
Roni bit her lip. This was the first time she was away from home, and to do it alone doubled her anxiety. She looked around the plane and smiled at the flight attendant who neared her. She didn't know if she could have made the trip to Orlando without help.

"Hi, sweetie, we're about to land. Once as we get to the terminal, why don't you wait here and I'll escort you off the plane to whoever is picking you up."

"Thank you. I would appreciate that. I've just never flown before."

"It's okay, hun. I don't mind helping." The attendant stood up and made her way to the back of the plane.

Roni hadn't seen Chris in a few months and she was nervous. The last time he had come up to Pennsylvania he had invited her to come stay with him. Her mom was hesitant to let her go but Chris was persistent and Lydia agreed to let Roni fly down to Florida during her summer break. Roni sat in her seat as the other passengers disembarked the plane and felt butterflies in her stomach. She was just going to see Chris, and, for some reason, she thought something life altering was going to happen during her visit.


Chris rushed into Orlando International Airport and wished it didn't take so long to get from the parking garage to the terminal. He decided to bypass both elevators and take the stairs two at a time. He paused briefly to see what gate Roni was getting in at and ran into a boy with curly hair and blue eyes.

"Sorry about that," he called as he continued. He ran to the monorail just as it was about to close and missed it.

"Damn," he looked at his watch, "her plane has already landed and I missed it. I hope she's not mad."

Chris entered the next monorail and bounced on his toes as he waited for it to close its doors to take him to the gates. At the gates he ran to hers and began looking for her. He scanned the arrival area before walking past a bunch of seats. A voice behind him caught his attention.

"What? Looking for someone else to pick up?"

Chris turned around and stared for a second. He knew it was Roni but she had changed in the few short months since his spring break.

"Is there someone behind me or something that you're staring at, Chris?" Roni asked impatiently.

"Nope," he shook his head, "just you. Come here, you." He opened his arms and squeezed them around her after she entered them and wrapped her arms around him. He tightened his arms around her, lifted her off the ground and spun her in a circle. "I can't believe you're here."

"Is this your party miss?"

Roni looked over and nodded. Chris put her down and smiled sheepishly at the flight attendant.

"Sorry about that. Thank you for taking care of her. I know she was nervous."

The couple walked past the other gates, Roni's mouth going a mile a minute. Chris smiled, understanding her pent up energy from sitting so long.

"Oh I missed you so much, Chris," she told him as she looked outside as the monorail took them to the terminal.

"I missed you too, kid. Ready for the best two weeks of your life?"

She nodded as he grabbed her carry-on bag and headed for baggage claim.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"So here's my place. Please excuse the mess. I'm sure my roommates haven't cleaned like I asked them too," Chris told Roni as he unlocked the door to his apartment. He opened the door and sighed, it wasn't as bad as he thought.

"This ain't bad, Chris. I'd love a tour of this place but my body would like directions to the bathroom first."

He laughed. "Okay, this way. There is one off of that bedroom, but this is the one you'll be using." He turned on the light for her. "I'm just going to be in the kitchen when you're done."

"All right. Be right out." Roni closed the door behind her and sighed. I can't believe I am actually here. I am in Orlando, visiting Chris. I am in an apartment with three guys and Chris. I can't believe I'm here. When she was done she walked into the living room area and dropped her shoes next to her bags.

"Still love to walk around barefoot I see. Better watch it here, the ant bites are killer." Chris washed a glass in the sink before pouring water in it. "Here you go. If you want water there is a bottle of it in the fridge. Don't drink the tap. First things first, what do you want to eat? I tried to go shopping, but I wasn't exactly sure what you wanted."

"Okay. How about we go to the food store and make some tacos or something?"

"That's an idea." Chris picked his keys up. "But if the guys ever catch me cooking I'll never hear the end of it." He locked the door behind them.

"I see how it is. The female has to cook, huh?"

"Well, how about I take care of dessert? I'll make my C.K. specialty cookies just for you." He tweaked her nose before unlocking the car.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Come on, Chris, you can't be serious."

"Nope, you've got to wear this." He held out a big chefs hat with "Kiss the Cook" written on it. Despite her struggles Chris got it on her head. "There. Perfect."

"Chris!" Roni exclaimed as Chris took a picture of her. He just shrugged. "I still can't believe you're making me wear this." Roni dropped the meat into the frying pan.

"Come on, Ron, it looks good. It's just your style."

The door to the apartment opened and someone called out, "Chris, you here, buddy?"

"Yeah, Max, in the kitchen."

Roni looked up to see a tall, dark-haired man and her jaw almost dropped. She tried not to look at him as he entered the kitchen and opened the refrigerator next to her. He straightened up and extended his hand to her.

"Max. You must be Roni."

Roni nodded. She didn't trust her voice. Behind her she heard Chris suppress a laugh. Roni almost fainted when Max leaned over and kissed her cheek. In answer to her wide eyed response he pointed to her hat. "Kiss the cook."

Chris waited until Max's door closed before commenting.

"So you like my roommate?"

"Shut up, Chris." She turned away to hide her blush.

He leaned against the counter beside the stove. "Why does he get all the girls? I don't understand it. First all the girls at the bars we go to, and now you. What does he have that I don't?"

"Good looks?" Roni suggested before biting her bottom lip.

"Why you rascal." Chris stood behind her and put an arm on either side of her, trapping her against the stove.

"Chris, let me go."

"And why should I do that?" he asked over her shoulder.

"Because," she pointed to the skillet in front of her, "this is hot and I'm about to burn myself on it."

"Oops." He backed away from her. "Don't want to have to call your mom and tell her I killed you or something like that. I may never be allowed near you again."

"But, Chris, if you killed me then no one could see me. I'd be either buried or cremated."

He frowned. "Now we wouldn't want that, would we? So that meat anywhere near done?"

"Oh damn, I almost forgot." She picked the pan up. "Do you have anything I can drain this with?"

"Hmm. Ahh, I have an idea." Chris reached in a cabinet behind him and pulled out a few paper plates. "These should do."

He grabbed the pan from her and held it over the sink. He held the plates against the beef as he tilted the pan to drain the fat. When he was sure he got as much as he could he straightened the pan.

"There you go. All drained."

"Oh, nice one. Come up with that yourself?"

"Becoming the sarcastic one, aren't we? I forgot what girls this age are like. It's been forever since I've had to deal with one."

"Well, if you hadn't left Clarion..." she trailed off.

"Then you wouldn't be here in Orlando and out of Clarion." He looked directly into her eyes. "You do know that I'm happy here, right? I do miss people back there, but my life's here now. Please don't be mad at me."

Roni saw the sincerity in his eyes and had to smile. When he was being serious Chris was a hard guy to turn down. His brown eyes always told her the truth. Right now they were telling her that he wanted her approval, for her to be happy for him. She took the pan off the burner and turned to him.

"Oh, Chris, I'm not mad at you. I just miss you, that's all. You were almost like a big brother to me and when you left I felt alone."

"Oh, Roni, come here." He opened his arms and engulfed her when she hugged his waist tightly. "Why do you feel alone? Isn't Molly there to talk to?"

"Yeah, to a point, but it isn't the same." Roni buried her face in his shoulder. She's nice, but I know she has something against me and I can't figure it out for the life of me.

She felt him kiss her temple and completely relaxed in his arms as the familiar feeling took over her body. She missed the safety she always felt with him. When he was near she felt as if nothing could harm her. He had always protected her. Her enemies were his enemies, he would listen to anything she needed to tell somebody. He gave brotherly advice, and would actually consider the advice she gave him. No one else did that. She was always ignored because of her age, but he never ignored her.

"Well," Chris said as he pulled back from her, "I think we should eat before this wonderful meal you cooked goes to waste. Hey, Max?"

Roni's eyes widened. "What are you doing?"

Chris smiled at her. "I'm inviting my roommate to join us. You cooked a pound of meat. I'm sure we have enough for him. Plus, I'm sure he's hungry. What? Not like him?"

"Not like who? Hmm, what's that smell?" Max walked into the kitchen and stood above the meat, taking in the aroma before looking at Roni. "What's cooking, good looking?"

"Ummm...ummm...ummm." Roni tried to talk but nothing came out.

"Tacos," Chris' voice came from behind her. "Roni made them herself. We had so much meat Roni thought it would be nice to see if you wanted some."

"Thanks, Roni, I'd be honored." He kissed the back of her hand. "Now where's the lettuce and cheese and that stuff?"

"I wasn't in charge of that. Was I, Chris?"

"Oops. Why don't you guys bring the meat and shells to the table and I'll be right there with everything else."

Max picked most of what they needed and nodded his head for her to pick up the plates and napkins. They put everything on the table in the small dining area. Max pulled out a chair for her before sitting down himself.

"So, Roni, how long have you known Chris? Your whole life?"

Roni sat back and relaxed a bit. "Yeah. His mom took him to the hospital when I was three days old. Actually he was playing hooky and his mom made him come with her."

"Chris not going to class? It's hard to imagine that." Max laughed as Chris entered the room.

"Oh shut up. It's not like you're any better than I am." Chris placed the rest of the food on the table and gave Roni a taco shell. "Here you go, Roni. Cook goes first. Actually, I thought up Roni's middle name- Michelle. Veronica Michelle."

"That's pretty. You have a pretty name, Roni."

Roni was ready to melt under Max's smile, even if he did have a mouth full of food. All she could do was blush her thanks and take another bite of her taco.

"So what are you up to tonight, Max?" Chris asked as he prepared his second taco.

"I don't know. Mandy and I were thinking of going to a movie or something. We'll figure it out when she gets here. What are you two doing?"

Chris held up his hand for them to wait until he finished what was in his mouth.

"Well, I was thinking of spending some time with Roni. Since you're going to be out and David and Geoff are away for the next few days I thought I'd have Roni to myself tonight."

"And you promised C.K. specialty cookies. I'm holding you to that." Roni pointed the end of her taco at Chris.

"His specialty cookies? Maybe Mandy and I will stay here tonight..."

"Don't even think about it, Maxamillion. You go on your date and leave us alone. I'm making the cookies for Roni. I won't even save you any if you don't go out tonight."

"Ooh, he's threatening me. You must be pretty special for him to not only make the cookies, but to let you be around while he's making them. He won't let anyone in the kitchen when he makes them. Do you know how to make them?"

"No, and she never will." Chris picked up his and Roni's plates. "I am the only one who knows the recipe, and it's going to stay that way. I'm not even planning on telling my wife it when I get married. Maybe I'll will it to one of my kids, but until then it stays up here." He pointed to his head before heading to the sink to wash off the plates. "Plus she'll be in the living room. No one enters my space while I'm baking."

"Little man making big threats. I'll go get the door. It's probably Mandy." Max stood up to open the door. At the sound of a female voice Roni's heart sank.

"You must be Roni. Chris has been talking about you nonstop." A tall blonde extended her hand to Roni. "I'm Mandy."

"Hi, Mandy, nice to meet you."

Max pulled Mandy next to him. "Guess what? Chris is making his famous cookies tonight for Roni. I told him we might stay, but I was rebuffed."

"Oh my, you mean I'm stuck with you all night? I don't know if I could handle that one." She pushed into him playfully with her hip. "Do we at least get leftovers?"

"If we leave A.S.A.P. we might get at least one to share."

"Then come on, love, I have a paper in the car. We can decide what we're going to do in there. Bye, Roni." She turned to where Chris was in the kitchen. "Bye, Chris, I'm expecting a cookie when I come back tomorrow."

"Yes, ma'am," he called out as the door closed. A minute later Roni appeared in the door frame. "How you holding up, girl?"

She shrugged. "Not bad. A bit tired though."

"Well, you've had a long day, with traveling and meeting Max and everything. Let's get you to where you're sleeping so you can lie down. I'll let you know when the cookies are done." He put down the towel in his hands and walked into the living room area to grab her bag.

"I'm not sleeping on the couch?"

"No, what kind of friend would I be if I let you do that? You're sleeping in my room, I got the couch." He put her bag on his bed. "Well, tonight it's just you and me so don't worry about anyone bothering you. David and Geoff are out of town and I doubt Max will be back tonight."

"So are he and Mandy going out?"

"Umm, not really. They used to, and still hang out sometimes. They're still friends."

"Ahh, I see." She sat on the bed. "So they're not going out, but still sleeping together. Got it. What's that look for, Chris? I know what sex is."

Chris shook his head. I don't even want to know. She's too young to know anything.

"Well, you might know what it is, but if you've ever done it I'm going to kill him and ask questions later. Nope, I don't think I'll even ask questions. You're too young. Aren't you still waiting for your first kiss or something?"

She shot him an annoyed look. "Come on, Chris, I'm fourteen. When did you have your first kiss? How old were you?"

"Hmm, I think it was about my...my..." Damn, she has me there.

"Your what, Chris?"

"Nothing." He sighed in defeat. "Okay, you've kissed a guy, but you haven't made love to any, right?"

"Chris, Chris, Chris, what am I to do with you? No, I haven't slept with anyone yet. Want me to tell you when I do?" She was tired of this. Actually, she was just plain tired. She had been up early and was too excited to sit still before, during and after her flight. Leaving Clarion and visiting Chris was too good to be true.

She had almost fainted when he asked her to come down. She knew it would take a miracle for her mom to agree to let her travel, and the fact that she was to be going alone would increase the amount of pleading it would take for Roni to be allowed to go. She and her mom had never been separated for more than a few days before. They were each other's constant factor. When it seemed like nothing was on their side they always had each other.

She was glad Chris was serious about his invitation for her to visit. He called almost everyday, trying all his charms on Lydia and even resorting to bribing her on some occasions. Finally, she had given in and allowed Roni to fly down. Her only stipulation was that Roni was to come back alive. After some debating Chris agreed to the condition and plans for her trip were started. After what seemed like forever her mom was driving her to the airport. She remembered the tears in her mom's eyes and made sure hers didn't fall so the good-bye was as painless as possible. Roni took a deep breath and looked up at Chris as he sighed again.

"No, I think that's something you can keep to yourself. Just make sure it's not any time soon or I will be bashing heads." He tapped her nose and began to leave the room. He caught the tail end of her mumble a comment about Molly and kissing. "What was that about Molly kissing someone?"

She sat back against the wall. "Oh, I was just saying now I know why Molly didn't want you to know about her kissing- Ooops. I wasn't supposed to say that. Good thing I didn't say who she kissed."

"When did she kiss this person and who is he so that I can kill him if he messes with her?" He stared at her, intent on getting an answer.

"Please forget I said anything, Chris. I'm not going to tell you so let me rest and go make your cookies."

He raised an eyebrow at her, but didn't say anything before leaving the room. Roni placed her bag on the floor and laid on the bed. She smiled as she heard him on the phone.

"Mol, who have you kissed that I can't know about? And why can't I know about him?"


"No, she didn't tell me who, but she said you kissed someone and thought it was best that I didn't know. Now who was it?"

Another pause.

"Can you get off the Roni thing? She had started to say something when she was aggravated at me. Don't give me; "When isn't someone aggravated at you?" I want my question answered and I want an answer now."

Roni rolled over as Chris' arguing voice came into the room. Before long she had fallen asleep, thinking how happy she was to be in Orlando.


Chris hung up the phone in frustration. He usually could bully his sisters into telling him something, but Molly wasn't budging, which only made him want to know more. It wasn't that he really wanted to know who she had kissed, but knowing that for some reason she didn't want him to know bugged him to no end. He checked the cookies in the oven and heard someone knock on the door.

"Coming," he yelled before remembering that Roni was laying down in the other room. "Oops." He opened the door. "Caroline? What are you doing here?"

"Don't sound so surprised that I'm here. I am your girlfriend, you know." She patted his cheek and he swatted her hand away.

"I know that, but what are you doing here? I said that I wanted to spend Roni's first night alone with her. I thought you said you'd stay away."

"Won't you let me in?" He moved so she could enter the apartment. "I just thought that since I was in the neighborhood I'd meet this girl who is so important to you."

He groaned. Of course she was in the neighborhood. She lived across the street. "Caroline, she's-"

"Are those your specialty cookies I smell? Are any done?"

"Damn, I forgot about the cookies." He ran and took the sheet out of the oven. "I think they're salvageable. You'd better get your hand away from those," he warned as she reached for one. "Roni gets the first one."

"Where is she? I didn't see her when I came in." Caroline looked around the apartment.

"She's in my room laying down. Let me go get her." Chris pushed by her and walked to his room. He stopped with a smile when he saw her asleep on his bed. She looks so sweet. He looked back and saw Caroline watching him. I don't think I want to wake her up with Cari here, but how can I kick her out without seeming like I'm kicking her out? Damn, here she comes.

"Anything wrong, hun?"

Chris shook his head, motioning for her to whisper. "Nope. It's just that it seems like she fell asleep and I don't feel like waking her. She's had a long day."

"Aww, poor baby." She led him away from the bedroom. "Well, if she's going to be asleep why don't we have some fun of our own?" She slowly walked up to him. "What do you say?"

"Caroline?" Chris was trying to talk to her, but her lips were occupied with trying to get him to kiss her. "Caroline, no. Roni's in the next room and could wake up at any moment. Caroline," he groaned as she moved her mouth to his neck.

"Oh, come on, Christopher," she said against his neck, "she's not going to wake up. Plus, I'm sure she's seen people kissing before. She can just announce her presence and we'd stop. Please?" She lifted her head and plead into his eyes.

"Caroline, no. I told you I wanted to spend tonight with Roni. Can't you just let me do that?"

"But she's asleep. How can you spend quality time with her if she's not even awake?" She ran her hands up and down his arms.

"Caroline, can I call you tomorrow? I don't mean to be a jerk, but I'm kinda tired myself and I think I'm going to finish the cookies tomorrow."

"All right," she sighed. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. I want to meet Roni so let's plan something. Talk to you later." She kissed his cheek and walked to the door.

Chris opened the door for her. "Hey," he pulled her back and gave her a quick kiss, "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

He watched as she descended the staircase and stood there until her car pulled away. He went back into the apartment and sighed. He cleaned up his mess in the kitchen as best as his energy level allowed him before heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed. He quietly made his way to his closet to get a pair of sweatpants to sleep in. Once on the couch he tried to make himself comfortable. He thought of Roni in the next room and smiled.

At first he was hesitant at asking her to visit him. He thought for sure Lydia would say no, but the more he thought about it, the more he wanted it to happen. When he had visited home during his spring break he knew coming to Orlando would be good for Roni. As much as he loved her mother, he knew the two needed to get away from each other. Roni had barely been out of Pennsylvania and needed to get away from her comfort zone. She needed an adventure and he knew Florida would offer her a big one. Plus, he got to spend some time with her. It had taken a lot of begging and pleading but he was able to get Lydia's permission. Once as he got it he made all the arrangements as quickly as possible so there was no way Lydia could back out and before he knew it he was picking Roni up at the airport.

Chris smiled as he rolled over and pulled the blanket around him. These next two weeks with her here were going to be a blast. He couldn't wait to spend more time with her.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Roni tossed from her left to her right side. She had woken up about twenty minutes before and couldn't go back to sleep. She was almost tempted to turn on the light and look at the pictures Chris had on his dresser, but knew the light would just wake her up more, when all she wanted to do was go back to sleep. She looked at the clock again and groaned when she read the red numbers.

Argh! Why am I awake at quarter after three in the morning? Maybe it's because I'm in a strange bed. Who knows. I just wish I could go back to asleep. Maybe this is my punishment for going to bed so early. She froze as she heard footsteps in the hall. A light in the bathroom strayed in the room and disappeared as the door was closed. I'm guessing that was Chris, unless Max came home. I wonder if he'd sing to me if I'd ask. Nah, he hasn't done that in a long time. I shouldn't even ask.

Chris walked out of the bathroom, hoping that now he could go back to sleep. He had been awake for a while now and hoped that after his trek to the bathroom he'd be able to resume his slumber. As he passed his open bedroom door he decided to peak in and check on Roni. He remembered singing her to sleep and was surprised to have to fight the urge to crawl next to her and sing to her. Then again she was asleep so it would be pointless to sing to her. Chris was so deep in thought he didn't realize his sleep wanting body had leaned more towards the door frame and lost his balance. He bit back an expletive.


"Oh, I'm sorry, Ron, I guess I lost my balance. Sorry for waking you up." He turned to leave, but was stopped by her.

"No, don't go." She sat up. "I haven't been asleep in a while. I've been trying to get back to sleep, but it's not happening. Do you mind?"

"Nah, I couldn't sleep either." He sat on the edge of the bed. "Are you not comfortable or something? Is that making you not sleep?"

"I don't know. I don't think so. I was just thinking this could be my punishment for going to bed so early. When did you go to sleep?"

He repositioned himself on the bed. "Actually not long after you. I cooked one batch before putting the rest of the batter in the fridge."

"Can I have one?"

"Are you sure? Are you going to have to brush your teeth again because you're eating something?"

"Chris, come here." She leaned over and motioned for him to follow. "I won't tell your mother if you won't tell mine."

"All right. Be right back." Chris laughed and left the room to get cookies. He came back with two and handed her one. "Here you go. I'll cook the rest tomorrow and you can get some fresh out of the oven."

"Umm, Chris, these are so good, even if they are cooled off. I swear these are the best cookies I've ever tasted. How does a cook like you make something this delicious?"

"Hey, I'm insulted here. I am not that bad of a cook. I may not be a great one, but I could be worse," he added when she gave him a disbelieving look. He stood up and stretched.

"Why can't I sleep when I'm so tired?" she asked as she nestled beneath the covers.

"I don't know." Chris walked to the doorway and watched Roni try to get comfortable. "Hey, Ron?"

"Yeah?" She turned her head to see him.

"Do you remember when you used to not be able to sleep? How I'd sing to you?"

Roni smiled and moved over in the bed. She patted the empty space and he laid beside her.

"Do you want the regular song, or want me to try something different?" He turned to face her and found himself putting his arm around her as she laid her head against his shoulder.

"The usual song has worked for so long why break tradition?" She smiled back at him and closed her eyes.

Chris smiled at the adolescent face beside him. It had been a long time since he'd sang Roni to sleep, and, frankly, he missed doing it. He missed seeing her peaceful face after she fell asleep, and knowing he was the cause of her serenity gave him a sort of pride. He looked down at Roni once more before singing.

"This is the song that never ends. It just goes on and on my friends. Some people started singing it, not knowing that it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is..."

After singing for a few minutes Chris felt a small tug on his arm and looked down to see Roni pulling it around her as she rolled in her sleep. Before putting his head down to fall back asleep Chris remembered something else he always did while singing her to sleep. He bent down and kissed behind her left ear.

"I love you, Roni."

Chapter 5
Story Index

E-mail: crazy1s_fic@yahoo.com