roni sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love-"

"Time for presents," Lydia called out.

Chris sat on the floor and put Roni on his lap. "Time to open your presents, Roni. Presents are fun. You got some at Christmas. Remember? Now let’s see what you got." He proceeded to help her open the presents until they were all open. Then he began to play with her and her new toys. "And this is how this works, Roni. Vroom. Vroom." He ran the truck along the carpet.

"Time to go home, Chris," his mother called out an hour later.

"But, mom, I’m playing with Roni here," he whined.

"Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick, you spend enough time here already. It’s time you spend some time in our house. Now say good bye to Roni and Lydia and come on."

Chris sighed in defeat. "Bye, Lydia. Thanks for inviting me."

"No problem, Chris. You’re like part of the family."

He bent down and looked into Veronica’s eyes. "I’ll see you later, Roni. I love you." He placed a kiss on her forehead and ran home.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

July 4

"Another hot dog, please."

"Here you go, Chris. Another hot dog."

Chris smiled. "Thanks, Mr. Timja."

Mr. Timja watched Chris walk away and shook his head. "How much can he eat, Bev? That’s like the fourth or fifth hot dog I’ve given him in half an hour."

"Oh, he’s been feeding Roni too. He cuts one up and feeds it to her. Not to mention he’s a growing boy. The doctor told me he should reach about six feet. That’s a nice height."

He nodded. "Yes it is. I like it myself. What are you looking at, Kel?" he asked his wife.

"I’m just watching Chris with Roni. I hope Ryan’s as good with his little brother or sister when they come along…in a few months."

He reached over and patted her hand. "I’m sure he will." He paused and then processed what she said. "Did you just say that we’re having another baby?"

She nodded. "Yup. I just found out went I went to the doctor’s office the other day. We will be the parents of a newborn in about seven months."

Mr. Timja sat next to his wife and enveloped her in a hug. "I can’t believe it. I’m going to go tell Ryan. I love you, honey." He kissed his wife’s cheek and left the table.

Kelly Timja sighed as she watched her husband. "How did I get so lucky to have a man like that?"

"I don’t know, Kelly. I wish I had such a good male figure for Veronica. If only Roger hadn’t left."

"Don’t even think about him, Lydia. You’re doing fine by yourself. I only hope I would have the strength you do if I had to do this alone. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have him. Or I don’t know what I’d do if I lost him." She shot a meaningful look at Beverly.

Beverly’s eyes clouded over and she bent her head. Her shoulders were visibly shaking.

Chris saw his mom crying and his head filled with worry. "Hey, Ryan? Can you watch Roni for a few minutes? I need to check on my mom."

"She’s not my sister, nor do I want to take care of her. She’s your girlfriend."

"She’s not my girlfriend," Chris insisted. "Now please just watch her for a minute. I need to talk to my mother!"

"Go on, Chris. Ryan and I will watch Roni for you."

"Thanks, Mr. Timja. Even if your son doesn’t care for other’s well-being." Chris trotted to his mother before his friend had a chance to come back. "Mom, you all right?"

Beverly wiped her eyes. "I’ll be okay, honey. Thanks for asking. You’re always there. Come here." She opened her arms and wrapped them around him tightly. "I love you, Christopher."

"I love you too, mom," he said into her shoulder. He pulled back. "Are you going to be all right?"

She nodded and wiped her eyes again. "I will be. That hug just help cure me. Thank you for caring, honey."

"I’m always here if you need me, mom. Are you sure you’ll be okay?"

"Yeah, I will be. Now go back to Ryan and Roni. Go play."

He reached up and kissed her cheek. He would have hugged her again but the sound of a cry came to him. He turned his head and saw Roni on her knees bawling. He looked back at his mom.

"It’s okay, Chris. Go and see what’s wrong. I’ll be okay." She squeezed his hand and watched her son take away the worries of the crying child.

Chris ran up to Roni and knelt before her. "It’s okay, Roni. What’s wrong?" He turned to Ryan. "What happened? What did you do to her?" he interrogated his friend.

Ryan held his hands up defensively. "I didn’t do anything. She was walking towards you and she fell. I didn’t touch her."

"How could you let her try that alone? She’s only one year and five months old. She can’t walk that far alone, without someone near to catch her. Don’t you know anything, Ryan?"

The other boy stood in front of Chris. "I’m sorry I don’t know everything about Roni. She’s not my family. She’s not your either, let me remind you. What I do know is that since she was born that year and five months ago you have been spending less and less time with your friends your own age. I don’t even know I could count on my hands how many times we’ve played together this year. Sorry if I hate her for taking away my best friend." Ryan stared in Chris’ eyes a few seconds more to make his point before turning on his heal.

Chris’ eyes followed his friend and he made felt bad. He didn’t realize how much he had been ignoring his friends. He just knew that there was something special in Roni. He knew it the first time he saw her.


Chris looked down and his heart melted at the smile he was greeted with. "Hey, Roni. Let’s go by everyone else. Do you want me to carry you?"

"No. I walk."

He nodded and held out his hand to steady her. They walked hand-in-hand to the table. Chris looked at Ryan, who only turned away. He then led Roni to her mother. "Here’s mom, Roni. Stay with her for a while. I need to go somewhere. I promise I’ll be back."

"Cwis? Cwis!"

Chris heard her yell behind him but continued to run to a secluded part of the park. It was one of the hardest things he ever had to do but he needed to think. He sat on a tree trunk but soon was up. When he thought he paced. As he walked he spoke his thoughts.

"I know I’ve been spending more time at Roni’s, but am I spending too much time with her? I love her but I guess I’m not hanging out with people my own age. Ryan just pointed that out. I’ve been neglecting my best friend.

"But Roni’s almost like a part of me. I’d do anything for her. What am I going to do? I don’t want to loose either one. I know I can’t live without people my own age. Roni can’t be the only one in my life, except family. I need to be with kids my own age. And I can’t do that unless I spend less time with Roni. I know she’s only one but I can’t imagine my life without her. What am I going to do?" he asked himself as he slid his hand down his face.

"Hey, Chris, the fire works are about to start. Are you coming?"

Chris looked at the sandy haired boy and nodded. "Yeah, I am." He slowly walked out of his seclusion and walked towards the group.

"Cwis." Roni ran to Chris and he lifted her in his arms.

"Hey, baby girl. Let’s go see the fireworks," he told her. I know what I have to do. He sat on the grass between his mother and Lydia. Roni snuggled on his lap and smiled. Chris leaned down and kissed her hair. God, why do I have to make this choice? I wish I didn’t. He looked over at Ryan and sighed.



"It’s okay. They won’t hurt you, Roni. I’m here. You’ll be okay," Chris whispered to Roni in hopes of calming her. When that did not work he turned to his mom. "Can I have the car keys, mom? Roni doesn’t like the noise. I just want to play the radio or something."

Beverly looked at the crying child and nodded. No one wanted to hear Roni cry and she knew Chris would do all he could to get her to stop. "Here you go. We’ll be there as soon as the show is over. Now be careful, Chris."

"I know, mom. I will. I’ll see you when the fireworks are over." Chris picked up Veronica and headed towards the car. On his way he caught Ryan’s eye. After Chris unlocked the car he tried to find a tape to play. He settled on one of his mom’s tapes and rewound it to the song he wanted.

"Now, now, Roni, calm down." He placed her on the back seat of the minivan and began to sing to her.


Pretty little angel eyes
Pretty little angel eyes
Pretty little angel, pretty little angel
Pretty little, pretty little, pretty little angel eyes

Pretty little, pretty little angel eyes

Angel eyes I really love you so
Angel eyes I’ll never let you go
Because I love you
My darlin’ angel eyes

Pretty little, pretty little, pretty little angel eyes

Angel eyes you are so good to me
And when I’m in your arms you feel so heavenly
You know I love you
My darlin’ angel eyes

I know you were sent from heaven above
To fill my life with your wonderful love
I know we’ll be happy for eternity
Because I know-oo-oo-oo Oh-oh that our love is really real

Angel eyes I really love you so
Angel eyes I’ll never let you go
Because I love you
My darlin’ angel eyes

Pretty little angel eyes
Pretty little angel eyes
Pretty little angel, pretty little angel
Pretty little, pretty little, pretty little angel eyes

Pretty little, pretty little angel eyes

Angel eyes I really love you so
Angel eyes I’ll never let you go
Because I love you
My darlin’ angel eyes

Pretty Little Angel Eyes ~~ Curtis Lee


Chris looked up as someone tapped on the window above him. He shifted his weight and unlocked the door.

"Hi, mom. Be quiet," he placed a finger to his lips and pointed to Roni, "Roni’s asleep. If she wakes up she’s likely to cry."

Beverly nodded. "All right, son. You two can have the back seat and we’ll all stuff ourselves in the other seats. Lydia, why don’t you sit in the front seat and the girls can sit in the middle?"

Lydia nodded. She took one last look at Chris and Roni and climbed into the front seat. I don’t know what to think of those two. I’m sure it’s not healthy for either one, but what can I do. I’ll talk to Bev about it later.

Once as they got home Chris carried Roni into her room and turned to their mothers. "Can I put her to bed tonight and can I spend the night here, mom? I promise I won’t ask again."

Bev and Lydia looked at each other and shrugged, both surprised at his promise.

"Why not, honey. I’ll see you tomorrow." She kissed Chris’ head and walked home.

Chris turned to Lydia. "I’ll see you in the morning, Lydia. I’ll take it from here."

"All right, Chris." She nodded her head. "But let me just change her diaper first. I know you can do it but just let me."

Chris gave in and nodded. He watched as Lydia changed Roni’s diaper and set her back on the bed.

"All set, Chris. She’s all yours."

"Thanks." He shut the door behind Lydia and turned off the lights before climbing next to Roni. He faced her and wiped some hair off her forehead before speaking to the sleeping baby.

"Hey, Roni." He took a deep breath. "You know I love you more than anything, right? Well," he choked back a sob. "Well, I have to stop spending so much time with you. You see," he wiped at the tears falling down his face, "I haven’t been spending so much time with my friends my own age. They will never mean as much to me as you but I can’t just ignore them so I’m going to do the only thing I can think of right now. And that’s-" he took few more deep breaths until he could continue. "and that’s to stop spending time with you.

"I’ll still see you at get togethers and I’ll still live next door but I can’t keep spending every waking moment with a one year-old. One and a half, I’m sorry. This is going to have to be the last night I can spend with you in bed. I just can’t sleep over here anymore, Roni. I have to spend time with kids my own age. Please understand that and don’t hate me for what I’m doing." He kissed her forehead. "I have to do this. Please don’t hate me. I can’t live with you hating me."

Chris watched Roni cower in her sleep and tightened his arm around her waist. He watched her sleep for a bit and fell asleep whispering in her ear.

"I’m sorry, Roni. I’ll always love you. I’m so sorry."


Chapter 2

Story Index
