January 28

"Umm, Joey, I seem to have left your present at home," Roni told Joey regretfully as he entered the car Chris let her use.

"What about that wrapped present in the back?"

"What present?" Roni looked in her rear-view mirror and saw a big wrapped box on the back seat. "Oh, that…it’s Justin birthday present."

"Right…" Joey raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"It is!"

"If you say so, Ron."

Roni ignored him and concentrated on the road. She had been in Orlando two weeks and was already frustrated with some of the traffic patterns. Like how now she just slowed to a stop on I-4 for two seconds before she was right back up to 70 miles per hour. She shook her head at forgetting the present in the back of the car. Good thing Justin’s birthday was in three days. She didn’t want to ruin the night.

"So, Ron," Joey broke into her thoughts, "how are you doing? How are you really doing?"

Roni bit her bottom lip. "I’m doing fine."

"Roni," he placed his hand over hers on the gear shift, "don’t lie. It may be my birthday but that doesn’t mean you can lie to me. Actually, it should be the opposite."

"Joey, I really am fine."

"Ron, with everything that happened in the last two months you shouldn’t be ‘fine’."

"Joey, I really am-"

"Ron, don’t tell me you’re fine. I’m not buying it. Hell, I’m not even leasing it."

"How about taking it for a test drive?"

"As long as you don’t rev the engine too hard."

Roni glared at him but laughed as he mischieviously wiggled his eyebrows. She reached out and slapped his arm. "Joseph."


"Don’t play innocent with me. I know how you work."

"Yes. Yes, you do."

Joey’s tone was serious but before she could question him about it she felt his hand move from hers to her knee. When it slid off her knee up to her thigh she laughed and shoved it off her body.


"There’s the laugh we all know and love. I’ve missed it."

Roni faced the road and turned into Chris’ driveway. She parked the car and turned the engine off. She faced Joey and tilted her head to the house.

"Come on in."

"Why? No one’s going to be there."

"Come on," Roni whined as she tugged his arm. "Keep me company then."

"Roni, it’s almost like you want me to go in the house."

"You’re right, Joe. I just want to get you inside for myself before we go meet your family and the guys for dinner." Now it was her turn to wiggle her eyebrows.

"Now that that’s settled." He stepped out of the car and closed the door. He waited for her by the walkway and let her lead him to the door. He stepped back as she unlocked the door. "Maybe I should just stay out here."

"Get in there." Roni pushed him into the house.

"Geez, Ron," Joey laughed as he stumbled into the house, "no need to be so rough. I didn’t realize I was that good."

"In your dreams, Fatone."

Joey grabbed her waist and brought her against his hip. He nuzzled his nose in her neck. "My fantasies is more like it."

"So this is what you do when I’m not around?" Joey’s girlfriend, Lily, came out of the dark living room. "Is this what you do? Flirt with other women? I don’t need this, Joey. You said you were different than your rep. Guess I was stupid for believing you." Lily stomped out of the house.

"Lily?" Joey looked between the open door, Roni and the now lit room. "What…?"

"Umm," Chris stepped into his foyer, "…surprise?"

"Oh god," Joey sighed in disbelief, "be right back."

Roni watched Joey run out the door. She turned when she felt an arm drape over her shoulder. "I don’t want to hear it, Chris."

"Did I say a word?"

"No, but you were thinking of something to say. With you that’s dangerous."

He tightened his arm around her neck and led her into the kitchen. "Why does everyone put me down?"

"Oh, Chris, we’re not necessarily putting you down. Having a dangerous mind isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes a dangerous mind wants us to think about something we don’t want to. It’s not always bad."

"I like the way you think, Ron. But I have to tell you something." He leaned to whisper in her ear. "I’m tired of this serious stuff. It’s a party, let’s party."

Roni laughed. "Even though the guest of honor ran out?"

"He’ll be back." Chris grabbed a can from the table, took a drink and offered it to Roni. As she took a sip he lifted his arm to the door. "See, here’s Joey now. So, Joe, where’s the little lady?"

"Oh," Joey ran a hand through his hair, "she went home. It seems like everything’s cool, but you never know. She wished me a happy birthday, gave me a kiss and said she didn’t feel well."

"Oh, I’m sorry, Joe." Roni hugged the tall brunette. "If it wasn’t for me she wouldn’t be mad at you."

"Ron, it’s my fault. I have a girlfriend and I can’t be that ‘friendly’ with you, or any other girl for that matter."

Roni twirled his hair. "Joey, you were just being yourself. I know that’s how you act and you don’t mean anything sexual by it. That’s a part of you I accepted when I said I wanted you to be my friend."

"I guess." Joey was quiet for a second. "But I should have know better. I knew there was a party and I should have thought about her being here."

"Wait a second," Justin walked up to the trio, "you knew about the party?"

"Come on. Roni’s not that good of a liar. Oh," he turned to the female, "next time you’re trying to get someone to a surprise party don’t bring their gift when your excuse is that you forgot it, huh? That is my gift right?"

"Yeah. Oh, let me go get it to put with the rest."

The three guys watched her leave and laughed. Justin wished Joey a happy birthday before leaving to talk to someone. Joey and Chris watched the front door until Roni reappeared and walked into the living room with the wrapped present.


"Hey, Joey."

Joey turned and saw Jusitn approach. He laughed as the younger male disco danced his way over. "What’s up, J?"

"Well, I don’t think anyone remembers my birthday is in three days. No one’s said anything."

Joey shook his head. "Just like you. Thinking only of yourself." He laughed at Justin’s disturbed expression. "Oh, you know I’m kidding. But you answered your own question. Your b-day is in three days. They’ll tell you then."

"I guess, but since our birthdays are so close most people get it all in one shot, wishing us both at the same time. I haven’t even gotten any presents and, to my knowledge, I’m not going to be seeing these people in three days." Justin shrugged.

"Speaking of presents," Joey said before Justin could say anything else, "I haven’t gotten to use the kareoke machine I got. Let’s see if we can wrestle it away from Wade."

Justin laughed and followed Joey into the living room. On the far side a tall blonde was finishing up a song. They waited until Wade was done before approaching. Joey tapped Wade’s arm and Wade’s head snapped up.

"Hey, give someone else a try."

"Sorry," Wade smiled apologetically, "guess I got carried away. You’ve got some good songs here, Joe."

"I wouldn’t know," Joey teased the teen.

"Well, it’s time for you to find out. How about I pick the artist, you pick the song?"

Joey nodded. "Deal."

"Let me see."

Justin and Wade flipped through the book and after a few discussions they came to an agreement. Justin turned the book to Joey.


"Okay." Joey scanned the song titles and pointed one out. He waited until Wade put the tape in and brought the microphone to his mouth. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Roni enter the room. Oh the irony


Anything for you
Though you’re not here
Since you said we’re through
It seems like years
Time keeps dragging on and on
And forever’s been and gone
Still I can’t figure what went wrong

I’d still do anything for you
I’ll play your game
You hurt me through and through
But you can have your way

I can pretend each time I see you
That I don’t care and I don’t need you
And though you’ll never see me cryin’
You know inside I feel like dying

Roni made her way toward Joey and her eyes widened at the emotion making his brown eyes so soft. She thought about their history, from Orlando to the present. Why didn’t he ever tell me?

And I’d do anything for you
In spite of it all
I’ve learned so much from you
You made me strong
But don’t you ever think that I don’t love you
That for one minute I forgot you
But sometimes things don’t work out right
And you just have to say goodbye

I hope you find someone to please you
Someone who’ll care and never leave you
But if that someone ever hurts you
You just might need a friend to turn to

Joey saw recognition is Roni’s eyes, but he made no move toward her. What they had experienced together only they knew about. They had promised secrecy and he wasn’t about to break that pact.

And I’d do anything for you
I’ll give you up
If that’s what I should do
To make you happy

I can pretend each time I see you
That I don’t care and I don’t need you
And though inside I feel like dying
You know you’ll never see me crying

Don’t you ever think that I don’t love you
That for one minute I forgot you
But sometimes things don’t work out right
And you just have to say goodbye

Anything for You ~ Gloria Estefan


Joey closed his eyes and hung his head. After a moment he handed the microphone to Wade and walked through the house and out the front door. He passed in front of the garage and made his way to the side of the house. He sat under a window and waited.


Joey took a deep breath before looking up at Roni. He watched as she tentatively sat and took his hand. They sat in silence because neither knew what to say. Roni squeezed his hand and he returned the gesture. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her smile slightly.

"Joey, I really don’t know what to say. You’re a great guy and I really do love you but-"

"Just not like that. I know." He pulled their hands on his lap. "Ron, I know you love me, and I know that nothing will ever come of ‘us’ because we’re not meant to be together. I do know that we’re not ‘soulmates’ or anything but it doesn’t mean I can’t fall for you."


"When what? When did I fall for you?"

She nodded.

"Well, we’ve always had something between us. You can’t deny that."

"And I’m not."

"I know." He freed his hand and patted her thigh. "The thing in Orlando was nothing but two kids having fun. I guess Europe changed things."

Roni laughed. "You could say that. So, it’s been since then?"

"No. Then you were still Roni, a girl I enjoyed being with."

"Oh. Then was it the next summer, after I graduated high school."

"Yeah." Joey ran his hands through his hair. "I mean I know we fooled around because we were both single and just wanted fun, but at one point it got beyond just fun for me. Ron, you are one of the most amazing girls I know. Any guy would be a fool not to fall in love with you."

"You’re going to give me an ego here, Fatone," Roni joked as she pushed her shoulder into him.

Joey laughed and shook his head. "I think it’s too late. You’ve only been here two weeks and I know Chris has been treating you like the sun and the moon revolve around you."

"You meant they don’t?" She shot him an innocent look.

"I’m sorry, Ms. Da’ Cord, but, sadly, they don’t." Joey stared into the distance. "We’re getting off topic here." He stood and paced with his hands in his front pockets. "Roni, I didn’t sing that song in there on purpose. I never meant to tell you how I felt. We both need to move on, and we have. It’s just…"

"Joey, it needed to be said. It’s been three and a half years, Joe. I guess that’s why none of your girlfriends ever work out. You’re not over me. God, I sound conceited." She lowered her head.

"No, Ron, you’re not. Actually, you’re right. Most of the girls I’ve been with are little nothings in my path to finding the right girl. Again, I know she’s not you but…"

"So," she watched him sit beside her, "have there been any good ones lately? How about Lily?"

Joey’s face brightened and he tried to hide his smile at the mention of his current girlfriend.

"Ahh, I see," Roni teased. "I knew she was good for you. But why do you two always fight if you like her so much?"

He shrugged. "I don’t know. She makes me so happy but there’s something holding me back."

"Is it me?"

"I don’t know. Maybe." He turned away from her but turned back when she brought his chin around.

"Joey, I’m hoping now that you’ve let it out how you feel maybe you won’t feel that with her anymore. I like Lily. I can tell she really likes you. As in the you inside that gorgeous body of yours, not the you that’s all over magazine covers."

"Thanks, Ron, your approval of her does mean a lot." He grabbed her hand again and kissed it. "But how will I know if I’m ready to give to her what I want to give?"

"You’ll know." She was silent for a minute "There’s one more test."


Roni bit her lip and raised her other hand to his face. She slipped it behind his head and into his hair as she pulled his face down to hers. Their lips met softly and Roni quickend the pace of the kiss quickly. She let him deepen the kiss and they leaned against the house. Roni was the first one to pull back. "So?"

"Well other than the fact that after four years and more experience you are still one of the best kissers I’ve come across, I started thinking of Lily and how wrong it was for me to be kissing you." He ran a hand through his hair. "I felt like I cheated on her."

"Joey, don’t feel bad. It was my idea, but now do you think you can move on in this relationship with her?"

"Yeah, I do. But I still feel so bad…"

"Joey, I honestly don’t think you did anything wrong. Hell, I’m the one who kissed you. Joey, I think we did the right thing. Now I know how you feel and now you know how you feel. We will always love each other, but only as friends. I think your mind can see that clearer now."

"You’re right." He stood and helped her up. "I guess that machine was the best present I ever got. It got us to have this discussion and now I can move on with my life. You’ll always hold a special place in my heart, Ron."

"But," she began walking back around the house, "now there’s room for someone else like Lily to enter it."

"Yeah, there is. Thanks, Roni."

"Any time."


Chris sat on his bed in shock of the conversation he had heard through his bedroom window. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop. At first he stayed for concern for Joey but then he couldn’t make himself walk away. He had known there was something going on between the younger couple that summer she was with them but didn’t know it was anything that could turn into anything serious. He hadn’t said anything because he had a feeling the main person they were hiding the relationship from was him. If Roni wanted to have someone to kiss and for it not to turn into anything he’d rather be with one of his friends then with some random guy. He had trusted Joey not to break her heart and it seems like just the opposite had happened. At least Joey knew they weren’t meant to be together. That knowledge made him very happy for some odd reason.

Chris looked around the room and his gaze seemed stuck to the phone. He walked to his desk and grabbed his phone book. He ruffled through it as he walked back to the bed. He dialed the number he found and waited for an answer.


"Hi, Lily, it’s Chris."

"Hey, Chris, what’s up? Joey flirting with someone else now, not just Roni. Even though I’d doubt that."

Chris bit his lip at her cold tone. "Lily, he and Roni are just friends. Believe me. It’s you who he wants to be with. He’s just a flirtatious guy. There’s no reading between the lines here. He wants you."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Why don’t you just come back and I’m sure he’ll show you you’re the one for him?"

Chris finished the conversation quickly and made his way to the living room where his groupmates were trying to make Joey’s sister Janine and Roni laugh as they were singing "No Scrubs" by TLC. He walked up and began to smile when Roni caught his eye and began singing dircetly at him. He feigned innocence and she shook her head and laughed. He turned to Joey and put an arm around his friend.

"Why such a long face? It’s your birthday and this is your party."

"I’m just worried about Lily. What if I’ve lost her, Chris?"

"You haven’t lost her, Joe."

"How do you know that?" Joey shrugged Chris’ arm off. "When she left here she wasn’t all that happy with me."

"Joey, my friend, I know I already gave you one gift but another will be coming in about ten minutes if you want to wait outside for it." Chris pointed to his watch.

Confusion crossed Joey’s face before his eyes widened. "You mean…? She’s…?"

Chris nodded. He laughed as Joey shot across the room and ran through the front door. Chris shook his head again and turned when he felt someone punch his arm. "What?"

"No need to get cranky, Chris." Roni looped her arm through his.

"So is the kareoke done for the night?" he asked as JC put the equipment away neatly.

"Yeah, we decided enough singing for one night. We want to dance."

"Dance?" His eyes shot up with mischief. "Dance is my middle name."

"I thought it was Alan."

"Alan means dance in Irish," he told her as he spun her out and brought her back to him.

"Don’t they speak English in Ireland?"

"A form of it."

Roni laughed as he led her around the room in an inpromtu tango, adding spins and turns whenever she got her balance back.

"Having fun yet?"

"You bet."

Chris laughed at the wide smile on her face. They neared one corner of the room and an idea came to him and he knew it would throw her off. He turned quickly and dipped her into the shadows of the corner. He meant to bring her right back up but froze when their eyes locked. Suddenly he could feel every place their lower bodies touched as he held her against him. Shocked, he brought her back up and quickly spun her away from him into Lance’s waiting arms.


Chapter 18

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