Friday May 30, 1997

Roni pulled her keys out of the front door and slammed it shut. She threw her bookbag on the floor and stomped into the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and looked for something to drink, but she was too mad to concentrate on anything so she slammed that door as well. She began pacing but paused at the back window and let herself take a deep breath.

"I can’t believe he did this. A week before prom too. That bastard."

She continued to fume until she saw a figure crying on the rock that sat between her house and Beverly’s house. Concerned, she walked outside and approached the female.


The woman looked up and cried again when Roni came into view. Roni sat next to Molly and comforted her friend. She sat until Molly was ready to discuss what was bothering her. She looked around and saw Molly’s left hand on the rock. She picked up the hand and her jaw dropped.

"He proposed?"

Molly nodded and continued to sob.

"Okay, I don’t get this. The boy you’ve been seeing almost for five years has proposed and you’re crying. What’s wrong, Mol?"

"It’s not that he proposed. It’s why he proposed," the crying woman got out between sobs.

"Why do you think he proposed? He’s been talking about it with me for a few months."

"He has?" Molly sobered a little.

"Yeah," Roni said slowly. "Why did you think he proposed?"

"Well…I’m…I’m pregnant."

"What?" Roni’s jaw dropped again. "How far along?"

"Almost three months."

"So you thought that was the only reason why Ryan would proposed to you. Because you’re pregnant?"

Molly nodded. "Yeah. It all seems so stupid now. The moment after I told him he was on his knee with the ring. I guess he’d have to have thought about it before if he already had the ring."

"Exactly. Plus, you’re not stupid. Your brother, maybe, but not you."

Molly laughed again but then she frowned. "Oh god, Chris."

"Oh my. I forgot. How you two have kept this from him is beyond me. He is persistant and knows everything. Everything but the fact that his oldest friend has been dating his sister for almost five years. You two are amazing."

"It’s been hard. But we have to thank the rest of you. Any of you could have told him many times. I guess now we’ll have to tell him." She placed a hand on her stomach. "I guess now he may not kill Ryan because he’s the father of his first neice of nephew."

"And he wants to marry you. That’s always good. It doesn’t always happen that way."

"Oh, I know that, Ron." The older female wrapped an arm around Roni’s shoulders. "It looks like you’ve been upset yourself. What’s wrong?"


"What he’d do now?"

"He was a dickhead. This time I ended it though."

"You did?"

"Yup. Why did I ever take him back last year? Please explain this to me."

"It’s because he has such a charming face and trusting eyes." This time it was Molly’s turn to comfort her friend. "Unfortunately some of them are wolves in sheep’s clothing."

"Well, Jamie is one big bad wolf. Or he thinks he is."

Molly laughed. "So what is it this time?"

"Well," Roni shifted to get more comfortable and face Molly, "he’s been keeping in touch with someone who graduated last year and there’s going to be a big party next Friday. He just told me he’d rather go there. Oh and of course I really don’t need to be there. What a jerk. Next week of all weeks. That just goes to show how important I am to him."

"Next week? What’s next week? Oh my god. He didn’t?"

Roni nodded. "Yeah, he did. Prom night. Not only that, we’re up for re-election for king and queen. Isn’t he so thoughtful? And he was pissed I broke up with him."

"What a jerk. I’m sorry."

"It’s my own fault. I took him back amidst the rumors. That should teach me."

"Aww. Sometimes you just need to wait for the right person. Take Chris for example. How many girlfriends has he had in the past year?"

"I don’t know. Kat was pretty nice. Too bad he’s a commitment phobe."

"Yeah, but he’s also not going to spend that much time in Germany anymore."


"Enough about my brother. Do you at least have the prom ticket?"

"Yeah, in my bag. I was thinking of ripping it up."

"Don’t do that. Find another date."

"What?" Roni stood and looked at Molly. "And where am I going to find someone on this short notice? It’ll be too embarrassing asking anyone in Clarion."

"You could find someone who doesn’t live in Clarion."

"Yeah right. And don’t you go finding me anyone either. A blind date is the last thing I need right now."

"Okay. No blind dates."


Friday, June 6

"Thank god mom let me leave school early even though I’m not going to the prom." Roni laid on the couch and turned the television on.

"And who says you’re not going?"

Roni jumped at the voice and stood to see Molly in the doorway.

"Mol, what are you talking about?"

"You, my dear, are going to your senior prom whether you like it or not."


"Of course not, silly." She grabbed Roni’s hand and ushered her to the bottom of the stairs.

"You promised no blind dates."

"He’s not a blind date." Molly pulled the girl up the stairs. "Even though you might wish you were blind when you look at him."

"I heard that, Mol," a masculine voice called as the man walked into the house.

"You were meant to."

Roni’s jaw was on the floor. In the last two minutes she tried to think of who Molly could have gotten to be her date but he was the last one she would have expected. She would have thought of Ryan before the man who was now standing at the bottom of the steps. She closed her mouth and just stared.

"Are you going to say something, Ron?"

"Chris?" she squeaked.

He nodded and she turned to run into his open arms but Molly restrained her.

"You can hug him later. Now it’s time to do the girly stuff to make you ready. See you later, Chris."

"Bye, girls." Chris waved and left the house.


"Roni, for the millionth time, I’m not going to tell you how I got Chris here."

"But how did you know that he-"

"Was the only guy I might have had any luck in getting you to go with?"

Roni nodded and closed her eyes as Molly applied her make-up and Katie did her nails.

"Because he’s Chris. He’d do anything for you and you’d do anything for him."

"I still don’t understand this and you’re not telling me anything."

"You don’t need to understand. You just need to pout."

Roni pouted her lips as Molly applied her lipstick. She took the tissue from Chris’ oldest sister and pressed her lips against it. She looked up as her bedroom door opened.

"How you girls doing?" Lydia asked before seeing Roni. "Veronica, you’re going to be the most beautiful girl there."

She sure is, Molly agreed."

"She almost all dolled up?" Chris called from the hallway.

"Chris," Molly called to her brother, "you’re not supposed to see her until she’s ready."

"Isn’t that for weddings? I don’t think it applies to proms, Mol."

"Chris," she warned him.

"All right. All right. I’m leaving. Just let me know when I need to put my clown suit on."

Roni laughed and shook her head. "He is kidding about the clown suit, isn’t he?"

Lydia, Molly and Katie paused at the thought.

"I’ll be right back." Molly got up and shot out of the room. "Christopher!"

The other three laughed and went back to finishing Roni’s nails.


Roni stood up and looked in the mirror. She smoothed over a few lines and smiled. Earlier today she thought her new dress would go to waste. Now she had a prom date, even if it was Chris, and could show off the dress. She turned and smiled at Molly and Katie.

"Thanks so much, you two."

"It was our pleasure," Molly told her as the two hugged her. Molly pulled back and looked into Roni’s eyes. "You have fun and keep my brother in line, you hear?"

"Yeah, and speaking of him. Have you told him yet?"

Molly shook her head. "No. I’ll do it tomorrow. Why ruin a great night like tonight?"

"I guess you’re right. I guess it’s time to make my enterance."

"Let me go tell them to get the camera ready." Katie left the room.

"Molly?" Roni reached for the other girl’s arm. "Before I forget. Thank you."

"You’re welcome. Now let’s knock their socks off."

Roni nodded and followed Molly down the hall. She took a deep breath before turning and walking down the stairs. She stopped in front of Chris. She let him turn her.

"So what do you think?"

"You look beautiful, Ron. Jamie’s a jerk to play a girl like you. Well, now it’s lucky me."

"Thank you, Chris." She hugged him.

They posed for a roll of film before Chris opened the door and ushered Roni to his rental car. He opened the passenger door and helped her sit without wrinkling her dress. He closed the door carefully before jogging around the back of the car and made his way into the driver’s seat.

"So, Ron, we’re going to The Hills, right?"

Roni faced Chris and nodded. "Yeah. Hey, Chris, why are you here?"

"Because you needed a prom date."

"Chris, really, you didn’t have to be here. Why are you here?"

He reached his right hand over and squeezed hers. "Roni, I promised you I would be and here I am. You know I hate breaking my promises, especially to you."

"Promise? What promise?"

"You don’t remember?" He laughed. "It was around your eleventh birthday."

"How am I supposed to remember that far back?"

"Think. It was after you showed me the pictures from the party…"


"Is that why Liz broke up with you? She didn’t want to try a relationship with you so far away?" Roni leaned against him.

"Yeah." Chris leaned over and kissed the top of her head. "Oh well. It happened. Now it’s just time to go on."

"And go on to Orlando," Roni finished sadly.

"Yeah. Don’t even think of forgetting me, young lady."

She looked up into his eyes. "I don’t think I can. And, Chris?"


"If it comes to the wire and you need a prom date just tell me and I’ll be there. I’ll be your date."

Chris laughed into her hair. "Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind. Same goes to you. If you find yourself dateless for your senior prom I’ll be your date."

"Only my senior prom?"

"Yup. If it’s your junior one, all bets are off. Okay?"

She nodded into his chest. "Just remember my offer."

"How can I forget? It’s the best one I’ve received." He wrapped his arms around her and pressed her close in a brotherly hug. "How about some ice cream?"


"Oh yeah. Now I remember, and this is my senior prom and I did need a date."

"Exactly. And you held up your part of the bargain. You were my date on prom night."

"Chris," she sighed, "we stayed at my house watching a movie. You didn’t even go to your senior prom. Hey, why am I being forced to go to mine if you didn’t have to go to yours?"

"Because," Chris pulled the car into a large parking lot, "Roni you’re beautiful, smart and up for prom court, and I’m just…well…me."

"Chris you are amazing; don’t sell yourself short."

"No height jokes. Justin is growing and there’s no stopping him. His jokes are becoming annoying." Chris paused as he pulled into a parking spot. He looked at her. "Are you ready?"

"As much as I can be."

Chrsis nodded and got out of the car. He closed his door and helped Roni out of the car. She closed her door and put her hand on the arm he offered. She laughed as he commented on other people’s outfits. Roni felt relaxed. She was glad she was here, and with Chris as her date she felt even better. She knew he would do his best for her not to think about Jamie the whole night. She nodded her thanks as he opened the banquet hall’s doors for her. She grabbed his arm again.

"Mr. Kirkpatrick, what are you doing here?"

The couple stopped and turned to the two teachers sitting on the couch in the foyer.

"Hi, Ms. Gale. Roni lost her date for the night so I’m filling in. I couldn’t let her not go to her senior prom."

"Of course not. What a nice guy. It’s been nice seeing you, Chris."

"You too." Chris led Roni away from the teachers. "I am so glad Mr. Z. didn’t say anything," Chris said, refering to the other teacher.


"Because when I was a senior he all but- No, he didn’t all but he actually did it."

"Did what?"

"He," Chris looked in her eyes before looking away and taking a deep breath, "he accused me of molesting you."

"What? Let me go set him straight."

Chris grabbed her arm. "It’s not worth it, Ron. It’s the past."

"But it’s not right. You’d never lay a hand on me."

"I know that," he made her face him, "and you know that and anyone that matters knows that. Plus, I know you have him for English and you still have a few weeks left before graduation. Capische?"

She nodded and let him pull her into a hug. She pulled back and the two walked into the hallway outside of the ballroom where the prom was going to be held. She grabbed his jacket cuff and led him through the crowd. They stopped behind a brunette.

"Hey, Jenn."

The brunette turned around and stared at the two. "Roni, I thought you weren’t going to come since you and Jamie had broken up. I could have sworn you said you weren’t coming."

"I wasn’t but Molly called Chris," she pointed to him, "and they talked me into coming. Why should I let one jerk ruin my night? It’s my senior prom for god’s sakes."

"Well, Roni, we gave your seat at the table away." Jenn shrugged her shoulders. "I’m sorry, but Mike and Jess wanted to move tables and we let them sit with us. The other table is full too."

Roni’s eyes widened as she stared at first Jenn and then Chris. "What?" She looked at Chris again. "I knew this was a bad idea. Why don’t we just go back home? We have nowhere to sit."

"Calm down, Ron. Don’t hyperventilate. I’m sure there’s room at some table for us to sit."

"Do you know how much I had to fight for a spot at that table?"

Chris laughed and led her across the room. "Look, here’s a board of who’s at what table. Let’s see where there’s openings and we’ll ask around. You’ve came this far, girlfriend, you’re not turning back now."

Roni huffed and sagged on a seat. Chris laughed at her while he looked at the seating chart. Roni looked aimlessly around the room as Chris recounted the number of names at a table.

"How about this one? It has an Amanda Fearce listed as the first name." He turned and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Did someone just say my name?"

Chris turned around and a pretty blonde was standing there looking at him quizzically. She looked at him another moment before turning to Roni and kneeling by the other girl.

"Roni, are you all right? What’s wrong?"

"Well," Roni bit her lip, "it seems like I lost my spot at my table."


"Because I thought I wasn’t coming since Jamie and I split and our spots got given away."

"That sucks. Hey, we have two open seats at our table. Want to sit with us?"

Chris stepped up to the girls. "I was just telling her about that space. She wanted to go home but I told her we’d find another table. So what do you say, Ron?"

Roni nodded and let him pull her up. The three of them joined Amanda’s date and followed him to the table in the now opened ballroom. Chris pulled Roni’s seat out for her and sat next to her. The room was decorated with black and gold balloons and decorations. The centerpiece was five balloons tied down in the center of a bouquet of flowers. The dance floor was in the middle of the room with the DJ on one side. Roni looked at Chris and smiled when he jabbed her side to get her attention. Her smile widened and turned evil when she remembered something.

"Hey, Amanda?"

"Yeah?" the blonde asked from across the table.

"On the way here Chris and I were just remembering my eleventh birthday party."

Chris looked between the girls and smiled. "Oh yeah. And I especially remember the pictures she showed me of the party."

"What?" Amanda’s jaw dropped. She looked at Chris closely. "Oh my god. Chris. I knew you looked familiar."


"Come on, Ron."

"No, Chris. We just sat down to eat. Plus, my feet need a break." Roni sat in her seat and crossed her arms. She smiled up at Chris and he sat beside her.

As soon as the music had started Chris had pulled Roni up and hadn’t let her sit until dinner was called. During the slow sings either Chris or one of the other guys at the table would ask her to dance with them. She was having a great time but was glad when the DJ said dinner was going to be served. Her elation was short-lived when the DJ began playing "Mmm-Bop" by Hanson and most people stood up again.

"Doesn’t the DJ know that when people are supposed to sit not to play a song like this?" Roni exclaimed. "I’m not getting up, Chris."

"Party pooper." He sat in his seat.

The dinner was quiet and as soon as the music began picking up pace again Chris had Roni on her feet again. He had her laughing during "The Electric Slide," let her place her stockinged feet on his during the slow songs and they were in each other’s faces during Meatloaf’s "Paradise by the Dashboard Light." By the time prom court was announced Jamie was far from Roni’s mind, but that was short-lived.

"Your prom king and queen are Jamie Darstra and Roni Da’Cord."

Roni hid behind Chris in the back of the room as everyone else clapped. Mr. Hines, the student counsel advisor, looked through the audience.

"I know I saw Miss Da’ Cord arrive tonight. Roni, where are you?"

Chris grabbed Roni’s hands.

"No," she resisted.

"Ron, you're the queen. You have to go up and accept your crown."


"No but’s about it. Now go accept your crown." He began pulling her through the crowd.

"But Jamie’s not here."

"His loss." He shoved her ahead of him. "Here she is."

"Chris!" Roni self-consciously stepped up to the podium and looked around. She felt like everyone was whispering about her being up there alone.

"Here you go, Roni." Mr. Hines placed the crown on her head and looked around. "I don’t see Mr. Darstra though."

"He’s not here," Roni mumbled.


"He’s not here, Mr. Hines," she repeated.

"Oh, well…ummm…I don’t know what to do. King and queen are supposes to dance now."

"It’s okay," Roni told him. "We can just skip that part."

"No we can’t." Chris walked forward. "How about the queen gets to dance the dance with the three guys in the court since the king has renounced his throne?" He turned to the attendees. "Who wants to see Roni dance with the three guys up here?"

Chris’ question was met with wild applause. Roni glared back at him as he shooed her to the middle of the dance floor. The music began playing and one by one the guys in the prom court danced with her throughout the song. When the song was over she made her way back to the table and to Chris.

"I’m going to kill you."

He smiled. "It looked like you were having fun. You should be thanking me."

"Yeah. Thanks." She rolled her eyes and sat beside him.

"Oh, come on, Ron. You love me." He stuck out his bottom lip and laughed at her glare. He stood. "I’ll be right back."

She nodded and turned to talk to Amanda.

Chris walked thorugh the tables and exited the room. He looked both ways before seeing the restroom to his right.


"So, Roni," Amanda slid over a seat, "how in the world did you get Chris Kirkpatrick to be your date tonight?"

Roni shrugged. "I honestly don’t know. Last week I told his sister Molly about Jamie and I and the next thing I knew it was this afternoon and she was telling me he was my date. What a thought." She shuddered. "Chris as my date for something. Ugh."

"It’s not that bad. He’s still a good looking guy."

"If you say so."

"You still don’t see how attractive he is? Come on, Roni. You can’t be blind." The blond ran a hand before Roni’s eyes. "Chris is still hot."

Roni laughed and hung an arm around the other girl. "I’m glad I got to sit here tonight. We haven’t talked in so long."

"No we haven’t. Hey, are you still going with Jenn and everyone tonight or are you bumped out of that one too?"

Roni looked at her friends sitting across the room and shrugged.

"Well, you’re invited to come with us. The invite extends to Chris too."

"Don’t you have a boyfriend, Amanda?" Roni raised her eyebrows and laughed as the other girl smiled and wiggled her eyebrows. "Let me talk to Chris."


Chris adjusted his cumberbund before leaving the bathroom. He cracked his neck and began humming along with the song pouring out of the ballroom.

"She’s legal now, Mr. Kirkpatrick."

Chris turned around and found Mr. Z. behind him.


The man stepped forward.

"I said that she’s legal now."

"Who?" Chris took a step forward.

"Miss Da’ Cord. She’s legal now for you to do whatever to her."

Chris took a deep breath and fisted his hand. "You still think that I molested her when she was younger."

"Oh come on, Chris," the other man laughed, "you spent so much time with her while you lived here. What person spends that much time with someone almost eight years younger than them?"

"Me. I’ll repeat what I told you when I was a senior. She’s like a sister to me. I have never and will never touch her unappropriately and as anything other than a sister."

"If you say so," Mr. Z. said skeptically. "I must admit she hasn’t been screwed up from all the time she spent with you. Unless she’s just good at hiding it. Plus, you probably told her not to tell anyone."

"I did no such thing. Anything, and I repeat anything, that we’ve done with each other she can tell whomever she wants. You know this is one reason why I left Clarion. All the small-minded people like yourself who want to believe the worst of people. Yeah, you were one of the few who confronted me, but I know there were many more worried people."

"We were and still are worried about that girl in there." Mr. Z. pointed to the ballroom. "She’s one of the best students I’ve ever had. It’s not that common to have someone who loves to read as much as she does and wants to discuss the book. It was a pleasant surprise."

"And why would that be?"

"Because of her past."

"Her past with me?"

The man nodded.

"I only want the best for Roni."

"The best for her? When was that? When you touched her? When you forced her to touch you when she was younger? When has Veronica’s well-being ever entered you mind?"

Chris closed his eyes and reopened them a moment later. "Mr. Z., you’ve seemed to forget something."


"I’m not a student here anymore." Chris took another step forward. "If I hit you I can’t be expelled or not allowed to participate in graduation."

"No but your actions could be of consequence to Miss Da’ Cord."


"Because she’s in my English class and, as you know, you need to pass four years of English to graduate from high school. How would youlike to be the one to tell her you gave her a one way ticket to summer school, Mr. Kirkpatrick?"

Chris bit his lip hard. "You just said she’s one of your best students ever."

"She is."

"Then how can she fail your class? I know she has gotten A’s the past three semesters. Even if you fail her this last quarter she can still pass."

"Not taking a final can also constitute for needing summer school."

"I know Roni. She’d never not take a final."

"But what if I just happen to misplace her final after she’s taken it?"

"That is unethical as a teacher."

"And what you’ve done is unethical as a human being."

"If you thought that I was doing such wrongdoing how come you never reported me back then?"

"Oh, I wanted to," Mr. Z. took a step to the side, "but it wasn’t my place. I did talk to Roni’s mother though."

"You talked to Lydia?"

"Yes I did. I was concerned, but she told me the same fluff you told me. If she was willing to believe that…that…"

"Truth," Chris supplied.

"If you say so. If she was willing to believe what ever you told her then I let it lay at that."

"You know what?" Chris asked his old teacher.


"It’s just not worth it."

"What? Roni’s honor?"

"No, Roni’s honor means everything to me. What I meant is that you’re not worth it. Not this aggrevation. You can believe anything you want but the people who matter know the truth." Chris turned and walked away from his old English teacher.

"She has great potential. I wouldn’t want a nobody like you dragging her down," the man called after him.

Chris turned, but stayed where he was. "What are you saying now?"

"I said she has potential and she doesn’t need a struggling musician holding her down. Roni has told the whole class about her little visit to Europe last summer. What? Couldn’t make it big in the U.S. so your little group went to Europe."

"Mr. Z., we’re big overseas and we are working on getting our name out here at home. As I’ve said, I want the best for Roni. Plus, why does what I do for a living have to bring her down? I’m as much part of her family as she is mine. It would never be like that." Chris stared at Mr. Z. a moment before turning again.

"We all knew you’d be a nobody, Chris, and you’ll never be anything but that. A nobody."

This time Chris kept walking.

Roni laughed and pulled away from Amanda’s boyfriend, Jim, as the song ended.

"Oh come on, Roni, I was just joking."

"I know, and it was funny. I just didn’t need to hear about your showering habits, Jim."

"How about I make it up to you with another dance?"

"It’s only fair, but what about Amanda?" She nodded her head to the table where the blonde sat.

"Ah," he shrugged, "she can ask Chris when he comes back."

"That reminds me. Whre did he go?"

"I don’t know but he just walked back in the room and he doesn’t look too happy."

They turned so Roni could see Chris walking throught he tables. Halfway back to theirs he scanned the crowd and their eyes met. Roni could tell he was upset. She pulled back and looked at Jim.

"No need to say anything, Roni. Let’s go back to the table."

The couple parted and made their way though the crowd of dancers. At the table Jim took his girlfriend'’ hand and led her to tthefloor. Roni sat next to Chris. She didn’t know what to say. She had no clue what could have upset him this much at her prom. She reached out and put a hand on his ever bouncing knee.


He glanced at her quickly. His eyes flashed her way and then returned to the tabletop. He hung his head and ran his hands down the back of neck.


"I’m sorry, Ron. I should be making sure you’re having a good time and I’m here pissed as all hell."

"Would it help if you talked about it?"

"I don’t know if I can." He paused. "Hey, Ron?"


"Why did…? I mean… How do you feel about…?"

"How do I feel about what, Chris?"

"How do you feel about being friends with me even though I’m a lot older than you?"

"Chris, where did this come from? Chris, you are like an older brother to me. You are one of the most important people in my life. Does that answer you stupid question? I love having you in my life."

He shook his head. "I’m sorry, Ron. I know that but I just needed reassurance."

"Chris, what happened?"

"I just had a wonderful talk with Mr. Z." He began tapping his fingers on the table and both knees shook uncontrollably.

"What did he say this time?" Roni asked him icily.

"Hey, Ron, sorry about having to go up for queen alone," Jenn said as she sat on the other side of Roni.

Roni took a slow breath. "It’s okay. He’s the one that looks like the jerk."

"Oh, and he is one. So are you still coming later?"

Roni looked between the two people sitting next to her and then looked at Amanda, who was dancing with Jim but shooting her worried looks. Roni nodded to herself.

"Actually, Jenn, Chris isn’t going to be in town long so I think I’m just going to spend some time with him."

"Are you sure?" the brunette asked, "it’s your senior prom only once."

"Yeah, I’m sure." She grabbed Chris’ hand. "Thanks anyway."

"Okay. See you Monday."

Chris put his face in his hands and sighed.

"Ron, do what you want. I don’t want you to not do something you want because of stupid me."

"Chris, first of all, you’re not stupid. Secondly, I want to spend this time with you. I’ll see those people everyday for the next two weeks and I’ve seen most of them for the last twelve years. I never get to see you. Now that’s all I’m hearing about it."

"Yes, ma’am." He looked away fom her.


"Yeah?" He shifted to face her.

"Do you want to leave? I will be perfectly happy leaving right now if you want to."

"Nah. Thanks though. It’s your prom and we stay as long as you want."

"Okay." She topped the back of his hand with her fingers. "Let me go tell Amanda we’re leaving and thanks for the offer but no thanks." She stood and he stopped her with his hand.

"Ron, we can stay if you want."

"Good, I’ll be right back then."

Roni told Amanda they were leaving and said good-bye to some people before she put her shoes back on and walked out of the ballroom with Chris. As they left Mr. Z. and Ms. Gale were sitting on the same couch they were sitting on when they came in. The couple walked past them and Roni stopped Chris at the door. She put a hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. She then turned and waved good-bye to the teachers before walking to Chris’ rental car.


Chapter 13
