December 14, 2001

Chris pulled his hat over his ears and ran through the parking lot looking for the spot his rental car was in. When he finally found the white sedan that beeped when he preseed the alarm he quickly opened the driver’s side door and threw his bag across into the passenger seat. He started the car and rubbed his hands together while waiting for the heat to kick in. He lifted his hips to get the phone out of his pocket and pressed 2 on his memory.


"Hi, mom." Chris moved the vents to pour the heat on him. "I’m in Indiana. Just wanted to let you know I got in fine."

"Thanks, honey, with this weather I was worried."

"Fear not, mother, thy soneth is fineth."

Beverly laughed. "Well, I know you wanted to surprsie Roni with your early arrival so I’ll let you get going so you can make it for the concert."

"You’re right, mom. I just want to call Roni and get on the road but I wanted to be the good son I am."

"And you are the best, Chris. Love you."

"Love you too, mom. I’ll talk to you tomorrow." Chris clicked off the phone before turning it back on and pressed the buttons for the first number in his directory. He sighed as he got an answering machine. "You there, Ron? Guess not if I’m talking to this thing. It’s me. Just wanted to see how your last week of classes went. Since you have the concert I guess I’ll talk to yo-"

"Chris? You still there, Chris?"

Chris smiled. "Yeah, I’m still here. Did you just come in?" He pulled out of the parking space and made his way to the airport exit.

"Actually I’m on my way out. I had just closed the door. I was waiting to see who it was before I made the effort to reopen the door. I thought it was someone else but I guess I can talk to you, but only for a second. The concert starts at eight and I need to be there early and it’s on the other side of campus."

"I guess I can let you go. I was just checking up."

"So you’re going to be here on Tuesday, right?"

"Yeah." Chris looked in his mirrors before changing lanes. "I will definitely be there on Tuesday."

"Cool. Talk to you tomorrow?"

"Oh yeah."

"Bye, Chris. Can’t wait to see you."

"Same here, Ron. Love you."

"You too."

Chris smiled and ended the call. He pushed the antenna down with his chin and tossed the phone in the cup holder next to him. He turned up the radio and sang along as he drove the unfamiliar roads.


Roni took her coat off as she ran into the dressing room. She flung it over a chair and quickly made her way into the small adjoining room.

"Sorry I’m late. Got a call as I was leaving."

"It’s all right," he friend Gary told her. He stood behind her and started massaging her shoulders. "This is your last performance before graduation. Damn, you’re tense. Tim must not be doing his job as boyfriend right. When are you going to dump him and run away with me?"

"When you start being attracted to females."

"I find females attractive."

"How about when you want to sleep with them?"

Gary laughed and took his hands off her shoulders. "That’ll work."

"Oh, Gary, I’m going to miss your massages. You give the second best of everyone I know." She sat on the only couch in the room and moved as he sat next to her.

"Second? Who gives better neck massages than me?" He turned to face her. "Oh I know. That Chris guy who you’ve known forever. Am I going to meet him this weekend at your little par-tay?"

"Nope." She shook her head. "He’s extremely busy and can’t come until next week, if he does come."

"What do you mean if he does come, girl? What bestest friend would miss a college graduation?"

"He’s busy, Gar. I’d understand if he couldn’t make it and he knows that."

"You’re an understanding friend, if I do say so myself. No one’s that busy unless they’re a celebrity. Make-up?" He reached forward for her small bag. "Well, I guess since he’s like a star in your life it’ll have to do. But I’m sure he’s no Joey Fatone. Yum. Boy would I love to get my hands on that bod."

"Gary, I can’t believe I finally found the one person who understands how hard it is for me to pick out make-up and now I have to leave." She closed her eyes as he put eye shadow on her. "I heard Joey has a girlfriend and I heard she’s nice too."

"I hadn’t heard the nice part. Hold on." He blew the excess powder off her face. "But I do envy the girl. She gets to kiss those lips whenever she wants to."

"Except when he’s on tour."

"Then she can dream about his lips because she’s actually kissed them. How many people can say they can walk up to Joey Fatone and lay one on him? Not many, but I’d like to sign up for the duty."

Roni smiled to herself. She had been listening to Gary go on about Joey all semester but had never once revealed that she actually knew Joey and the other guys of *N SYNC. That was one reason she was trying to keep him away from Chris. "Almost done?"

"Blot and then we’re done. Ron, I don’t get why you don’t wear a little more make-up than you do. You’ve got the color so use it."

Roni took a tissue from the box on the counter and blotted her lipstick on it. She balled the tissue and threw it into the trash can on the other side of the couch. "Nothin’ but net. Now how long until the show?"

"Impatient as always." Gary playfully crossed his arms and tapped his foot. He smiled past Roni. "Hey, Tim, come to wish the little lady luck before the show?"

"But of course." Time stood behind Roni and leaned to kiss her cheek. He brought his hidden hand around and handed her a bouquet of various flowers. "For you, my pretty."

"Thank you, Tim."

Roni took the flowers and smelled them. She then burst out laughing when a memory came through. It was the summer she had toured with the guys after high school. She and Chris had lost a bet with Lance and JC and were forced to dress up like Glenda the Good Witch and the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz. Roni was Glenda and Chris chased her, screaming, "I’ll get you my pretty" while Steve filmed it. Chris then went to chase the other guys but stopped when Justin poured a water bottle over his head. Then he began screaming about melting. Roni shook the memory and turned to Tim and Gary.

"Yeah, I can’t wait," Gary was saying, "one more semester and I’m gone. Somewhere else here I come."

Tim laughed. "I understand but I have a year and a half left. Roni’s the lucky one."

"I know I am." She stood and stretched. She picked up the flowers and walked back into the dressing room. She put the flowers by her coat. "What time is it?"

"You still have a half hour, hun." Tim kissed her cheek lightly. "I’m going to my seat. See you later."

"All right." Roni watched him leave.

"Hey, Roni, you nervous too?"

Roni smiled at the freshman brunette standing by another mirror. She walked over and placed an arm around the girl. Roni stayed by the girl’s side as the performers did focus and vocal exercises. This was a yearly event showcasing student solo and group vocals. She had done one previously and decided to return for her last semester. It definitely helped her make it through to graduation. She had made a few friends, like Gary. When the show started she sat with the freshman as they waited their turns. The brunette was called three quarters of the way through the program. Roni’s heart began pounding because she knew she was next. Roni tapped her nervous fingers on the table she set the flowers on.

"Roni, let’s go, girl."

Roni smiled nervously but let Gary lead her to the wings of the stage. She watched the brunette sing flawlessly and a knot began forming in her stomach.

"Breathing is a good thing to do when you’re singing."

"I know that." She swatted at Gary’s hands as they tried to straighten her clothes. "I’m ready."

"You sure?"


"Good because Monica is about to announce you."

"Thanks, Gar." Roni hugged her friend and took a deep breath.


Chris ran inside the big building, protecting the flower in his hand from the wind. He had been wondering around the campus trying to figure out where the theater was. Luckily, he had asked some parents on their way so they showed him where it was. He followed the couple to the ticket office and purchased a ticket. He saw a bathroom to the side and quickly made use of it. He got to the double doors leading to the theater as the audience was clapping.

"Great. It’s between performances."

He entered the large theater and let his eyes adjust before walking down the right side of the theater. When he got halfway down he saw that all the close seats were taken, except for one or two in the middle of rows, and he wasn’t going to make anyone move. Instead of making his way to the back of the theater Chris leaned against the wall.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now for another senior, Miss Veronica Da’ Cord, singing ‘Put That on Everything’."

Chris was sure he was clapping the loudest as Roni walked onto the stage. A large smile crossed his face and he felt like running on the stage and hugging her, but he knew better. No one knew the rules of being on stage like he did. He smiled when he heard a voice encouraging her and held a breath when she rose the shakey hand holding the microphone.


If you’re looking to find
A love that will stand till the end of time
Baby relax your mind my love is here
I’ll do anything I swear
I’d take the pain and the hurt
You won’t know it’s there
Your wants would be nothing
I put that on everything

I will pull a star out of the sky for you
Yes I would
To the edge of the earth
I’ll go to see you
Yes it’s true
If you go anywhere
And I’m not there
Just think on thoughts of love
And I’ll appear

Before I dream
I lay and think of you every night
Honest to god
I’m telling you the truth
I wish you could see
How much your presence means to me
You would love me so much
More each day

I’ll walk for you
Through the desert heat
I’ll climb the mountains highest peak
I’ll swim forever in the deepest sea
Just for you this song I sing
For all the love and joy you bring
For you I’ll try
To do the impossible things



Roni smiled and ran off the stage. She felt enrgized and ran into Gary’s arms.

"You did it, Ron. You were amazing. It’s like you had inspiration. Maybe something to do with a certain brunette with brown eyes named Tim?"

"I don’t know."

"Well it was amazing. It’s like you know the power behind the song and had a producer like Brady had in the studio."

"I guess." She shrugged. She wasn’t going to tell him that a half hour after she told Justin her choice of songs Rodney Jerkins had called her. "I just practiced with a friend and took their advice."

"Well, they did a great job." He looked at the clipboard in his hands. "Uh-oh. This isn’t good."



"What is it Gary?’ she demanded.

"Umm…Stephanie hasn’t shown up."

"What?" Roni’s eyes widened. "Stephanie’s not here? As in my partner in the duet finale?"

"Yeah." He chewed on his bottom lip in thought. "There might be a way to fix this though. I think I saw someone in the audience who might be able to help us if I talk fast."

"Whatever. Just do what you stage managers are supposed to do. Just let me know if I’m going to do the finale alone. You only have two songs. Think you can handle that?"

"I hope."

Roni nodded. Gary watched Roni walk to the dressing room. He took a deep breath and blew it up. He brought the clip board closer to his body and gathered his courage for what he was about to do. He exited a side door and walked the length of the theater. He entered near the back of the large room. He let his eyes adjust before walking across a back aisle and down the right side of the theater. He approached a figure leaning against the wall, twirling a pink carnation.

"Mr. Kirkpatrick?"

Chris jumped. He placed a hand over his heart and turned to the voice. "Yes?"

"Is there anyone with you?"

Chris smiled as Gary looked around, knowing what he meant. "No, there are no bodyguards with me. We do have our own lives we’re allowed to lead once in a while."

Gary held his breath until Chris laughed. Gary was afraid he’d anger Chris. "Yeah, I guess."

"Was there something you wanted? An autograph for someone?" Chris was half paying attention to the man beside him, the other half of him focused on the stage.

"Actually, no. I’m the stage manager for this show. Not that I don’t like your music. I do," Gary babbled. "But see the thing is that we’re supposed to have a duet as the finale and one girl hasn’t shown and I know Roni knows this better as a duet. You know, the girl who just sang. Anyway, I just know your voice would be perfect for it and to have a guy/girl duet would be perfect. We usually have one but there are only female seniors and it’s always seniors. I guess we’ll make an exception if you do it, but I think it would be all right. We even have sheet music for you to read."

Chris laughed at the flustered man. "Take a deep breath. So you need someone for the finale?"

"Yeah, we do." Gary blushed. "I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have bothered you. You sing all the time and you didn’t come here to sing. Sorry for bothering you."

Chris watched the dejected frame walk away from him. He thought over Gary’s words and smiled. He had helped Roni practice her parts over the phone. He really would be a perfect replacement. He jogged across the theater and caught Gary at the door. "I’m sorry. I didn’t get your name."

"Gary." Gary somehow found his hand shaking Chris’. "So…"

"So. I’m going to do it under one condition."


"Don’t tell this girl Roni. I don’t want her nervous that she’s going to be singing with me."

"Okay." This made sense to Gary. He picked some papers off a piano backstage and handed them to Chris. "This is the song. Is it okay?"

"More than fine. I know this song pretty well."

"Great." Gary smiled and walked away from Chris. I can’t believe I just spoke to Chris Kirkpatrick and he’s singing in my show. Gary entered the dressing room and stood behind Roni. "Taken care of."

Her head lifted. "What do you mean ‘taken care of.’ Is it going to be a solo or a duet?"

"Duet. I went into the audience and he said he’d do it so you’ve got yourself a partner."

"He?" Roni looked scared. "You didn’t get Tim did you?"

"Hell no. I’ve heard him sing."

Roni let out the breath she was holding. "Thank god. So who is it?"

"Just someone who I have no idea why he was here. He’s off practicing, although he says he knows the song pretty well."

"I guess I should go find him. Where is he?" She stood.

"Well, he said he’d only do it if you two wouldn’t sing together until you got on stage."

"Well," Roni humphed, "how unprofessional of him. I’m not sure about this, Gar."

"Roni, it’s going to be perfect." Gary grabbed her arms. "Ron, just please do this."

"I don’t know." Roni turned away from him, but he pulle dher to the stage.

"You don’t have a choice. Now it’s your turn." Gary pushe dher to the curtain to the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Monica’s voice rang out, "now for our finale we usually have two seniors but we have a treat for you. Here’s Veronica Da’ Cord and a special guest."

The audience clapped and Roni looked around backstage.

"Where is he, Gary?"

"Go out. I’ll make sure he’s there on time."

"You’d better." Roni shot him a glare and walked on stage.

As soon as she left Chris walked around the curtain and stood next to Gary. "This is going to be great."

"Are you sure about this, Mr. Kirkpatrick?"

"Call me Chris and I’m very sure." Chris looked at the flower in his hand and watched Roni. He stepped through the curtain and smiled when she faced him and her jaw dropped.

Roni was very surprised to see Chris standing there. Of anyone in the world he was the last person she expected here. She was so surprised she missed her cue, twice.

"Oh god," Gary moaned. "She’s freezing up out there. She doesn’t think she can sing with a professional."

Chris stuck his head back through the curtain. "Don’t worry about it. She’s fine singing with me. We’ll just switch parts." Chris stepped on the stage and heard some of the audience gasp at him. He smiled and brought his microphone to his mouth.


Sometimes the snow comes down in June
Sometimes the sun goes ‘round the moon
I see the passion in your eyes
Sometimes it’s all a big surprise
Cause there was a time when all I did was wish
You’d tell me this was love

It’s not the way I hoped
Or how I planned
But somehow it’s enough

And now we’re standing face to face
Isn’t this world a crazy place
Just when I thought a chance had passed
You go and save the best for last

Roni smiled at Chris in thanks and walked across the stage to grab his hand. She faced him and stuck her tongue out at him before beginning her part.

All of the night you came to me
Some silly girl had set you free
You wondered how’d you make it through
I wondered what was wrong with you
Cause how can you give your love to someone else
And share your dreams with me
Sometimes the very thing you’re looking for
Is the one thing you can’t see

But now we’re standing face to face
Isn’t this world a crazy place
Just when I thought a chance had passed
You go and save the best for last

As the score played Chris moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He laid his chin on her shoulder and kissed her cheek. Chris handed her the carnation before mixing his voice with hers.

Sometimes the very thing you’re looking for
Is the one thing you can’t see

Roni smiled before singing the next few lines.

Sometimes the snow comes down in June
Sometimes the sun goes ‘round the moon
Just when I thought a chance had passed
You go and save the best for last

Chris and Roni turned so they faced each other, their sides to the audience. Chris laid his forehead on hers and they locked eyes during the last lines.

You went and saved the best for last


Save the Best for Last ~~ Vanessa Williams


After the music faded and the roar of the audience came Roni stepped forward and fell into Chris’ embrace. The two friends held each other as the other performers gave their curtain call. They finally broke apart when Gary nudged Roni and indicated they needed to bow. Chris took Roni’s hand, led her to the front of the stage and they both bowed. After the bows Chris brought Roni to him again. He picked her up with a laugh as the curtain was closing in on them. He carried her backstage and let her go. He followed her into the dressing room.

"What are you doing here?" Roni placed the flower down next to the bouquet Tim gave her.

"Oh," Chris eyed the bouquet. He fingered it. "The guys send their love and congratulations."

"Thanks, but what are you doing here, Chris?" Roni grabbed her make-up bag, forgetting it was open, and spilling the contents on the table. She caught his carnation before it fell on the floor. She debated about where to put it and ended up placing the stem in her mouth. "So?"

"Excuse me." Gary stepped between Chris and Roni. He faced Chris and stuck his hand out. "Thank you again for doing this, Chris. I don’t know why you did it, but thanks again."

Chris shook the offered hand. "I’m glad I could be of some help. Some people can’t ask for help." He shot a look at Roni, which Gary missed.

"You don’t know how hard it was for me to do that. I really am a fan of your music." He noticed the flower in Roni’s mouth. "You got his flower for singing with him. Lucky girl. A bouquet and a single flower. Who was the flower for, Chris? If you don’t mind me asking."

"A friend."

"Why one flower? Why not a bouquet?"

"Well," Chris leaned against the make-up table, "sometimes a bouquet is too much, but one single flower given with the right sentiment can mean more than an expensive bouquet. Especially if it’s the girl’s favorite flower."

Gary nodded, missing the familiarity between the two again, and looked at his watch. "Oh I just rememberd something. Nice meeting you, Chris."

"You too. Bye, Gary." Chris waved and turned back to Roni.

"Aaahhhh!" Roni screamed as a pair of arms encirlced her waist and twirled her in a circle. She turned quickly when she was released. She jumped in Tim’s arms and laughed. "You scared me."

"That was the plan, hun." Tim kissed her temple. He noticed Chris and held out his hand. "That was a great job you did with my girl here."

"Thanks," Chris bit out but smiled as he shook the other male’s hand. He didn’t like the possessiveness of Tim’s stance or his voice. "It’s nice to finally meet you, Tim"

Tim’s face scrunched in confusion. He looked closer at Chris. "You too…Chris?"

Roni nodded, her arms still around Tim. "Yup. This is the incredibly wonderful and weird Chris. My brother figure."

"Almost a father figure," Tim mumbled.

"What was that, Tim?" Chris raised his eyebrows in challenge.

"Oh nothing." He tightened his hold on Roni. "So, Ron, you ready to go to Frank’s? They’re expecting us."

"Oh." Roni looked down. "I guess you’re going without me since Chris is here, or we can just take him with us."

"No, we can’t. Remember this is couple night. Sorry, Chris."

Roni linked her arm with Chris’. "I guess you’ll have to call Frank and tell him sorry."

"But, Ron, this is the last dinner before the end of the semester, and graduation for you. We can’t not show up."

"Well," Chris interrupted, "you can go. Actually, I’m kinda tired. Just let me into your apartment, Ron, and you can go."

Tim nodded. "That sounds good. Why don’t you just give him your set?"

"Then how will she get in?"

"Oh, I have a set."

Chris held himself in check, instead of jumping the younger man for his cocky attitude. He held his hand out to Roni. "Why don’t you just give me the keys?"

"Are you sure, Chris?’ she asked while pulling her keys from her jacket.

"Yeah." Chris took the keyring from her. He hugged her tightly and shot Tim a warning look. There was something that bothered him about Tim and he wasn’t going to let Tim intimidate him. Chris pulled back and smiled down at Roni. "I’ll see you later, Ron. Love you."

"Love you too." She leaned up and kissed his cheek. "You fine going back by yourself?"

"I will be. You go have fun."

"Okay." She grabbed the flowers Tim gave her. She smiled as Tim took them from her.

"Hey, Chris?"

Chris cracked his neck. "Yeah?"

"Would you mind taking these flowers home? They need water sonn. You know, since you’re going to Roni’s anyway."

"Sure." Chris took the bouquet from Tim’s arms. "I guess I’ll take the carnation too."

"Oh, was that from you. I didn’t even notice it." Tim sent Chris a wide fake smile.

"Yeah, it is. I know Roni’s love can’t be bought. She can be a simple girl and I do anything to make her happy." Chris turned to walk away from the couple.

"Anyting? I doubt that. I’m sure there are ways I’ll be making her happy later that you’ll never get a chance to."

"Ignore him, Chris." She hit Tim’s arm. "That wasn’t nice."

"Sorry," Tim told her as he held the theater door open for her.

"Just please be nice to Chris. He’s a part of my family. There’s no need to be rude."

"Okay, Roni, I’ll be nice." He studied her profile as they walked to his car. He closed the passenger door after she sat and walked around the car. She is so clueless.


Chris turned off the television. He stared at the clock. He hadn’t meant to stay up so late, but he was worried about Roni. It waws past one and she wasn’t home, she hadn’t even called. He stood up with a sigh and got ready for bed. After he changed he walked to her bedroom door. It was a nice apartment. Roni and Molly had explained it to him but he was glad to see it. It was right on the edge of campus so Roni wasn’t technically commuting.

Chris looked at her bed. It was inviting but he wanted to make sure Roni had a place to sleep when she got home. He knew she had no problems sleeping in th same bed as him but he didn’t want to surprise her in the middle of the night. He turned and walked to the couch. He rearrainged the pillows and grabbed Roni’s blanket that hung over the back of the couch. He laid down and tried to get some sleep.


Roni quietly extracted her keys from the lock and closed the door. She turned and covered her mouth with a hand when she saw Chris sleeping on the couch. She tiptoed past him to her bedroom. She grabbed some clothes from her dresser and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When she was done she got dressed, wrapped her hair in a towel and brushed her teeth.

She looked at Chris again as she walked to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and bent to see what she had.

"Just getting in?"

Roni jumped. "Chris, you scared me. No, I’m not just getting in. I’ve been home for a few hours."

Chris made a noise telling her she was wrong. "Would you like to try again? I fell asleep after three, woke up every hour and heard you enter about a half hour ago. Next answer."

Roni grabbed a carton of orange juice and placed it on the counter. She then reached for a glass and set it beside the carton. "If you knew what time I got in why did you ask?"

"I wanted to see if you’d tell the truth. So you spent the night with Tim. You don’t have to lie about it." He sat and put his feet on the kitchen table.

"Chris, you’re like my older brother. Do you really want to know what I do with Tim?"

Chris dropped his feet. "You’re right. I really don’t want to know what things Tim does to you. Just forget about it."

"Forgotten," she told him as she poured juice into the glass. "Want some?"

"Sure." He stood and ;eaned against the counter next to her. "Don’t you have a little get together with your friends here later?"

"Oh god you’re right. I need to go shopping." She opened her cabinets, mentally noting what she needed.

"Give me fifteen minutes and I’ll be ready to help you. Am I invited?"

"Of course you are, Chris. You’re my guest." She shivered. "That’s weird. You’re a guest in my home. Isn’t it usually the other way around?"

"Who pays for this apartment?" Chris raised an eyebrow.

"You do, but I’m paying you back every cent when I can." She hugged him.

"Darn straight you are. You might want to watch it or I may start adding interest. Hey, watch the hair," he told her as she ran her palm across the top of his head.

"Chris, you just woke up so it’s still messy. Cute, but messy."


Roni nodded and kissed his cheek. She laughed as he picked up his bag and whistled on his way to the bathroom.

"Hey, Ron?"

"Yeah?" she yelled through the apartment.

Chris stuck his head out of the bathroom. "Do you have a towel I can use?"

Roni took a towel out of the closet next to the bathroom and threw it at Chris’ head. She laughed as he ripped it from his face and crossed his eyes. Fifteen minutes later he emerged in a cloud of steam.

"Okay, I’m ready when you are."

"Okay," Roni called from the bedroom. She put her wallet in her pocket and looked around the room. She smiled in satisfaction and turned to Chris. "Oh, you didn’t shave."

"What’s that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing." Roni grabbed her keys. "It doesn’t mean anyting."

"Like hell it doesn’t." Chris followed her into the hallway and waited for her to finish locking the door. "Roni."

"All right." She followed him to the rental car. "I was just wondering when you were going to get rid of those horns on your chin."

"There’s nothing wrong with my beard." He stroked his facial hair.

"Maybe if you were the devil, Chris. You may be devilish at times but don’t you think this is pushing it?"

"Whatever. Where are we going?"

Chris followed Roni’s directions to the food store. At the store Chris pushed the cart so Roni was free to look at the shelves. Chris reached out and poked her side when she was trying to figure out what kind of pasta sauce to get.

"That wasn’t nice, Christopher."

"Well, I’m not nice." He shifted the wagon to the side so a woman could pass him. "So tell me about your firends who are coming so I’m not blindsided."

"Okay. Well, you met Tim and Gary."

"Gary seemed pretty cool."

"Yeah, he’s a great friend. Actually I think he’s bringing his ex. They are exact opposites but I swear they are perfect for each other. Josh is so straight-looking."

"Thought he was gay."

She nodded. "Yup. You remember the friend I told you about who had a crush on Joey?"

"What about her?"

Roni wiggled her eyebrows at him. Chris laughed.

"Oh no. You mean…Gary has a crush on Joey. This is priceless."

"Isn’t it though."

"But from the way he was acting he doesn’t know you actually know Joey, or me for that matter."

"Nope. What was I going to say? I know the object of your affection and there’s no way in hell he’ll fall for you. I have been getting him to say nice things about Lily now. I’m working on him."

"You're such a good friend, Ron."


Chapter 19
Main Page
