"Roni, you shouldn’t have done that," Chris told her as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Done what?"

"You know what. That stunt in front of Mr. Z. and Ms. Gale. That wasn’t smart, Ron."

"Why? I wanted to thank you for coming with me tonight."

"Ron,’ he shook his head, "Mr. Z. told me he would ‘misplace’ your final if I upset him too much. I just want to make sure you graduate on time and don’t have to go to summer school." At a red light he reached out and turned her head toward him. "That’s why you shouldn’t have kissed my cheek."

"Chris," she shook herself from his hand, "what are you talking about? He threatened you? And with ‘misplacing’ my final? Oh, he went too far."

"Ron, don’t do anything. Please. I don’t want you upsetting him these last two weeks of school. Please?"

"Chris, don’t worry about it," she told him as he pulled in his driveway. "You’d be surprised what I can get done without him even knowing. I know the right people to talk to and they like me so it’ll all work out. Don’t worry, Chris."

"I always worry, Ron."

They looked at each other and exited the car. He walked around the car and led her to her door. They stood in silence before hugging tightly. Roni kissed his cheek again. She unlocked her front door.

"Do you want to get changed and come back over and we’ll talk?"

Chris nodded.

"Well, I’m going upstairs to change so I’ll leave the front door unlocked."

Chris nodded again before heading back to his house. He quietly entered the house and walked to his room. He untied his bowtie and threw it across the room.

"Hey, bro, how was the night?"

Chris simply shrugged and sat on the bed to take his shoes and socks off. He laid back on his bed and felt Molly sit next to him. She placed a hand on his knee.

"What’s wrong, Chris?"

"Nothing, Mol." He stood and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Chris, what happened? Didn’t you and Roni have fun tonight? Was Jamie there or something?"

"No," Chris shook his head, "Jamie wasn’t there. We did have some fun."

"Chris," she warned.

"Okay, you got me." He sighed heavily. "Mr. Z. was there tonight and decided to confront me again."

"Mr. Z.? Are he and Ms. Gale still sitting in the foyer of where the senior proms are, even though they’re not invited?"

Chris nodded.

"But what would he… Oh, my. Now I remember the first time he did that. Are you okay? What did he say?"

"I’ll be okay." He took clothes out of his suitcase. "His first words to me were to tell me now Roni’s legal for me to do whatever I want to her." He threw the clothes on the bed. "Like it’s ever been like that. She’s like another sister to me."

"Chris, you don’t treat her like you treat those of us who are your sisters. You pay much more attention to her than you pay to us."

"But, Mol, it’s a little different because she doesn’t live here. I had to make time for her. She needed someone older in her life."

"Chris, I know that," Molly stood, "but do you know how jealous I used to get of her. Hell, some times I still get jealous." She looked into his eyes. "She knows so much more about my brother than I do." She walked to the window. "Do you remember how annoying I used to be when we were younger? The trouble I used to cause you?"

"Used to be annoying? Molly, you still are annoying?" He returned to being serious. "Why were you jealous of Roni? She’s not my sister, you are."

"Because, Chris, you spent so much time with her. Remember when I stole your skateboard and you found me trying to ride it?"

"Hell yeah. You took it while I was at school. I remember coming home and searching for you. You didn’t go far. You only got to Ryan’s house. You convinced him I let you borrow it and asked if he could teach you how to ride it. You want to know what?" Chris smirked. "He used to have a crush on you. I hear he’s serious about someone now."

"Umm, yeah, I heard that too. Well, Chris, I took that skateboard because I knew you’d get mad and yell at me."

"Why?" He stared at his sister.

"Because I wanted attention from you. Roni was getting it all I felt like you loved her more than me." The female sniffled.

"Oh, Mol," Chris hugged his sister, "it was never like that. I never meant to ignore you. You know I’d never consciously hurt you."

"I know, but you were always there for her and the only way I knew of to get your attention was to get you mad. I’m sorry."

"No, I should be the sorry one." He hugged her tighter and willed back the tears. "What else?"

"Well I used to stay up until you got home nights so maybe you’d sing me to sleep. But that was always reserved for her. A few times you did it but it just didn’t feel right. You sounded forced, and you were."

"Oh my god." He stepped back. "Molly, I am so sorry. I remember some of those nights I was so tired I could barely drive."

"Chris, you were never too tired to sing to her. I’ve seen you wake up at the dead of night and go sing to her."

"Mol, I- I- I just don’t know what to say."

She walked to him and hugged him. "You don’t need to. I know you didn’t mean to make me feel this way. You had no idea how I was feeling. I know that now. Look at that. Your shirt is all wet now."

She pulled back and wiped his shoulder. He shook his head and gave her another quick hug.

"It’s all right. It was worth it, sis."

Chris winked at her and walked to the bathroom. When he was finished in there he walked back to his room, finding Molly sitting on his bed talking to herself.

"Is this a private conversation?"

Molly whipped her head up. "No, it’s not. I just have something to tell you and I’m not sure how you’ll take it."

"Is it something else regarding you, me and Roni?"

"No, but-"

"Anything serious?"

She shrugged. "Kinda. It could also be looked at as good news."

He sat next to her "What is it?"

"How would you feel about being an uncle?"

"Being an uncle?" He shrugged. "I really hadn’t thought about it. Why?"

"Becase you’re going to be one in six months," she rushed out.

"What?" He jumped up. "Who? How? When?"

"You’re just missing the the ‘where’ in that line of questions. I’ll answer the others. I’m pregnant, it’s Ryan’s and I’m sure you know how. Oh and three months ago."


She nodded and he stared at her. He continued staring at her until a yell outside grabbed their attention. They ran to the window and saw two figures struggling in Roni’s front yard. Molly swore under her breath and ran across the room. Chris followed his sister.

"What’s going on, Molly?"

"Jamie. That’s him out there and I’ll bet you anything he’s drunk."

At the bottom of the stairs Chris pushed past his sister and threw the door open. He quickly ran into Roni’s yard and grabbed Jamie’s shirt. By the time Chris had put some distance between Jamie and Roni Molly had joined them and led Roni to the front porch and sat there with her. Chris looked at them quickly before facing Jamie who was now regaining his footing.

"I think you’d better leave." Chris pointed to the street.

"What the hell, man. I just came by to talk to my girl."

"She’s not your girl anymore," Molly yelled from her spot.

"Why you, bitch. She broke up with me because of the lies you’ve been telling her." Jamie grabbed his jaw from the force of the fist Chris threw against it. "What is your problem, man?"

"My problem is that first you attack Roni and then you call my sister a bitch." Chris stepped in Jamie’s face. "I think I have every right to have hit you. If you don’t think so I can hit you again just to show you."

"Oh," Jamie stumbled back a few steps and looked Chris up and down, "so you’re the amazing Chris. I was wondering when I’d finally get to meet the all powerful Chris Kirkpatrick." He paused and smiled evilly. "Do you want to know something?"

"What?" Chris watched the young boy carefully, he didn’t trust the look in his eyes.

"Roni’s good in bed. She was taught well." Jamie looked past Chris and blew a kiss to Roni. He thrusted his hips a few times. "You just blew your last chance to ever be in my bed again."

"Big loss. Actually, I should say small loss."

Jamie became enraged and started running toward the porch. Luckily, his coordination was off and Chris didn’t have a hard time tackling him and holding him to the ground. Chris pushed Jamie’s hands into his back.

"I think you’ve outstayed your welcome, Jamie. Now when I let you up I’d better be seeing your back as you walk down the street. And if I ever hear about you being near Roni again I won’t hesitate kicking your ass. That goes the same for any of my sisters." He pulled Jamie up and pushed him toward the street. "Now get the hell out of here before I call the police."

"Whatever, man." Jamie waved his arms at the three and walked to the street. "I’m out of here. It’s not worth the aggrevation."

When Chris was sure Jamie wasn’t coming back he left his post at the end of the driveway and made his way to Molly and Roni. He sat on the other side of Roni and pulled the girl against him.

"Are you okay, Ron?"

Roni shook her head and burried it in his chest. Chris kissed her hair and held her against him. He looked up as Molly stood.

"I think I’m going to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow."

"Where are you going, Molly? I think you should stay and talk to Roni."

"Are you sure, Chris? I thought you and Roni were going to spend time together tonight."

Chris shrugged and stood next to his sister. "Actually, I think tonight I’d be the intruder. I know Roni’s shook up about what just happened and she needs to talk about it. This is one thing I don’t think I need to hear, especially right now. I’m afraid I’d end up in a murderous rage or something. Molly, you stay. I’ll go."

Molly crinkled her brow. "Are you sure you don’t want to be here, Chris?"

"Mol, I think you should be the one to discuss boy issues with her. Plus, you know much more about this than I do." He looked into her eyes. "There is no one else I would rather have with her right now, Molly. She needs you."

Molly stared at her brother in shock and nodded. She helped Roni stand and they both hugged Chris. He stepped back and smiled.

"Night, girls." He then bent and patted Molly’s stomach. "Night, baby." He straightened. "I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow." He began walking to his house.

"Chris?" Roni called. She ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you."

"You’re welcome." He waved to the two females and watched them enter Roni’s house. He took a deep breath and went into his mom’s house.


June 21

"Joey, you didn’t have to come with me," Chris told the younger man as he pulled into the high school parking lot. "I think Roni’s going to be surprised."

"I think so. She thinks we’re in Orlando."

After Roni’s prom Chris had to go back to Florida, but all the guys decided to return to Clarion for Roni’s high school graduation. Chris had known she didn’t want to work her job at the pharmacy this summer and had pitched an idea the others agreed with on one condition. They were there when he told her about it. Their plane had been delayed so they couldn’t surprise Roni at her graduation and now Joey and Chris were going to pick her up after the school’s all-night graduation party. Chris pulled into a parking spot and both exited the car.

"Hey, Joe, how long has it been since you’ve talked to Ron?" Chris leaned on the trunk next to Joey.

Joey shrugged. "I believe it’s been since she came to Europe."

"Man, that was almost a year ago. You guys were friends. Why haven’t you talked to her when she’s called? I know she’s talked to all the others."

Joey looked away from Chris and closed his eyes. He inhaled and held it for a moment until he heard something in the distance. "I think the buses are coming, Chris. Got the sign ready?"

"Sign," Chris exclaimed before running to search for the poster in the backseat of the car. He pulled out a large piece of poster board. He unrolled it and handed the edge to Joey. "Here let’s put it up for when she gets of the bus."

The two sat on the car’s trunk and waited for the buses to park and let the students out. When the first bus unloaded its passengers they stood on the bumper.

Roni's bus parked and she slid out of the seat. She waited until the other students began leaving the bus and followed them around the yellow vehicle and looked for her mom’s car. She crinkled her brow when she didn’t see it. She sat on a bench in front of the school, hunched her shoulders and closed her eyes. She knew that her mom would honk the horn when she came.


Roni brought her eyes up and searched for who called her name. She scanned the area until her eyes came upon Joey and Chris and their sign. Her mouth dropped and she ran to the guys. By the time she got there Chris was off the car and had his arms opened. Roni hugged him tight and looked over his shoulder at Joey.

"What are you two doing here?"

Chris pulled away from her. "Well, our plane got delayed last night and we didn’t get in until you had already left for this all night thing."

"So you guys came to pick me up this morning?" She stood next to Joey. "Hey, Joe."

He nodded to her. "Hey, Ron. Congratulations."

"Thanks. And thanks for the sign, guys." She pointed to the sign with her name on it in big black letters.

"Just wanted to make sure you saw us, Ron." Chris opened the passenger door. "You did almost miss us."

"I know," she said as she sat, "but I’m surprised you didn’t use neon pink or something like that."

"We didn’t have time to look for it or Chris would have gotten it," Joey told her as he slid into the back seat. "We had to use what he and your mom had. He also didn’t have time to think of something catchy for the sign or god knows what he would have wrote."

Roni laughed as Joey rolled his eyes. She faced Chris, who wore a smile that matched hers. She looked between the guys again and hugged Chris again.

"I can’t believe you guys are here. Are the others here too?"

"Yup." Chris nodded. "They’re all asleep. Last night I told your mom I wanted to pick you up and since Joey was up he came too."

"Well, I’m glad you came. Both of you." She sneaked a peak at Joey before sitting properly and looking out the front of the car. "I am so tired."

"I bet you are," Chris shook her knee, "but the guys made me promise that you’d have breakfast with them."

Roni eyed the clock. "It’s only six in the morning. Are any of them going to be up?"

"If we wake them."

"Chris, no, let them sleep and let me sleep. When they all are naturally awake then come and get me. I’ve been up for almost 24 hours. Let me take a nap," she pleaded with him.

"Oh, you’re no fun."

"Thanks, Chris."

Chris smiled at the sleepy figure and continued driving.


"Morning, guys," Roni called as she entered Chris’ kitchen.

The four guys in the kitchen stood to hug her. First she hugged Chris.

"Thanks for letting me sleep, Chris. I needed it."

"I still say you’re no fun."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and hugged JC. "Hey, Jace."

"Hey back. Oh, thank you for not having him wake us up. The sleep was nice."

"I’m sure it was. Hey, Justin. Damn, Chris was right, you are growing a lot."

"Come here, shorty." Justin enveloped her in a bear hug and laughed.

"Okay, now that I can’t breathe."

Lance laughed and hugged her gently. "Hi, Roni."

"Hey, Lance. Where’s Joey?" Roni looked around the kitchen.

"Right here," a voice added.

Roni looked at Joey and smiled. "I guess someone went back to sleep."

"I tried but it was hard with someone making a lot of noise." He shot Chris a look.

"So, Ron," Chris began, ignoring Joey, "what’s on the schedule for today?"

She shrugged. "Nothing much. Just getting ready for my graduation party tomorrow. Are you guys going to be here for that?" She sat next to Lance.

Lance nodded. "Yup, that’s when you get our present."

"You guys didn’t have to get me anything." She looked around the kitchen. "You hardly know me. Well, except for Chris."

"Roni," JC started as he slapped Justin’s hand away from his plate, "we know you well enough to care about you. You spent two weeks with us and you’ve come to mean a lot to each of us. We want to give you this present."

"Not that I’m not happy to see you all but you all didn’t have to come."

"As I said, Roni," JC stood, "we all care about you. Chris could have come alone but we wanted to be here so you’re stuck with us."

"If you insist," she said dramatically.


June 22

Chris walked up to Roni and put an arm around her shoulder.

"You enjoying yourself, graduate?"

"Yup. You remember Amanda and Jim." Roni pointed to the two teens.

"Hey." Chris shook both their hands. "Congratulations to you two also. You both did just graduate, right?"

"Yeah," Amanda answered. "Nice seeing you again, Chris. So you came back up for Roni’s graduation?"

"Uh-huh. My groupmates came too. They’re the people at this party that you don’t already know."

"I’ll be right back." Roni left the group to get something from the house.

Chris watched her and turned back to the couple. "You want to meet them?"


Chris turned. "Hey, guys, come here for a minute." He smiled as they all began walking toward them. "See they listen so well."

"Bite me, Chris."

"Bend over, Fatone, and I will." Chris saw movement past the four guys and swore under his breath. "I’ll be right back."

The group parted as Chris stormed down the middle. They watched in confusion as he made his way through the crowd and stop before a figure.

"Oh no." Jim shook his head.

JC crunched his brows. "What’s going on? Who is that?"

"That," Amanda said as Jim left to join Chris, "is Jamie."

"What?" Joey asked as he turned.

"Guys," Lance began, "I don’t think Jamie was invited."

The four remaining guys nodded to each other and left Amanda alone to help their friend. As they neared the others they spread out in a line and stood behind Chris and Jim. Jamie sized them up.

"When in the hell did Roni get all these guys in her life?"

"They’re with me," Chris told him as he looked behind him and smirked.

"Who the hell are you?"

Chris took a step forward. "You don’t remember me?"

"No. Should I?"

"I was the one two weeks ago who pulled you off Roni after you attacked her after the prom."

"What?" Jamie stared at Chris for a minute. "Wait a second. You must be Chris. The all amazing and wonderful Chris who was her knight in shining armor and took her to senior prom." He paused as he looked at the others. "If he’s Chris then you must be the other guys in his group. Who’s Joey?"

"I am." Joey stepped forward and crossed his arms.

"I heard all about you." Jamie began circling Joey. "Roni felt the need to be completely honest with me so I know everything. Everything." He looked Joey straight in the eye. "I do have to thank you though."

"For what?" Joey’s voice and posture was steady but if you looked in his eyes you’d see the nervousness there. "What did I do?"

Jamie laughed. "She told me all about your dilemma in Europe. I think it’s kinda funny. She told me-"

"That if you ever stepped foot near my house again I’d personally kick your ass."

All the guys turned as Roni weaved through them. She stood next to Joey and smiled as she saw the other guys in protective poses. She shook her head and faced her ex-boyfriend.

"Nevermind that these guys will do it for me, but this is my fight."

"Come on, Ron." Jamie searched the faces in front of him. "Come on, Jim. We’re teammates."

"We were teammates, Jamie. That’s why I put up with you, but now we’re out of high school and I don’t have to pretend anymore. Plus, Roni’s a nice girl. She deserves so much better than you."

"Then what does she deserve? Joey?" Jamie smirked.

"All right, Jamie, that’s enough. We’re through. Over with. Broken up. Why do you still harrass me? You know we’re not getting back together. I’d appreciate it if you’d leave now. You’re not welcome here anymore."

"Oh, come on, Roni." He raised his fingers to run along her cheek but she pushed his arm away. "Who are you going to kiss this summer? You’ve always told me what a great kisser I am and no one else in town will go near you if I threaten the right way."

"What if she won’t be in town this summer?"

"What?!?" Chris smiled as Roni and Jamie stared at him. He walked up to Roni and put an arm around her shoulder.

"So what do you say, Ron? Will you be with us this summer? We have a job and everything for you to do so you’ll still make money."

"Umm," Roni stuttered as she looked at the members of *N SYNC. When Joey nodded she smiled and faced Jamie. "See your threats are useless, just like you." She turned but rememberd something and faced Jamie again. "And let’s just get one thing straight. I don’t need a guy to kiss to have a great summer. I don’t need to be in a relationship to be happy. I’m eighteen and I’m young. Why settle down with just one guy?"

"So you’re going to be the slut you are."

"Guys," Roni held her hand up to stop the movement she saw, "it’s my fight. Jamie, you just keep on proving me wrong here. You keep on proving how little about me you actually know. If you did you’d know I may free but I’ll never be easy."

"If you say so," the skepticism thick in his voice. "I’m sure that by the end of the summer you’ll have opened your legs for each one of these guys, even Chris."

"First of all, Sleeping with Chris would be like sleeping with my brother. Secondly, maybe you’re right about the rest."

Roni smirked and walked to JC. He nodded in response to the question in her eyes and lowered his head. She kissed him for a minute before turning to Lance. Lance looked a little uneasy but took her in his arms and kissed her softly until she backed away. She looked at Jamie.

"So far so good. Who knew the talent of these mouths other than for singing?" She shrugged and laughed as Justin approached her.

"Me next."

"You’re a little illegal but since Jamie thinks I’ll be sleeping with you too I guess we’d better."

Justin wiggled his eyebrows at Jamie before cupping the side of Roni’s head and placing his lips on hers. She pulled away laughing as he began to tickle her. She looked at Joey and slowly approached him.

"I know this goes against our promise so it’s up to you. I’m not going to hold it against you if you don’t want to kiss me."

"Why wouldn’t he want to kiss you, Ron?" Jamie asked. "You’re a decent kisser."

"That shows how much you know." Joey pulled her against him and looked in her eyes. "Roni’s a great kisser. Maybe you’re the decent kisser."

"He’s not even that good." Roni looked up at Joey and brought her hand behind his neck.

Joey smiled at Jamie before letting Roni pull his head down so their lips could meet. Roni wanted to deepen the kiss because she knew it would make Jamie mad and Joey was the only one of the four she knew enough to try that with but she didn’t because of the promise they made in Europe. If kissing like this was breaking their words, deepening the kiss would obliterate them, so when his tongue ran across her lips she was surprised but granted him access.

The other guys looked at each other, not knowing what to do. Chris’ mind was racing and restrained himself with remembering this kiss was for Jamie’s sake. He wasn’t happy that she had kissed JC, Lance or Justin but this was getting out of hand. He took a deep breath and looked at Jamie. He laughed to himself as Jamie’s eyes widened.

"Don’t you think you’ve proved your point, Ron? You kissed the other guys for about a minute but this is going on two." He looked at his watch. "Make that three."

Roni ignored him as Joey’s hands met at her lower back and pulled her flush against him. Her hand on his neck slid into his hair and her other hand moved to his chest as she tilted her head back when Joey began kissing her neck.

"Roni, I can’t believe you’re doing this." Jamie stepped up to the couple. "Kissing him like this in front of me. You’ve made your point. Have fun this summer. I’m sure Joey will have some great nights."

Roni kept her eyes closed as she heard Jamie walk away. When she was sure he was gone she opened one eye and looked in the direction of the front yard. She sighed when she realized what had happened.


"What?" he asked, still kissing her neck.

"He’s gone." She pulled her hands off him. "Jamie’s gone."

"Oh." Joey pulled back. He looked at his friends’ surprised faces and blushed. "Yeah."

"Oh my." Roni looked around the yard and found everyone staring at her. "Excuse me."

Roni ran past everyone and made sure not to look at her mother.

Chris watched Roni’s exit before looking for his sister. Molly was looking for Chris too so when their eyes met they locked. Molly raised her brows in question and Chris nodded. Molly followed Roni and Chris faced his friends. He didn’t know what to say. He looked at Joey.


Roni laid on her bed and sighed. Since the Jamie incident she had talked to both Molly and Chris. Chris had just left and she was tired. She looked around her room and sighed again. She’d worry about packing tomorrow. She grabbed her pillow as someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." She looked up and smiled slightly. "Hey, Joe."

"Hey." Joey walked in the room and stood in the far corner. "How you holding up?"

"Okay. You?"

"All right." He looked around the room before facing her again. "Ron, I’m sorry for earlier."

"Don’t be. I could have stopped you."

A silence came over the room. Joey shuffled his feet and leaned against the wall. Roni bit her lip and shook her head.

"This isn’t get us anywhere, Joey."

"I know." He walked to the bed and pointed to the end. "May I?"

Roni nodded and moved to the head of the bed as Joey sat at the foot. Joey sat in a few positions before pulling his right leg on the bed and facing her. Roni brought her legs to her and sat Indian style.

"Ron, I honestly didn’t mean for all that to happen. I thought we could just kiss like you did the others, but…"

"But I’ve never kissed the others before. God I can’t believe I did that. I can’t believe they played along."

"Me neither." Joey laughed. "You should have seen us after you left. We just looked at each other and I think it was a silent group decision not to talk about it, at least not right now. Not when it’s fresh."

"I’m sure." Roni stood and paced beside her bed. "Joey, why is this still happening?"

"I still don’t know. I do like kissing you, I think that’s evident, and you are a great person, but I’m in no shape to take on any relationship right now."

"Oh me neither." Roni stopped pacing and sat beside Joey. She grabbed his hand. "I like ya, Joe, but I meant what I said. I don’t need a relationship right now. I’m young and I’m about to go to college. I want to go as a single girl."

"So where does that leave us?"

"I honestly don’t know. I don’t want to be with someone. I just got out of a bad relationship and I need to chill and maybe have some fun."

"Not too much fun," Joey told her sternly.

Roni laughed. "You sound like Chris. Plus, I’m going to be with you guys all summer. Where can I get into that kind of trouble? Chris will be watching me like a hawk, and if it’s not him one you guys will be there. I should be okay."

"Yeah, I know." He shook her knee. "It’s just that trouble comes out of nowhere sometimes."

Roni nodded and looked at her lap. Joey sat and glanced around the room. He turned back and watched her for a moment. Roni placed her hand between them and he coverd it with his. Joey slowly brought his other hand to her cheek and turned her head toward him. Their eyes locked and Roni gulped. Joey dropped his hand and looked away. Roni slid next to him and placed her free hand on his knee. Joey’s eyes widened and he faced her. His mouth opened but no sound came out.

"Joey," Roni whispered, "sometimes I think trouble just finds you whether you want to see it or not. Even if it’s right in front of you…or beside you."

"Yeah," he answered quietly.

Roni looked past him before glancing at his mouth. She remembered the feel of his mouth against hers earlier and licked her lips. That was all Joey needed to lean closer to her. Roni tilted her head to accomodate him and accepted his move to kiss her.

Their lips met and it immediately deepened. Her hand on his knee reached up and grabbed a fistful of his shirt. She started to pull him down on the bed but they began to lose balance and ended up falling to the floor. They pulled apart and looked at each other for a moment before laughing. Joey ran his fingertips down her cheek and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"That certainly shows you where danger can come out of the blue. I certainly didn’t think I’d be falling on my butt when we began that kiss."

"I can’t believe we did it again."

"It’s all right." Joey stood and help her up. "I’ll see you in the morning, Ron. I’d better head back to Chris’."

She nodded. He kissed her forehead before giving her a quick kiss on the mouth and walking out the door. Roni looked aimlessly around her room. She heard the front door close and fell on her bed with a heavy sigh,


Chapter 14

E-mail: Crazy1