"I can't believe you have to work today," Roni said to Chris two days after she arrived.

"I know," he handed her a spoon for her cereal, "but I can't have everyday off that you?re here, no matter how much I want to. I've already taken a few days off next week. I do need money so we can go out and do things."

"But, Chris, I did bring money with me. I would be happy to-"

"Roni..." Chris started in an authoritative tone.

She sighed. "I know. I know, but my mom gave me money to either use or give to you, and since I know you won't take it I want to pay my way."

"And you knew it was going to be like that. Well, Max'll be home all day studying for the summer course he's taking so buy lunch for him or something." Chris sat on a couch arm to tie his sneakers. "I hate to leave you like this, and since it's summer the park is open longer." He stood up and stretched before grabbing his keys.

"Don't worry about it, Chris. I knew there'd be days, you'd have to work," Roni reassured him as they walked toward the door. She leaned against the frame as he stopped outside. "I'll be fine. Now go to work before you're late."

"All right." Chris sighed and kissed her forehead. "I'll be home tonight, but I'll call later. Okay?"

"Yes, sir." She saluted with her free hand and smiled as Chris rolled his eyes. Roni closed the door and made her way back to the dining room table. She let her thoughts drift as she ate her cereal mindlessly. Her first thoughts were of Chris' girlfriend that she met the night before.

Caroline seemed nice enough. The older woman had given her a once over before declaring her harmless and releasing her hold on Chris' arm. Roni thought it was laughable that the older woman could think that she?d be interested in Chris. Chris was the older brother she never had. It still seemed funny to her that some of her friends had, and some still did, idolize Chris as if he were a god. She knew that upon her arrival back in Clarion she was going to be grilled with such useless questions like if he had a girlfriend, how he was doing and so on.

She would also be forced to hand over pictures, she thought with a smile as Max entered her mind. He, aside from everything she had done with Chris, was definitely a high point to her trip so far. He was nice, funny and incredibly cute. Stuff her daydreams were made of.

Roni picked up the television remote and turned it on as she sat on the couch. She thoughtlessly flipped through channels before settling on a talk show. When she returned from getting a glass of water her mouth dropped at the face on the screen.

"What is Joey Joe doing on this show?" she wondered aloud in disbelief of the former member of New Kids On The Block that filled the screen surface.

"Roni, I knew I was good looking, but I didn't think that my appearance when I got out of bed could render anyone speechless."

Roni closed her mouth and glared at the guy standing in the hallway and rolled her eyes before speaking.

"I actually hadn't seen you. I was flipping the channels and came across Joe McIntyre on a talk show titled; 'Teenage heartthrobs.'" She turned her attention back to the television. "Now I was about as far into Joe as you could have been, but the New Kids were over about three years ago."

"So he was just a fling?"


Max laughed as he sat on the other end of the couch. He ran his hands down his face and sighed. Both Max and Roni silently watched the show. The silence was finally interrupted when Max laughed to himself when more pictures of teenagers' dreams appeared on the screen.

"Roni, I have a question."

"Yes?" She turned to face him.

"What's the deal with Christian Slater? Why do girls fall for him?"


He nodded.

"I don't know. I'm about as attracted to him as I am to Chris on a good day."

Max raised an eyebrow at her wording. "That much, huh? So you really don't have a thing for Chris?"

Roni closed her eyes and shook her head. Not again. She sighed again before answering.

"No, I don't have any kind of feelings for Chris other than as a brother, cousin, what have you. Just because he is older than I am and I respect him doesn't mean that I'm in love with him. I love him, but I'm not in love with him. Got that?"

"I got it. I got it." He held his hand up defensively. He thought a moment before asking the next question. "You get that a lot, don't you?"

"More than you know. I can kinda understand why people might think that at first, but some people don't let up on it. Why can't they leave it alone?"

"Roni, how old are you?"


"Well, you're young, but I don't think you're too young for me to tell you what I think."

She curled her legs beneath her after turning the volume of the television off. "Tell me what?"

"Tell you why I think people misunderstand your relationship with Chris."

"Are you a psychology major like Chris?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Figures," she muttered. "Do you care to enlighten me on your analysis?"

"Well, I guess I'll start off with your relationship and how you act towards each other. I know that he's always told me that you two see each other as a kind of brotherly/sisterly relationship, but I've met his sisters and I have to tell you that it's a different kind of protectiveness that he shows for you than them."

"Well, technically we're not blood related," she interjected.

"I know and that's where the confusion lays, I believe." He continued as Roni scrunched her eyes in confusion. "You're an impressionable, young, hormonal teenage girl and receiving that kind of affection from Chris could be the driving force for the beginning of a crush on your part for Chris."

"But it's not like that. Plus, don't you have to be physically attracted towards someone? Sure Chris is cute, but I am in no way attracted to him."

"Attraction is something that grows the more you like the inside of a person. Think of the guys you've found attractive in the past. Have they had any of the mass appeal of a?a?a Tom Cruise or someone like that?"

Roni was silent as she thought of the guys she had liked in the past. After a few minutes she began to laugh. Some of the guys had no potential of being a Tom Cruise look-a-like. "No, they haven't. There have been guys I've found extremely good looking, but the ones I've really fallen for all have had their flaws. Even Jamie."

Max cocked an eyebrow. "And who is Jamie?"

Roni clapped both hands over her mouth. Max tried to control his laughter as her eyes widened and her cheeks enflamed. She buried her head in a pillow and held on tight as Max tried to pull her away.

"Aww, come on, Roni, answer the question. Who's Jamie?"

"All right." She sighed. "I'll tell you if you promise not to tell Chris."

"Oh I love girl talk. Spill it girlfriend." He pulled his hand back and snapped his fingers. Max then proceeded to cross his legs and bat his eyelashes at the young girl beside him. "What are you waiting for? Spill."

Roni couldn't help but laugh at the man in front of her. His fake falsetto voice and coquettish movements had her rolling with laughter. "Oh my. No wonder you and Chris are roommates. You're both extremely weird and not afraid to show your feminine sides."

"Oh shut up. Now who's this Jamie? A boyfriend?" Max sat cross-legged and waited for her to speak.

"Not exactly."

"Someone with potential?"

"Lots of potential. Good kisser too." Roni blushed as she realized what she just said. "Umm?"

"And now the juicy stuff comes out," he teased her. "Don't worry. I promised I wouldn't tell Chris and I won't. I haven't told him about Molly kissing his friend so your secret is safe with me."

"You know about that? How?"

"Oh she told me. I answered the phone and while Chris was taking forever it slipped as we were talking. I guess all the females in Chris' life tell me stuff they don't want him to know. Makes for good blackmail." He rubbed his hands together menacingly. He saw the uneasy look on her face and rubbed her knee. "I was just kidding. Hey, I know what might cheer you up."


"Well, I have to get some of a paper done but after that I'll take you to Universal and you can see him in action."

"Really?" Roni asked excitedly. "But wait a minute. How much does it cost to get into the park?"

"Don't worry about it. I can get you in for free."


"Free. Now let me just try to get some work done and then we'll go. By then I'll need a study break."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Hey, Chris."

Chris turned and saw his girlfriend walking towards him. He threw the sweat towel that he held into a bin and smiled at the approaching woman.

"Hey, hun, how's your day been?"

"Okay." She sighed and sat next to him. "It's hot and there are lots of people in the park."

"Aww, poor baby. But I will agree with you that it is hot. Singing and dancing up there is exhausting." He sighed as she placed an arm behind his shoulders and began to rub his neck.

"So what's Roni doing while you're working?"

Chris shrugged. "I don't know. Max had to do a paper so she'll keep him company."

"So will Roni see you in action while she's here?"

"Not if I can help it."

Caroline stifled a laugh. "Well, you might not have a choice."


Caroline smiled and pointed to an entrance to the park from the employee area. "I see Max over there and I'm sure he brought Roni with him. Didn't you just finish a show?"

"Yes." Chris slumped in his seat before walking to his waving roommate. "What are you doing here? Where's Roni?"

"Relax, bro. She's right out here. I must say she enjoyed your little show here," Max teased the shorter man, knowing he didn't want the girl to watch his show.

Chris shook his head. "I can't believe you, man."

"Aren't you going to come out and see your guest?" Max waved into the park. "She's awaiting."

Chris sighed and nodded. He followed his friend and involuntarily smiled as Roni looked around her, awed at everything she saw.


Roni looked up and smiled. She was surprised when she looked on the stage and saw Chris singing. He had never went into detail about what he did at Universal Studios. All she knew was that he worked there.

"Hey, Chris. Nice show."

"Thanks. How long have you two been here?"

"About an hour. Right Max?" She looked at the guy hanging back. He nodded and she smiled. "We looked at the schedule and he brought me almost directly to this show. We stopped for drinks and I still couldn't use the money I brought." She shook her head in contempt.

Max shook his head back. "What can I say? I know people who know people."

"I'm not even touching that one, Max," Chris said sternly. "I don't need our little Roni to be corrupted by you. Anyway, how long are you two going to be here?"

"Corrupted?" Max raised his eyebrows. "I think just knowing you is corruption enough for anyone. Actually I need to go back to our apartment and work on my paper again."

"Aww. I wanted to go on more rides and see the other shows while I was here."

"Well," Max started, "how late are you here 'til tonight, Chris? Close?"

"Just about. But that's a long time away, Max."

"Come on, Chris, she can walk around the park by herself and meet up with you later. She is fourteen. I'd trust her."

"It's not that I don't trust her." Chris sighed and sat beside Roni. "It's everyone else out there I don't trust. I just want to make sure she's safe. I promised Lydia that."

"Chris, I'll be okay. I'll even check in with you if you want. I'll be okay," she pleaded into his eyes.

Chris looked between his roommate and his friend. He knew she was old enough and he could trust her to be okay but she was still "little" Roni in his eyes. Roni's frown carried up into her eyes.

"Okay, but I want you to check in every hour-"

"Two hours. You know how long these lines can be."

"Okay, okay," Chris gave in. "Every two hours I want to meet you right here, okay?"

Roni nodded and hugged the men. "Bye, Max. See you later. Bye, dad, I'll see you in two hours."

Max watched Roni get lost in the crowd before turning back to his friend.

"She'll be okay, Chris."

"I kn-"

"Kirkpatrick," was yelled from behind where the friends stood. Chris looked and saw the choreographer stare around the corner.

"I guess I'd better go so I still have a job in two hours when Roni comes back. See you later, Max. Thanks again for bringing her here."

Max laughed at his friend's sarcasm. "No problem. Later, dude."

Chris walked back to his break area and sat across a both from Caroline. He put his head on the table and sighed deeply. He sighed again as her hands ran through his hair.

"What's wrong, Chris?"

"Nothing," he mumbled into the table. "Argh!"

"That doesn't sound like nothing."

"I just can't explain it." Chris brought his head up and rested his chin on his hands. "I'm losing her."

"Who her?" Caroline moved her fingers to his cheeks. "Roni?"

Chris nodded.

"Chris, she's fourteen now. She's older and people change as they age."

"I know, but?"

"You're just afraid she won't want or need you in her life anymore. I'm telling you not to worry about it. Do you see her face when she's with you? Have you been listening to her when she says she's so happy to be here? She loves you, Chris."

"She is not in love with me. I'm nothing more than-"

"An older brother figure. Did I say she was in love with you or just that she loves you? I watched her last night when we went out. She looks at you like family, Chris. You've told me that a thousand times and now that I can see you two together I see how it is. Chris, she still needs you to be there for her. Some of her other needs may change but you'll always be Chris in her eyes and she'll run to you when she needs."

Chris met her eyes. "So I'm worrying over nothing?"

"Yup, you are. You have almost a week and a half still with her and I'm sure it's going to be just like old times."

"I sure hope you're right."

"Chris," she squeezed his hand, "I know it will be. Now just don't shut me out. I like her."

"I won't shut you out, Cari. Maybe the three of us can do something tomorrow night or something."

"Sounds good."

"Next show in ten minutes. All performers backstage."

Chris groaned as the assistant walked out of the room. He kissed his girlfriend's hand and winked before following his fellow performers to the backstage area where they warmed up.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Roni looked at her watch and then back at the long line. She needed to check back in with Chris in forty minutes and she didn't know if she had time to wait in the long line for the E.T. ride. The sign said about forty-five minutes but the line didn't look that long so she joined behind a bunch of guys a few years older then her. As she waited Roni saw a large play area that she remembered held one of those young celebrity obstacle courses a few years earlier. I have to hit that later, after I check with Chris. She checked her watch again. If I ever get to the end of this line.

Roni rolled her eyes as two of the guys in front of her began pushing each other playfully. She turned and decided to watch the other people in the line. It wasn't like she had much choice. She was in a long line and there was nothing else to do but people watch. She smiled as she saw a boy about her age grab the hand of a younger girl. The close attention the young guy gave the girl tore at her heart. It reminded her of her relationship with Chris. Yes, she wanted to see the park but it would have meant more to share it with someone and Chris and Max were really the only people she knew she'd enjoy seeing Universal Studios with, but with Chris it would have been more special.

She knew she could have waited but sitting in the apartment watching TV while Max wrote his paper wasn't her idea of a great day. She needed something to do and walking around the park and riding the rides was something to do. She continued to watch the other people in the line and began laughing lightly to herself as she pictured what Chris would have said about each of them and their outfits. She was brought out of her thoughts as a body slammed into her. She looked up and looked into a pair of clear blue eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that. My friend over there," he pointed to a brown haired guy, "decided that he wanted to see how far he could throw me and forgot about anyone else around us. In other words, I'm very sorry to have been an inconvenience to you."

"It's okay. Look, the line's moving. Your friends are waving for you." She pointed down the aisle and the boy saw the empty space.

"Oops. I guess everyone behind us is mad at me. Sorry again." He gave her a cheesy smile and walked up to meet his friends.

Roni shook her head and turned back to people watch. She continued to walk with the line and looked up as a card was forced into her hand. No explanation of what she was to do with the card followed, only orders to keep the line moving and to wait until the doors in front of the group opened.

"My name's Joey. Nice to meet you."

Roni shook the outstretched hand. "You too."

"Are you from around here?"

"No." Roni slapped her head. "Damn. Chris is going to kill me."

"And why would this Chris person kill such a pretty woman as you?" Joey asked as the line moved forward. "Is he your boyfriend or something?"

She met Joey's eyes and sighed in defeat.

"Chris is this guy who's like a brother to me that I'm visiting who'll kill me when he finds out that I just told a total stranger that I'm not familiar with where I am."

"Is that all? I'll let you in on a little secret." He leaned to whisper in her ear. "Most people here are tourists, meaning they have no idea as to where they are, so you're not alone there. Anyway, I was just trying to make some conversation since we're stuck next to each other in line. I'll just go back to talking with my friends if you want."

Roni looked at the brown eyed boy's face and then those of the friends he was with before laughing. The "help me" look on Joey's face was too funny not to react to.

"Aww, poor Joey he might have to deal with boys his own age. Luckily I know what that's like."

"So will you talk to me?"

"Yes, I will talk to you. So are you from around here?"

"Yup, well kinda. My family moved here three years ago. I just got a job in the park so I decided to check it out so I know where to dircet people when they ask me where to go for something."

"Cool. Do your friends work here also?"

"Umm, no...they don't. They had the morning off though and decided to join me."

"Cool." She nodded her ehad and took in her surroundings, not knowing what to say.

"So...," Joey started, "is any of your family down with you?"

"Nope. My mom decided I could visit Chris without her and I'm an only child."

"Really? Sometimes I wish I was. I have two older siblings, a sister and a brother, and sometimes I wish they would just go away and leave me alone."

"Well, don't wish for that." The line moved forward. "You'd just get lonely around the house. Thankfully I had Chris next door most of my life, until he moved down here that is."

"You must have been bummed about that." He walked to the ride and waved to the seats. "After you, madam."

"Why thank you, and, yes, I was bummed. Almost thought he'd forget about me."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Now where is she? She was supposed to meet me here almost two hours ago. 'Trust her' Max said. 'She'll be all right.' I'll believe that when she appears in front of me and not get news that she's either missing or found in a ditch somewhere."

"Chris, calm down," his girlfriend told him. "I'm sure she's all right. Do you even know if she has a watch on? You know how the ride lines play with your sense of time."

"I know they can but Roni always wears a watch when she's not at home." Chris paced faster and almost bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Are you Chris?"

"Yeah. What do you want?" Chris took a few more steps and froze. "Is this about a girl named Veronica or Roni?"

"Yeah, Roni."

"Where is she? Is she okay?"

Joey held his hands up. "Chill, man, she's all right. She's waiting for you on the other side of the door to the park."

"Thank god she's all right. Thank you..."


"Thanks, Joey, for getting me. That girl is like family to me." Chris turned and sprinted to the door. "Roni?"

Roni rushed to Chris and started apologizing profusely.

"I'm so sorry, Chris, we just started talking and walking from ride to ride and lost track of time. I'm sorry, Chris, I know I was supposed to be here two hours ago. Can you forgive me?" She clasped her hands and hung her head.

Chris lifted ehr chin and smiled. "Of course I forgive you. Now who is this 'we' you're talking about. Last time I checked there was only one of you."

"Didn't you meet Joey?" she asked puzzled.

"Joey?" Chris paused to think. "Is that the guy who came and told me you were out here?"

She nodded. "Yeah. Come over here, Joey, I want you to meet Chris."

Chris turned to watch the boy walk towards them. He didn't like the way this boy walked. From the few words he spoke to Chris earlier, he didn't like the way this boy talked and he definitely didn't like the look of interest this Joey had in his eyes when he looked at Roni. Despite all this Chris plastered on a fake smile.

"Hey, man, sorry if I was rude before. I was just worried about Ron. I'm Chris. Chris Kirkpatrick."

"Joey Fatone." Joey shook the older man's hand. "I'm sorry about causing her to be late..."

At least the kid has the manners to apologize, Chris thought to himself as Joey rambled on.

"So I'm very sorry she's two hours late. Please don't be mad at her."

"Don't worry. I'm not mad at either one of you. I was just really worried about Roni. I promised her mother I wouldn't let her die if she came for a visit and I didn't want to let her down by something happening. Plus, Roni's too important."

"Oh, Chris." Roni hugged Chris tightly. "You're important too. Not as important as me though."

Chris hugged the young girl tighter and laughed. "Of course not. No one's as important as Miss Da' Cord."

"Chris, it's time to get ready for the next show."

Chris turned and saw Caroline waving at him. He held up a finger for her to wait a moment. he turned back to the younger couple and sighed.

"I still have two more shows today. Did you drive here, Joey? I mean, how late are you planning on staying?"

Joey cheked his watch. "Umm, I missed my ride with my friends so I was going to go home with my brother in about an hour and a half when he gets off."

"Would you mind staying with Roni until then? I know she can take care of herself but it seems that she trusts you and I don't like the idea of her being alone in the park. You could just drop her off here on your way out. She can watch the last show. Is that all right with you two?"

"Either that or I'm sure my brother wouldn't mind taking her to your place. If she knows where it is from here that is."

"I don't know," Chris said skeptically. He shot Roni a stern look that she promptly ignored.

"I do know my way as long as we go out the same way Max and I came in. Is that all right with you, Chris? I'll need your key and this way you can do your work without me distracting you."

Chris wanted to tell her she was never a distraction, at least never an unwelcomed one but knew this stranger might take it the wrong way. He was afraid Joey would take it as him being overfriendly. Chris had dealt with enough people misinterpreting his relationship with Roni and he didn't need to add another one. Then again it might scare this annoying kid away. Despite his thought Chris softened his eyes.

"If you want to go then I'm not going to stop you. I do have one condition, though. You have to stop by later so I know you're leaving and I can meet Joey's brother. Fair?"

"Fair." Roni hugged Chris. "I'll come by later. See ya. Chris."

Chris sighed after Roni kissed his cheek and walked away with Joey. The boy seemed nice enough but he couldn't believe that Roni had befriended a stranger and had seemed to make a strong connection with them. A picture of the two kissing popped into his head but Chris dismissed it, sure Roni would never see this Joey again.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

I had fun today," Roni told Joey outside Chris' apartment door.

"Me too. Do you think that maybe we can do something else while you're down here?"

"I'd like that. Maybe we can do something with Chris and Caroline because, knowing Chris, that'd be the only way he'd let it be."

Joey shrugged. "That's fine with me. He seems like a cool guy. Plus I know hes really worried about returning you to your mother in one alive piece. Even though Id never let anything happen to a pretty lady such as yourself."

"You can stop all that useless flattering." Roni pulled Chris' key out of her pocket and unlocked the door. "Wait right here. Let me just get the number from Max. Be right back."

A few moments later Roni handed Joey a piece of paper with the number on it and watched him walk away. Great guy. Definitley cute. I just hope Chris doesn't flip when he finds out I gave Joey this number.

Chapter 6
Story Index

E-mail: crazy1s_fic@yahoo.com