Roni pushed open the apartment door. Before she could balance the bags she was carrying Chris rushed past her into the kitchen to put his bags down.

"I win."

Roni exhaled a deep breath before picking up her dropped bags and carrying them into the kitchen. "You cheat."

"I do not," Chris cried indignantly. "I have never cheated in my life." He grabbed a box of crackers and opened them.

"Don’t try that line on me, Kirkpatrick. I’ve know you for over 22 and a half years. I know the truth." She reached around him, but he held the box out of reach. "Let me have some of those."

"Nope. You called me a cheater." He ate another cracker. "You can’t get them." He held the box above his head and danced around the kitchen.

"That’s what you think, buddy." Roni sized Chris up and started putting food away.

"That’s right. Say Chris is the master." Chris smiled while he watched her put the food away. He turned to grab a glass and was thrown off balance when Roni jumped on his back.

"You will give me those crackers, Christopher."

"Never!" Chris shoved the box in the corner and jogged into the living room. He began spinning in circles. "Had enough yet?"

"Not until you give me the crackers. This is my home and those are my crackers."

"And who paid for everything again?"

"I was planning on paying for today but you happened to be there and gave me no choice." She put her head down. "Are you planning on stopping anytime soon?"

"Am I still spinning? I thought I stopped."

Chris stopped spinning and dropped Roni on the couch. The two erupted in giggles.


Chris and Roni sobered when they focused on Tim in the bedroom doorway. Roni sat up and straightened her shirt. She stood but before she could walk to her boyfriend Chris wrapped an arm around her waist.

"So, Tim," Chris tightened his arm, "what are you doing here? The party doesn’t start for another few hours."

Tim began walking toward them. "Is it a crime to want to talk to my girlfriend? Don’t you have one to talk to?"

"No," Chris grit out.

"Oh, that’s right. You’re the one who can’t keep a girl."

Roni held Chris against her. "Tim, you promised."

"Yeah. Yeah, I know." Tim looked everywhere but Chris. "So what did you get for decorations since I wasn’t with you like I was supposed to?"

"Sorry, Tim," Roni kissed Chris’ cheek and escaped his grasp, "when I got home Chris was up and we just went."

"That’s okay." He kissed her and smiled to himself when Chris turned away. "I’m here now. So what’s the plan?"

"Well," Roni entered the kitchen and emptied the rest of the bags, "we basically have the food and a little cleaning. Wait a second. We don’t need these for tonight. Chris, why do we need flour?"

Chris stuck his head in the kitchen and wiggled his eyebrows. "It’s for a night we’re alone. I figured graduating college is a big thing and what kind of brother would I be if I didn’t make your favorite thing I make?"



"Sweet." She neared him and kissed his cheek. She walked back to the kitchen and he crossed the living room.

"I left my bag in the bathroom. Where should I put it?"


"Okay." Chris looked up as Tim stood in his way. "Excuse me."

"But of course." Tim waved him by.


Roni looked around her apartment and smiled. She had wanted a small get together of friends before she graduated and it was going well. There were a few more people than she had thought but people must have brought friends and didn’t tell her. She felt arms encircle her waist. She looked back and patted Tim’s cheek. He kissed her.

"It looks like it’s a success, hun."

She nodded. "Yup. It looks like everyone’s having fun. Even Chris."

As she said his name Chris excused himself from the two females he was talking to. He looked for Roni and gritted his teeth when he saw where she was situated. He didn’t really want to witness it but he had found a situation. "Hey, Ron?"

She turned from Tim. "Yeah?"

"Okay, I’m not going to point so these girls don’t think I’m talking about them, but did you see the girls I was talking to?"


"Well, they’re party crashers and I think I know why. Me."

"You?" She took Tim’s arms from her. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, I let them in the door and they haven’t left my side until now. I was getting suspicious and I said how great the party was going. After they agreed I said Vicky gave great parties."

"And let me guess. They agreed."

Chris nodded. Roni sighed.

"I’ll be right back."

"Ron," Tim reached for her arm, "why don’t you just let it be and not start anything?"

"Because I hate being used. These girls somehow found out about Chris being here and are just star hunters. This is my home and they’re not invited."


But Tim’s pleas were worthless. Roni was already halfway to the crashers and she was determined to have the strangers leave her apartment, but not without having a little fun with them. She strolled up next to the pair.

"Nice party, huh?"

"Oh yeah," the brunette said before turning her attention back to her friend.

"You know Vicky throws the best parties."

"I guess." This time it was the blonde who answered.

Roni bit her lip in frustration at their distracted tones. They whispered something to each other and Roni almost lost it when their attention turned to Chris. She had seen people lust after Chris before but this was making her blood boil. These girls were crashing her graduation party. "You want to know what else? This is her party and she’s pissed. You want to know why?"

"Not really," the brunette, Reed, told her.

"Well, it’s sort of interesting. But I guess the big thing is that her name isn’t Vicky."

It took a moment but what she said began to dawn on the pair. Roni raised her eyebrows in challenge. At least they had the good sense to blush and feel bad. They looked sorry, but was it because they crashed her party or because they were caught? It didn’t take Roni long to find out which.

"It’s your party isn’t it?"



Roni watched in amazement as the couple began ogling Chris again. What the…? Are these girls for real?

"So you really know Chris Kirkpatrick? I didn’t know anyone on campus knew *N SYNC. You do know them all, right?"

Roni took a deep breath to stabalize herself. She wanted to throttle these girls. "Yes, I do and who cares if someone on campus knows *N SYNC. I would really appreciate it if you left my apartment."

"What?" Reed’s eyes widened. "Why?"

"Let me see." Roni pretended to think. "Maybe because this is a party for me and my close friends and since I’ve never seen you before in my life it’s reasonable to assume you weren’t invited. Now please leave. If you want to see him then do what any other fan does. Sit outside the building he’s in waiting for a glimpse of him. You know where the door is. You walked in it before."

"Come on. We just wanted to see him and maybe even talk to him."

"Well, you did that before. Don’t say you didn’t talk to him because I saw him and he’s the one who pointed you two out. Yup, he ratted you out," Roni replied to their shocked faces. "Now please leave my apartment."

Reed stepped up to Roni. "Why is he friends with you? Does he feel sorry for you or something? I can’t see Chris being friends with someone with such a bad attitude. No offense meant."

No offense meant? Is this girl for real? Roni opened her mouth but no sound came as a hand laid on her lower back. She hung her head. She was about to cross a line she had promised herself she wouldn’t cross. She looked at the brunette behind her and silently thanked him for the interruption.

"Hey, Ron, is there anything I can do?" Chris had watched Roni interact with the girls. He knew she was on her last straw and wanted to do damage control before it was too late. He loved her but she had a temper and once she got on a roll she didn’t censure her words. He looked at her and knew she realized she was about to cross a line that she hadn’t meant to.

"Chris," Reed started, "are you actually friends with her?"

"Yes I am. I’m sorry about this. I surprised her yesterday and she didn’t know I was going to be here. And this is her graduation party, she didn’t expect fans to come here for me when the focus of the party should be on her. Would you two like an autograph before you leave?"

"Yeah, but we weren’t-" the blonde started.

"Great," Chris interrupted, "let me go get them and you two can be on your way. Be right back."

Roni stood silent as Chris left the trio. She looked at pair of girls and wanted to smile. Chris was a smoothe operator. She knew these girls weren’t going to talk back to him. She watched as he handed each girl a piece of paper and kissed each on the cheek before ushering them out the door. She smiled as he approached her.

Chris stopped before her. "Now that that’s taken care of."

"Thanks, Chris." She sighed.

"It’s no problem, Ron. I just know how to handle it better. I have experience." He reached up and caressed her cheek. Their eyes met and Chris couldn’t make himself look away. This was a moment he was dreading. Since Joey’s party he tried to avoid looking directly in her eyes. It was a wish that was never granted. They had always met each other’s gaze. That was the only plus about her being away at school. He didn’t have these confused feelings. He was knocked out of his thoughts when a body collided with his.

"Oh I’m sorry, Chris." The voice paused. "Roni, why is Chris Kirkpatrick in your apartment?"

Roni shook her head to free it from her daze. She had always known Chris had nice eyes but she never realized how intense they were. "Hi, Gar."

"Hey, girl." Gary hugged her and kissed her cheek. "You remember Josh. Now you didn’t answer my question. Why is Chirs Kirkpatrick in your apartment?"

"You really are dense at times, Gary. I love you though. Chris is here because he’s-"

"Oh my god. I can’t believe it. You’re the reason why he was at the concert last night. Why didn’t you ever tell me your Chris was Chris Kirkpatrick? And you let me go on about Joey and here you know him. I guess that’s why you defend his girlfriend. You know her."

"Yes, I do. I’m glad you came, Josh. Now if you’d excuse me Tim is beckoning." Roni waved and walked through the crowd.

Gary huffed. "I can’t believe her. I go on and on about Joey and how I wonder what it would be like to kiss him and she knows someone who has actually done it. Repeatedly."

"Well," Chris started with a smile, "if you want to know how he kisses just ask her."

"What?" Gary’s eyes widened. "You mean she’s kissed Joey Fatone? And she didn’t tell me?"

"Yup. And she’s done it repeatedly too."

"That little liar. Be back."

Gary stormed thorugh the crowd and Chris laughed. He shook his head, knowing Roni was going to yell at him later for the conversation Gary was probably having with her right now. He turned back to the nervous guy next to him. He exteneded his hand.

"You must be Josh. Nice to meet you."

"You too," the dirty blonde guy said as he shook the offered hand. Josh sighed and glanced to where Gary was last seen before turning back to Chris. "Okay, I know this is stupid but I’ve just got to ask."

"Go ahead."

"Well, its just that Gary and I are trying to work our relatioship out. I care deeply for him. I always took his little crush on Joey as just that. Some little star-crazed crush." He paused. "You did know Gary had a crush on Joey before a minute ago, right?"

Chris nodded. "Roni always told me she had a friend who has a crush on Joey. This morning she told me it was Gary. Don’t worry if you think I think it’s disgusting. I actually think it’s kinda funny."

"That’s good. Oh, you were great last night by the way."


"Okay back to the point of my rambling. It’s stupid really. It’s just that now Gary has a real connection to Joey. I think I’m falling in love with Gary and it’s just that…"

"You want to know if there’s any way there could be competition from Joey."

Josh hung his head. "Yeah."

"Don’t worry about it. Joey’s very much in love and very much straight."

Relief was evident in Josh’s posture. His green eyes raised and it looked like tears were trying not to show themselves. Josh hurriedly wiped at them. "You must think this is really stupid."

"No. Not at all. If I was in love and thought that could be in any way threatened I’d probably be acting the same way."

"You’re not in love?" Josh asked, surprised.

"Nope. But I just broke up with someone so I’m really not looking for anyone. I think I’m just going to stop looking for a while."

"Makes sense. Love usually comes out of nowhere and hits you when you least expect it."

"That it does." Chris looked around the party. "So how did you and Gary meet?"

Josh smiled. Not only because of the story he was begining, but because he had seen Chris’ movement and also saw Chris’ mouth raise slightly when he found Roni. He thought Chris was either a good liar or just plain clueless.

Chris hadn’t noticed his smile or the fact that his eyes had focused on Roni. To him he was just looking around the party, liking the fact Roni had friends surrounding her this last semester when she most needed it.


"Well that was a successful party," Roni said with a sigh as she collapsed on a chair. "But boy am I glad everyone’s left. I’m pooped."

"Aww, poor Roni." Chris stood behind her and started rubbing her shoulders. He wanted to say more but he didn’t know why he wanted to say the words his mouth wanted to form. He’s her boyfriend, Chris. He has every right to be here. I know you want time alone with her, but it’ll come. He’s a part of her life and you’ve got to accept it. You’re not going to be the only guy she’ll ever depend on.

"Chris?" Roni looked up at him, concern evident in her eyes. "Chris?"

"What?’ Chris curtly replied.

"I was just wondering what was wrong. You’re using more force than normal with your hands." She placed her hands over his.

Chris’ hands stilled and he pulled them off her shoulders. "I’m sorry, Ron."

"It’s okay, Chris. You just looked far away there for a minute. Is there something you need to talk about?"

Chris glanced at the man leaning against the wall on the other side of the room and sighed. "No, Ron, everything’s okay. I’m just tired."

"Okay." She stood up and stretched. "Bed sounds so inviting right now. Who wants the bathroom first?"

"Ladies first."

"Be right back."

Tim watched Roni walk away. When the bathroom door clicked shut he pushed away from the wall. As he neared the bedroom he turned around. "See you in the morning, Chris."

"See you," Chris mumbled at the younger male. Chris looked up when Tim walked back out of the bedroom.

"I figured you needed your bag."

"Thanks." Chris took the bag from Tim and placed in on the couch. He rummaged through it and took out what he needed for bed. He sat on the couch and waited for Roni to emerge. When she did he stood.

"Night, Chris." She looked at how he had set up the couch. "Chirs, do you know this couch pulls out into a bed?"

"No, I didn't.

"Well it does. Why don’t you pull it out and I’ll get you some sheets? It’s not the most comfortable thing in the world but it’s better than sleeping on the cushions."

Chris nodded and piled the cushions next to the couch and pulled out the bed. He helped Roni put the sheets on. When they were done the couple stood at the foot of the bed.

"Night, Chris." Roni brought her arms around his neck and pulled him close to her. She jumped when one of his arms around her waist touched bare skin as her shirt lifted slightly when she raised her arms. She stepped back and kissed his cheek. "See you in the morning."

Chris nodded and slipped beneath the covers. He jumped when her bedroom door shut and closed his eyes before turning on his side.


Roni opened her eyes and stared at the clock. Eight in the morning. The last time she looked it was just past six. The time before that it was ten to four. She resisted the urge to turn because she didn’t want to wake Tim. After laying there for another fifteen minutes she realized she wasn’t going to get back to sleep. She quietly slid off the bed and made her way to the bathroom. Once in there she released a breath she hadn’t known she was holding.

In the kitchen she tip-toed across the floor to the refrigerator. She wanted to see what was left for breakfast. She jumped when a hand came next to hers on the top of the door. "Huh?"

"I didn’t mean to scare you, Ron."

Chris had heard the toilet flush. The noise had prevented him from the slumber he was deserately trying to get to overcome him. His night was restless. It had taken him over an hour to get to sleep the nigth before and when he did his longest sleep was an hour and a half. His dreams didn’t help. It had been a long time since a monster trying to take over the world had been in one of his dreams. But last night ended that drought. When holding his pillow over his head didn’t block out the noise Roni was making he sighed and got out of bed.

"Did I wake you, Chris?" she asked as she put the milk on the counter.

"No." He sighed. "I couldn’t sleep."

"Oh I’m sorry." She closed the door and hugged him. "I wish that bed was more comfortable."

"It’s okay." He hugged her back. He pulled away and kissed her temple. "Coffee?"

She laughed. "Not yet. Let me get it started."

Chris followed her to the coffee machine and watched over her shoulder as she poured water and coffee into their respective places. He placed his forehead on her back as she fiddle with the settings. "Me tired."

"Me too. Can you lift your head so I can move?" She felt his head shake no. "The sooner I move the sooner you can have pancakes."

"Pancakes?" His eyes filled with hunger.

"Only if you let me move, Chris."

Chris backed away. He watched her pull the ingredients out and place them next to the milk. "Do you need help?"

"No. That’s okay. Just sit back and relax."

"I think I can do that."

Chris moved to the table and sat in the chair facing her. He pulled the notebook sitting in the middle of the table toward him and started leafing through it. It looked like sociology or philosophy. He knew Roni was taking a course in both this semester. He heard her groan and looked up to see her stratching to reach something on a top shelf. He laughed to himself and brought his attention to the notebook again. Boy was he glad he was out of college.

"That’s mine."

The voice startled Chris. He turned and found himself eye to eye with Tim. "What’s yours? This notebook? But it has Roni’s handwriting in it."

"No." Tim shook his head. "That is mine."

Chris crinkled his brow. His gaze followed Tim’s finger and he took inventory of what he saw. "Is some of the food yours or something? You don’t want me to eat your food?"

"No," Tim lowly growled, "I’m not talking about the food, man. Look again."

Chris followed the advice and looked again. This time he looked at Roni too. He examined her clothes and smiled. "I still don’t get what you’re saying. Those are Roni’s pants and that shirt actually is mine. I wondered where it wondered off to."

"You are so dense." Tim sat in the chair beside Chris and leaned over to whisper, "I’m not talking about the clothes. I’m talking about what’s in those clothes. Roni. She’s mine and I don’t like the way you just looked at her."

"What are you talking about?"

"I’m talking about when she reached up and some of her stomach was exposed. I saw your eyes go there and I’m telling you it won’t happen."

"What won’t happen? Wait a minute. Don’t answer that one. I know what you’re going to say. You are so wrong."

Tim’s raised eyebrows told Chris he didn’t buy it. Chris didn’t get it. He guess he saw the bit of skin but he didn’t think anything of it. The two broke their staring contest when Roni noticed Tim.

"Hey, hun, you hungry?"

"Starved. I have that study session at noon and I left my books at home."

"Noon?" Chris scratched his head. "That’s over three hours away."

"I know but someone couldn’t sleep so that meant I couldn’t." He threw Roni a look and she blushed.

"Sorry. I tired not to keep you awake. I know I did turn a few times. Sorry."

"It’s okay." He quickly gave her a kiss.

Roni smiled and went back to fixing breakfast. She noticed Chris being quiet but didn’t say anything. After they ate Roni followed Tim into her bedroom. She watched as Tim threw his shirt on from yesterday and turned to her.

"I’ll come by later okay?"

Roni bit her lip. "Actually, could you not? I’d like to spend some time with Chris. I haven’t seen him in months. Plus, he seems down and I need to find out what it is."

"Roni," he sighed, "after this week I probably won’t see you in months. I need to spend some time with you. You’ll have plenty of time to talk to him when you two drive back to Clarion."

"Tim, please just let me spend some time with Chris. I’m worried about him."

"And what about me? Don’t you care about me?"

"Of course I do." Roni’s voice raised in response to Tim’s. "What a stupid question. But right now I need to talk to Chris. Why are you being like this? It’s like you’re jealous or something."

Tim stared at her. She really didn’t see. Or maybe she did because he was jealous. He pulled her to him and started kissing her deeply. Roni twisted in his arms but he continued kissing her until he was done.

"You bastard. What was that for?" Roni took a deep breath. "Get out of here."

"Roni." Time reached for her.

"Tim, I can’t talk to you right now. Please leave."

Tim hung his head. He knew he shouldn’t have kissed her like that but he didn’t apologize. He collected his stuff and rushed from the room.

Chris saw the movement out of the corner of his eye and jumped when the front door slammed shut. He heard Roni gasp and begin to cry. He ran to her side and caught her before she collapsed. He sat her on the bed and brought her to him. One hand rested at her waist and the other cupped the back of her head and kept it against his neck. He let her cry until she pulled back. He pushed some hair behind her ear as she wiped at her tears.


"I’m sorry, Chris." She stood and wiped at her tears again. "The kitchen is a mess. Let’s go clean it."

"Roni," he called after her. He sighed and follwed. "What happened?"

"I don’t want to talk about it now. I promise I will later, just not now."

"Okay." Chris nodded and started handing her the dishes. "So yesterday was fun. Gary and Josh seem good together."

"They are. But I do have one problem."

"What?" Chris asked as she took a glass from him.

"Why did you tell Gary I had kissed Joey? He wouldn’t leave me alone all freakin’ night."

Chris laughed. "Oops. Was I not supposed to tell him that?"

"You’re a sadistic man, Chris." She glared at him before turning on the water and waiting until it turned hotter. "I had to try and describe Joey’s kissing style over and over. I had to tell him what sounds Joey makes when he’s getting turned on by the kiss. And to add more to that he asked me what it felt like when Joey was pressed up against my body when he’s enjoying it. I could so easily kill you for that, Chris."

"Sorry." He laughed when she glared at him.

"Yeah right you’re sorry. Sorry my foot." Roni poured some dish soap on the now filled sink and started washing the dishes. "And to think what he would have said if he’d known I’ve slept with Joey. I don’t even want to know what he’d ask then." She shuddered. "Roni, don’t think about it."

"Ron?" Did she just say what he thought she did? No, she couldn’t have. He knew she and Joey got close with each other but… He shook his head.

"Oh my god. And then I’m sure Gary would question me until he found out Joey was my first. I swear I bet I’d be the first girl he’d ever want to sleep with, just because of what I did with Joey years ago."

"Roni?" Chris tried to get her to stop talking again. He didn’t think she knew what she’s saying, and who she was saying it to. "Roni?"

"Oh my," she continued as she rinsed a plate. Chris was right. She’s just saying what’s coming to her mind, not thinking of who is in the room. "At least he doesn’t know. Those are some private things to be sharing. I’m sure Joey would be embarrassed."

"Veronica? Can you plase stop? I really don’t need to hear this."

"I guess then I’d have to tell him why we stopped. I know Gar will ask that. Plus then it could get back to Chris…"

"Veronica Michelle," Chris finally yelled.

Roni snapped out of her daze. She dropped the glass she was holding back into the sink. She cursed as she realized she just dropped a clean glass into the sudsy water. She stared at Chris. "Why did you just scream my name?"

"Roni," Chris sighed and pushed the notebook around the table. "Do you realize what you just said? I just got way more information about you and Joey than I needed."

"Huh? I don’t remember what I was saying. I was just rambling."

"Well think, Ron."

Roni stared at the water, then him, before staring back at the water. She remembered talking about how Gary went overboard with the questions about her kissing Joey and then she remembered wondering what he would say if he knew about…

"Oh god."



Chapter 20
Story Index
