
Roni ran into her dorm room and lunged for the phone.

"Hello?" she asked breathlessly.


Roni smiled and dropped her bookbag to the floor. She pushed the door closed with her foot and sat on her desk chair.

"Hey, Chris."

"Roni, you aren’t, I repeat are not, going to believe what I have to tell you. I still can’t believe it. This is big, so big. I’m telling you I’m still pinching myself."

Roni laughed. "I can tell you’re excited. Now what’s going on?"

"We’re going to be on MTV."

"What?!?" Roni jumped off her chair. She began pacing the small room. "What did you just say?"

"We’re going to be on MTV."

"MTV? Oh Chris. This is…it’s…it’s…"

"I know. We feel the same way." He let out an excited yell. "You should see JC. He’s been flipping since we found out earlier. I mean he’s literally doing flips."

"I can imagine." Roni laughed again at Chris’ excitement. "So when is this all taking place?"

"Next week sometime. I was so excited I wasn’t listening to the exact date. Sorry."

"It’s okay, Chris, you can tell me later. Oh my god. This is so amazing."

"Tell me about it. Enough about me. How are classes?"

"I’m counting the days until finals."

"Ron," he laughed, "you only have another few weeks to go. Hey, have you decided what you’re doing this summer?"


"Well, what did you decide?"

"I’m going home, Chris. I need to spend sometime with my mom."

"I understand," he said sadly. He had asked her to join the group again, but he understood.

"I feel so bad about this but…"

"Ron, don’t feel bad. I understand. You spent last summer with us and all. Plus, I hear she’s not doing too good."

"No," Roni sighed, "she’s not and I’m worried. I just feel the need to be with her."

"Roni, as much as I’d like to have you around there are priorities and family is one of them. I’ll make sure to come home at some time and maybe the guys will come with me. You should go home and don’t feel bad about it."

"I’ll try not to."

"Ron, I’ve got to go. I’ll call you back with the date we’ll be on."

"All right. I hope I don’t have class then. Plus, Kelly had been dying to see something else of you guys."

Chris laughed. Roni’s roommate had gone crazy when she first heard their music. She had even interrupted a conversation Roni was having with JC and wouldn’t give Roni back until he sang to her. When Chris had visited them one weekend she had been so disappointed the others weren’t with him she didn’t speak to him the whole time he was there. "Has she now?"

"Oh yeah. She can’t wait to meet JC so he’ll finally meet the girl of his dreams."

Chris laughed. "I’ll make sure to tell him. I’ll talk to you later, Ron."

"Bye, Chris, and congrats."

"Thanks. Bye."


Roni hung up the phone and looked around her room. She smiled brightly and let out an excited yell. Footsteps ran down the hall and the door swung open.

"Roni, are you all right?"

Roni laughed. "Everything’s fine, Kel." She got up and sat at her computer. "By the way, guess who’s going to be on MTV next week?"



"Ron, who are you- Oh my god. They’re going to be on TV?" Kelly pointed to a picture Roni had with her and all five *N SYNC members. Her eyes widened. "They’re going to be on MTV?"

Roni laughed as her roommate squeeled loudly and tackled her.


April 15

Roni looked around the room and laughed. Kelly had told the whole floor and it seemed like most of them decided to cram into their room to watch the performance. She counted the heads. Thirteen. Thirteen girls in her small dormroom. It must have been a record.

"Hey, Roni?"

"Yeah?" Roni looked down from her bed to her friend Kate.

"Why are we watching this again? You know one of the guys in the group?"

"Actually, I know all the guys but I grew up next door to one of them. Chris."

"And which one is he?"

"I’ll tell you in a minute. They’re about to come on." Roni bounced in excitement and knocked her teddy bear off her bed. She slid partly off her bed and looked at the bed below hers. "Sorry, Kel, didn’t mean to throw Teddy B. at you."

"It’s okay. I’m used to it. Plus- What the hell did Chris do to his hair?"

"What?" Roni whipped her head up and her mouth dropped. "Oh my god. What did he do to it? Are those dreads?"

"I’m taking it he never said anything to you about them."

Roni shook her head but didn’t say anything because they were about to start singing.

You’re all I ever wanted…

Roni could hear Kelly moving on her bed.

"Damn, you don’t hear voices like this anywhere."

Roni looked below her again and laughed becasue her roommate was now dancing on her bed.

"They’re all right," Kate added. "Too bad none of them are cute."

"None of them are cute? None of them are cute? Do you not see that guy now coming to the front? He’s beautiful."

"If you say so…"

"Shh." Kelly waved her hand at Kate. "JC’s coming up and I love his voice."

"That’s not all she loves," Roni whispered, getting a glare from Kelly.

The group watched the rest of the performance in silence. At the commercial break half of the group left. Roni watched her friends leave.

"Guys, there’s still an interview. At least I think there will be one."

"Roni," Kate started, "I don’t think they want to see an interview with boys younger than we are."

"Younger than we are? Only Justin is younger than all of us. Lance is younger than me technically. He was born in 1979. May fourth."

"Really?’’ Kate lifted an eyebrow. "They all look younger than us. How old is Chris?"

"Twenty-six. JC is twenty-one, Joey is twenty, Lance is about to turn nineteen and Justin is seventeen."



"They look younger."

"Must be the hair for Chris or something."

"Shh," Kelly told the pair. "It’s the interview and JC is about to answer a question."

Kate rolled her eyes and Roni laughed. After the interview everyone but Roni, Kelly and Kate left the room. Kelly rolled back on her bed and sighed.

"JC is so dreamy."

"Hey, Kel?"

"Yeah?" Kelly twisted to face Kate.

"What if JC isn’t the one that likes you but it’s someone else who falls head-over-heals in love with you, but you don’t see it because you’re drooling over JC?"

"Huh?" Kelly bit her lip. "I guess it’s possible."

"It’s more then possible, Kel," Roni joined in. "There are four other guys in the group. What if, say, Justin or Lance shows an interst in you?"

"Hmm. I don’t know."

Kate sat on Kelly’s bed. "Who’d be your second choice?"


Roni smiled. "Oh really?"

"Yeah." Kelly looked down and blushed.

"So," Kate nudged Kelly, "what if Justin were to show interest in you but you didn’t see it because you had the hots for JC? You could be missing something great."

"He is a great guy, Kelly. You would be missing out if your rejected Justin."

"Wait a minute." Kelly sat up quickly and rubbed her head where it hit the bottom of Roni’s bed. "Who said I’d reject anyone? I know sometimes you get your second choice and sometimes it was a better choice than your first one."

"Are you now saying that Justin may be a better choice than JC?"

"I don’t know." Kelly burried her face in her pillow. "I like JC but…"

"But what?"

"But Justin doesn’t seem so bad."

"Oh trust me," Roni climbed down from her top bunk, "he’s not. He’s nice, smart and cute. And don’t forget about that voice."

"I know." Kelly groaned. "Why are you making me question myself?"

"Because we can." Kate stood up. "We going to dinner at five?"

"Yeah." Roni sat at Kelly’s desk and turned the computer on. "See you later, Kate."

"Bye, Roni. Bye, Mrs. Justin."

Kelly swore at Kate and threw her pillow at the now cleared doorway. Kelly retrieved her pillow and held it against her chest as she sat.

"So what do you think? Do you think I could overlook someone because I’m focusing on JC?"

"Kel," Roni groaned, "give it up."

"I know, but what if Justin really is the one I should be with?"

"Kelly, if you don’t stop talking about Justin I’m going to take that pillow and hold it over your mouth until you’ve sufficated."

"No need to get violent." Kelly pulled her bookbag toward her and took out the book inside. She opened to a certain page and looked at Roni. "But…"

"Kelly," Roni warned. The phone rang and she beat Kelly to the cordless. "Hello."

"Hey, Ron."

"Hey." Roni’s face brightened. "How you doing, Justin?" She threw Kelly a look. "You were great today."

"Justin? Ron, it’s me. Chris."

"I know that." She laughed loudly. "Oh, Justin, you’re too funny."


"I think you have some new fans, J." Roni shot Kelly another look. "Kelly, was just saying-"

Kelly threw her book on the floor and raced to Roni. Roni turned away from her roommate but Kelly ripped the phone out of a laughing Roni’s hands and brought the phone to her mouth.

"Justin? Don’t listen to her. She’s in one of her insane moods."

"Roni? Insane? I never knew that."

"You’re not Justin."

Roni laughed at Kelly’s confusion and she could hear Chris’ laughter through the phone. Kelly glared at Roni.

"Hi, Kel. Can I talk to Roni again?"

"Yeah. Hold on."

"Wait. What was Roni saying about you saying something about Justin? Does JC have competition?"

"Here’s Roni." Kelly handed Roni the phone and stomped to pick up her book. She grabbed a notebook and walked to the dorm room door. "I’m going to the lounge, Ron, and if I hear about anything that you say watch when you sleep."

Roni laughed as Kelly stalked down the hall. "Hey, Chris."

"Hey, Ron, what was that about?"

"Nothing." Roni cracked her neck and looked at the computer screen. "I’m just giving Kelly a hard time. You know. The norm."

Chris laughed. "Sounds like fun. Is she getting over her JC obsession or something?"

"I don’t know." She sighed. "So how do you feel about your performance?"

"Well," Chris ran a hand down the back of his neck, "I’m glad it’s done. I still can’t believe it. We were on MTV. *N SYNC was on MTV."

"I know, Chris. It’s weird to know that I know someone who performed on MTV during MTV Live. Actually I know five who did. Strange. It looked good from my end."

"Thanks, Ron. We were so nervous. It took forever to get ready. We were shaking. We’ve been on TV before but not really in our home country. And on MTV? Oh my god."

"Calm down, Chris."

"Calm down? Roni, are you calm?"

"Not really. I just saw my big brother of sorts sing his heart out on MTV. Speaking of getting ready and all…the hair?"

Chris laughed nervously. "Didn’t I tell you about that?"


"Oh." He paused. "Sorry. Roni, I have dreads in my hair." Another pause. "What did you think?"

"Well, I don’t know. I guess I could get used to them. So what’s next for you guys?"

"I think we have another interview and then we have the rest of the night off." There was some voices on the other side of the phone. "Hey, Ron, I’m getting requests to share. You want to talk to the others?"


"Okay. While they fight for the right to be first I guess I’ll say bye because I don’t know if these knuckleheads will remember who actually called you."

Roni laughed. "Sounds good. I didn’t get to say good-bye last time they passed the phone around. Bye, Chris. Love you."

"Love ya too, Ron. Maybe I’ll talk to you later in this conversation."

"All right." Roni laughed again. "Who am I talking to now?"

"Lance," a deep voice boomed over the line.

"Hey, Lance, lookin’ good. So are you feeling?"

"I’m feeling okay. I’m still in shock that we just performed on MTV. I just hope we get another chance."

"I’m sure you will, Lance. You guys are amazing. I’m sure their producers saw that."

"Well, let’s see what the U.S. public thinks."

"I’m sure it’ll be okay. Actually I’m sure it’ll be okay with the teen population. Some of the girls who came over to watch the show thought all of you were younger than them."

"I’m sure you set them straight on that one. Especially on how I’m technically younger than you. I still can’t believe you counted the days between our birthdays."

"Hey," Roni shrugged, "I can’t help it if I count days between dates when I’m bored. Plus, forty-five days is forty-five days. I’m that much more experienced than you."

"Whatever, girl, I’m still taller than you."

"I’m perfectly fine with my height. It gives me an excuse if I need something off a tall shelf to call over a good-looking taller guy to help me. It works."

Lance laughed. "If you say so. I think it’s my time to get off. JC is pointing to his watch. I guess I’ll be talking to you later?"

"Yup. And remember you were amazing."

"I thought I told you to stop saying that about my kissing style, Ron. You know I blush easily."

"Jace," Roni groaned, "I thought we agreed that the kissing scene would never be mentioned again."

"You’ve kissed JC?"

Roni turned and blinked as Kelly sorted through her bookbag and withdrew a notebook. She shook her head as JC’s laugh came to her ears.

"Are you going to lie to your roommate?"

"Yes, I am." She looked at Kelly. "No, I haven’t kissed JC. Don’t you think I would have told you all about it, Miss ‘I-want-to jump-JC’s-bones’?"

"No," JC told Roni. "She wants to jump my bones? And I haven’t met her because…?"

"Because your schedule hasn’t permitted it and plus if you two meet I’m not sure you’d survive the meeting, JC. On the other hand after today’s performance…"

"Roni," Kelly warned the other girl.

"I’m not going to say anything else, Kel," Roni assured her roommate. She watched Kelly leave again and sighed. "You are trouble, JC. Pure trouble."

"I’m glad I could be of service."

"You’d do a better service if you’d join the Navy or something and get out of my hair."

"But then whose bones would Kelly want to jump?"


"I knew there was a story there. Am I being dumped?"

"Dumped?" Roni laughed. "I don’t know. Kate decided to ask Kel about the possibility of her meeting you guys and if one of the other guys fell for her instead of you and would she miss an opporunity because she was drooling over you."

"It’s always a possibility. So what happened next?"

"Well," Roni walked to the door to make sure Kelly wasn’t coming back to the room, "then Kate continued playing devil’s advocate and asked Kelly who her second choice would be."


"Let’s just say she has a weakness for blue eyes."

"Justin," JC stated.

"Exactly, so now she’s wondering if maybe Justin should be the one she should focus on instead of you."

"Oh this is classic." He laughed.

"Don’t tell her I told you though. She’d kill me. I just thought I’d tell you so you wouldn’t start feeling neglected if she didn’t pay as much attention to you. I’m just thinking of you here, hun."

"Thanks, Ron. I’m glad my best interests are in your heart. So Justin’s her next choice, huh? He’s not going to be eighteen for nine months yet."

"I know. Don’t ask me. You’re all like family to me so I can’t see any of you like that. Especially you, Justin and Lance. And Chris? That is just wrong. Good thing is I haven’t met anyone delusional enough to think he’s attractive yet."

"And Joey?"

"Did I leave Joey out?"

"Yeah, you did, Ron."

"Well, Joey’s just Joey."

"Joey’s Joey?"

"Did you just say my name, JC?" Joey’s voice came through the receiver. "Is it my turn to talk to Roni?"

"Nope," JC told him, "it’s Justin’s turn. You’ll get your chance. She’s asking for the youngun’."

"All right."

"JC," Roni started, "it doesn’t matter who I talk to next."

"I know, but Justin will bug the hell out of me if he ends up being last because last time he was last and he didn’t let Chris talk to you before he got off and got crap from Chris."

"Then wouldn’t that make him remember this time?"

"That’s logical but when has Justin been logical?"

"Good point. So do you have anything else to say or am I going to be speaking to Justin?"

JC laughed. "Are you trying to get rid of me or something?"

"No. I just know you guys have a busy schedule and thought I’d help move things along."

"I see how it is." There was a pause. "Actually, you’re right. As much as I’d love to continue talking to you I do have to go. Let me get Justin."

Roni stood as silence came ovwer the phone. She climbed to her bed and laid back. She wasn’t going to get any work on her paper done until she was off the phone with the guys.


"Hey, Justin, good show."

’Thanks. We were so nervous before we hit the stage."

"It didn’t show."


"Yeah." She looked out the window. "The show was good. I’m proud of you guys."

"Thanks. Now what was this JC saying about Kelly might like me better than him now?"

"Oh god. I can’t believe he said something to you about it. It’s not completely official but you might give him some competition. You might-"

Roni stopped as the door opened. Kelly glared at her but she just smiled.

"Who are you talking to now?"

"Just-in," Roni told her teasingly.

"You’d better leave me out of your conversation."

"Yes, ma’am," Justin shot through the phone and Roni laughed.

Kelly’s head popped up from her book. "What?"

"Nothing. Just something Justin said, and, yes, I’ll leave you out of our conversation. Why would I want to talk about you anyway?"

Kelly stuck her tongue out and Roni returned the gesture. Kelly rolled her eyes and returned to her book. Roni laughed.

"So how are you doing, Justin?"

"Pretty good. A little out of my mind because we were just on MTV but otherwise good. I can’t believe we got such a big gig. People might actually start knowing who we are at home. That’s just awesome."

"I’m sure it is. You guys deserve everything. I’m so proud of you guys."

"Thanks." He paused as voices appeared in the background. "Listen, Roni, I’m needed for something. Let me get Joey. We’re being interviewed individually and it’s my turn."

"All right, J. It was nice talking to you."

"You too. Talk to you later."

"Later." Roni reached to the desk to get her planner as the phone was handed to Joey. "Joe?"

"Hey, Ron. Long time no talk."

’I know." She flipped the book open. "Last time you weren’t there when I got passed around like this."

"The *N SYNC whore."

"Joey, that wasn’t funny. I don’t sleep around." Roni put her pen down and stared at the book.

"Don’t you think I know that?" Joey said defensively. "How much did we talk about that last summer?" There was a pause. "Ron, I’m sorry but you know I was just kidding around."

"I know. I’m just stressed. It’s the end of the semester, I’m worried about my mom and my love life is just a mess."

"How is that guy you were kinda seeing?"

"Gone, but there’s a new one. We’re getting to the point of showing interest."

"And that qualifies as a mess because?"

"Because it’s the end of the year and he lives in Maryland. So now I can either push for something I might want or wait and see if he’s still available after the three months home." She sighed and laid back. She bit her lip. "Is it all right to be talking about this?"

"Yeah, it is. Ron, we have to get back to where we were. If you must know I’m sorta seeing someone myself."

"That’s great, Joe."

"Yeah," he said slowly. "Listen, Chris just finished his interview and he wants to talk to you. I’ll talk to you later?"

"Yeah. Hey, can I call you later and we’ll talk more? I need a male sounding board and I’d love for it to be you."

"Okay. Later." Joey pulled the mouthpiece away from his mouth. "Chris!"

Roni laid on her side and pulled the planner next to her. She counted the days until she went home and sighed. She wrote herself a note and placed the pen between the pages.


"Hey, Chris, was there something else you needed?"

"Do I need to have a reason to talk to my favorite college freshman?"

"No. You usually don’t have a point when you talk so why should now be any different?"


Roni laughed and pushed her planned to the floor. "It’s true."

"That doesn’t mean you have to vocalize it." Chris sighed and ran a hand down his face. "I’m exhausted."

"You sound it."

"I just hope this all pays off."

"It will, Chris," she assured him. "Soon you’ll be so famous I’ll have to take down all my pictures of you guys because everyone will want to meet you."

"Wouldn’t that be nice?"

"Chris, today was a great start. Like I told Justin, I’m proud of you guys. I’m proud of you, Chris. I love you."

"I love you too, Ron. They said that the crowd outside was the biggest they’ve ever had. It was even bigger than when the Backstreet Boys were there."

"Wow. Chris, that’s great."

"I guess. I just don’t know. You probably saw the looks on the wanna be VJs’ faces. They looked bored."

"Chris, it just isn’t the kind of music they like to listen to. You did amazing. Don’t downplay yourself. Please."

Chris sighed. "I guess you’re right. It’s just that this could be our big break. MTV. Oh my god. I was just performing on MTV."

Roni laughed at the shock in Chris’ voice. "Yes, Christopher, you were, and you were good. I can’t believe my ‘big brother’ was on MTV. Chris, I think everything will fall into place."

"That would be great. So you’re going to go home this summer?"

"Yeah. Mom just doesn’t sound like she’s been feeling that great. I’m worried."

"Me too. I’ve asked my mom and your mom hasn’t said anything to her."

"I’m not surprised. She doesn’t ask for help easily. Last summer I was away and I think it would be the right thing to do if I stayed and spent some time with her."

"Hey, I understand. I’m away from home all the time. I hope she’s all right."

"Me too." She looked at the clock. "Listen, Chris, I hate to do this but I have to do a paper for my class tonight."

"And it’s not even halfway done, I bet."

"Well, it’s only a two page paper and I just couldn’t get it done last weekend. And I didn’t have to research anything, just read twenty pages."

"And when did you read those?"

"Last night."

"That’s my Roni. You’re becoming quite the procrasinator."

"Only at school work." Roni slid to get down from her bunk.

"Roni," Chris scolded before he laughed. "I’ll let you get going. I’ll call you next time I get the chance."

"Okay. I’ll talk to you later, Chris."

"Love ya."

"Love you too. Tell the others I say bye."

"Will do. Bye."

"Bye Chris." Roni blew a kiss into the reciever and hung up the phone.

"So how are the guys? Excited?"

Roni jumped, turned and placed a hand over her heart. "Kelly, I almost forgot you were here."

"Now don’t I feel special. But then again you always space when you talk to Chris and sometimes Joey. I swear there’s more of a story there that you’re not telling me."

"I’ve told you everything, Kel. I told you about my parents and not many get that information out of me."

"I guess. I’m going to Jess’ so we can go over this Philosophy section. I need a good grade on this quiz. Plus, you’ve got that paper."

"I know. I’ll see you later."

Kelly collected her books and waved before leaving the room. Roni heard her knock on a door down the hall and ask Jess for help. Roni shook her head and sat back in front of the computer. She had a little less than two hours and had only written her name. And she was having dinner with Kelly and Kate. She hit her forehead with her palm and settled in front of the monitor.


Chapter 15
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E-mail: crazy1s_fic@yahoo.com