"Hey, Joey, where do you go to school?"

It was the next night and Joey, Chris, Roni and Caroline had decided to grab a bite to eat and go miniature golfing.

"Umm, I go to DP."

"Ah," Chris placed his yellow ball on the mat and stepped onto the concrete, "I see. So you're right next to Universal."


Chris placed his putter next to the golf ball and focused on the hole on the other side of the windmill. He shifted his balance between his feet and brought the putter back. He was concentrating so much on what he was doing; he didn't realize when someone had placed their club in front of his.


"Oops. Sorry, Chris."

Chris raised an eyebrow at Roni. She smiled before she turned and ran.

"You're going to get it," Chris shouted as he chased her between the holes. He caught up with her as she hid behind Joey and stuck her tongue out over the brunette's shoulder. Chris saw Joey look at her mouth as she did this. He wanted to hurt the younger male but he kept his actions in check. "Oh real mature, Roni."

”Like you’re the mature one. Now who’s the one who-“ Roni never got to finish the sentence as Chris tried to attack from the other side of Joey. “Nope. Sorry, Chris, but you’re to slow. Plus, I don’t think you’ll have a girlfriend for too long by the look on your girlfriend’s face if you continue with these antics.”

Chris glanced at Caroline’s face and felt a blush creep onto his cheeks. She waved at him with her finger and he dejectedly walked toward her.

”Christopher?” Caroline could barely contain her laughter as he lifted his head and stuck his bottom lip out. “Play nice.”

”Yes, ma’am. Sorry, Roni.” He opened his arms and enveloped the young girl in a hug. Just as he was about to let go he tightened his arms and sung her in circles until he was dizzy. “That’s for hitting me with your club.”

”Why I go out with him I don’t know.” Caroline looked at Joey. “It’s going to be six months in two days. Why did I stay that long?”

Joey shrugged and smiled. “I couldn’t tell you.”

”Six months?” Roni raised her eyebrows. “That’s a big anniversary in a relationship. So what do you two have planned?”

”Ummm,” Chris stammered, “nothing.”

”Why?” The brunette looked between the couple.

”Because,” Chris grabbed her from behind, “you’re here. I couldn’t leave you alone for a night.”

”But, Chris, this is a big deal. Six months? You two should go out. Have fun. Don’t not do it on my part.”

”But what will you do?” Chris watched her take her first putt on the next hole.

”Chris, as much as I love you my life doesn’t revolve around you. I appreciate your concern but I can find something to do.”

”What? Watch TV?”

”Excuse me,” Joey interrupted the bickering pair. “I may be able to help here. It’s my friend’s birthday and a few of us are getting together and she’s more than welcome to come with us.”

”There we go.” Roni pointed at Joey who was now putting. “I now have something to do so you two can go out and enjoy your anniversary.”


”Chris, go out with your girlfriend. I am the one intruding and I’m telling you to do the right thing and take your girlfriend out to dinner.”

”Oh, that sounds good. We were going to stay in but I like that idea.” Caroline looked at Chris. “So where are we going?”

Chris sighed and glared at Roni but he smiled when she made a face at him. His gaze then traveled to the boy beside her. He did not like the fact that he volunteered to take her out. Sure the guy was nice but he wasn’t for her. Chris knew he had to squelch his over-protective vibe but he couldn’t shake it. He looked over and saw Roni sit next to Joey on a bench and lay her head on his shoulder and the fire in him burned. He felt a tap on his shoulder and spun to see Caroline giving him a look to cool it.


”Are you sure you don’t mind that I go with Caroline on Friday?”

It was later that night and Chris and Roni had just gotten ready for bed. She was sitting on his bed taking off her watch and he was standing in the doorway. Roni stood and walked toward him.

”Chris, would you stop asking me that? I have told you thousands of time tonight that I’m fine with it. I was the one who suggested it. You go out and celebrate and I’ll go out with Joey and his friends. It’s all settled.”

”But you just met him and everyth-“


Chris sighed and hugged her. “I know. I know.” He paused to make sure his next question threw her off guard. “So he kissed you?” She stiffened in his arms and he chuckled.

”How did you know that?”

”Well, he did it in broad daylight.” He let her pull away and she sat on the bed.

”But I thought you two were in the mall then.”

While they were out Caroline remembered she needed to gat a card and mail it for her father’s birthday so they stopped by the Florida Mall because she also needed to pay her Sears bill. Chris and Caroline ran into the mall while Joey and Roni sat on the curb by Chris’ car.

”Come on, Ron, it doesn’t take that long to pick out a card and drop the check off at a cashier in Sears.” Chris was enjoying watching her squirm. In the pit of his stomach he had a feeling that this was what he was missing while he was in Florida. He was missing watching his sisters and Roni grow up.


Chris laughed at Roni’s discomfort and sat beside the bed. “So was it good?”

”Chris, I can’t believe you just asked that!”

”Oh, come on, Ron. So is he the love of your life?”

”No. We both know that there’s a chance we will never see each other again, we’re just friends. Actually, that’s what we were talking about in the parking lot.” Roni laid down and recalled the conversation from the parking lot.


”I don’t think Chris likes me very much.”

Roni sat next to Joey. “It’s just because you’re my date. He’s a little protective of me. I’m sure you two would get along great if it weren’t for that fact.”

”Oh, yeah, I can just see it. One day we’ll be like brothers.” He snapped his fingers and patted his fist against his chest.

”Joey, you’re a likeable person. I’m sure you can grow on him. You two work at the same place, I’m sure you’ll run into each other. Don’t worry about him.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

Silence came and the two locked eyes. Joey searched her eyes for acceptance. When he found it he began to lean in and lightly covered her lips with his. Roni let go of his hand and slid it to the curb. The kiss deepened and Roni smiled against his mouth. A thought entered her mind and she pulled back.


”Yeah? Is there something wrong?”

Roni saw the hurt in his eyes and smiled. “Not really. I just wanted to make sure you know that I’m not interested in hooking up with you. I’m enjoying our time together but-“

”But there’s that guy back home you’re hoping to go out with. I know, Ron, and I understand. Let’s just have fun while it lasts. Damn, that sounded cheap but you know what I mean.”

”Yeah, I do.” She stared ahead for a moment. “Where did you learn to kiss like that?”

”So you liked it?” A sly smile crept across his face.

”Joey.” Roni hit his shoulder with hers and they went back and forth until Joey lost his balance.


Roni tried to help him from falling on the grass in the lane divider but it was a lost cause. Joey pulled her down with him. They laughed, still pushing each other. Roni caught his hands before they started to tickle her.

”So you thought I was a good kisser, huh?”

Roni simply nodded as they brought their lips together again. Joey laid a hand on her side and was about to urge her to open her mouth when Chris’ voice came into hearing distance. The two pulled apart quickly and dusted themselves off.


”Ron, you never answered my question. Was it good?” Chris smiled at her blush. She turned her body to grab something from her bag. She twisted back with her hairbrush in her mouth.

”Chris,” she started matter-of-factly, “a woman doesn’t kiss and tell.”

”You’re only thirteen, Roni, you’re no woman. Why do females have to brush their hair in other people’s faces?” Chris waved his hand in the air in front of him and scooted back on the rug.

”We only do that if we want to annoy the people we’re brushing it on.”

Chris dropped his mouth slightly as he thought of a comeback but instead of words a yawn came out. He stretched his arms before him and yawned again. Roni yawned and gave him the evil eye.

”What’s that look for?”

”Because you made me yawn.” She yawned again. “There we go. Another yawn just because I talked about it.”

”I never physically made you yawn. That’s your own doing. But I’m getting tired. I’m going to go to sleep. See you in the morning, Veronica.”

”Night, Christopher.” Roni turned off the bedside lamp before calling to the retreating figure. “Are you sure you don’t want your bed, Chris? I don’t mind sleeping on the couch. I know you’ve been getting up every night.”

Chris froze and walked back to her bedside. He knelt next to her. “Have I been waking you?”

Every night since that first night he’d been waking up in the middle of the night. He’d toss and turn before getting up to check on Roni. He knew she was all right but he was paranoid and had to make sure she was safe. The night before he ventured into the room and knelt like he was now. He had pushed her hair off her face and began to sing to her. Something in him wasn’t sitting right and singing to her always brought him peace. She had turned her face to trap his hand beneath her cheek and he sat there, motionless, until she turned the other way.

”Kinda. I hear you get up and see you at the door but you start to hum and last night you sang, and I fall asleep. I’m not up long.”

”Good. I don’t want you to lose sleep because of me not being able to sleep.” He stood.

”Hey, Chris? Do you think you might be able to sing to me?”

He looked down and smiled. “Of course I can.”

”Then why don’t you sit on the bed and serenade me?”

Chris let out a tired laugh and sat beside her. Roni snuggled into the sheets and waited for Chris’ voice to invade her ears and bring her to sleep.


two days later

”Chris, does this look okay?” Roni walked out of Chris’ room to let him critique her outfit. She saw him fiddling with his tie and smiled. “You need some help there?”

Chris hung his head and nodded. He turned when he felt Roni’s hand on his shoulder. She quickly tied the fabric. She patted his chest to signal she was done and Chris held her hand there.

”Thanks, Ron. Sometimes I can get them but sometimes I just can’t. I need someone to dress me sometimes.” He nervously straightened his tie.

”Everything will go fine. Now how do I look?” Roni twirled in front of him. They both turned to the hallway when a whistle pierced the air.

”Looking good, Roni.” Max walked to the kitchen to get a drink. “I’m sure that Joey guy will be at your mercy.”

Chris and Roni’s faces turned red, his out of anger and hers of embarrassment. Chris looked at Roni’s outfit again before speaking.

”No one is going to be at anyone’s mercy tonight. And, Ron, you do look good but don’t you think you might want to get a jacket or something? It’s a little cold out.”

”Chris! I will be fine. Plus, who wants to carry something if I get warm? I’ll be fine.”

”But don’t you think you’re…showing a bit much? Can’t you wear a full shirt?”

Roni looked at her outfit. She was wearing a pair of khaki pants and a light blue tank top. On her feet were her sandals.

”Showing a bit much? Chris, I’ve worn shirts like this since I’ve been here. I’m not showing any stomach.” She pointed to her midsection. “Nor am I showing any cleavage.”

Chris’ eyes followed her hand as it pointed to her stomach and then went higher. His eyes widened as he realized his eyes were brought to look at her maturing breasts. He looked away and ran a hand up his forehead into his hair.

"Roni,” he paused, “that was not a visual I needed.”

”What wasn’t?”

”Your…” he trailed off and pointed to her body.

”My cleavage?”

”Yes, your…cleavage.” He was glad she said that word. It was one he could say in front of her without feeling uncomfortable.

”Chris, you mentioned something about being underdressed and since I’m in pants the only place for me to be showing something would be either my stomach or cleavage. Yes, Chris, I am a female and I have breasts and will for the rest of my life. If you’re going to be around I’m sure at some point in the future there will be a reference to them while you’re around.”

”Ron.” Chris sat on the couch and hung his head. “You only have a few more days left here and I don’t want to fight.”

”Me neither.” She walked toward him and sat on his lap, back against the arm of the sofa. “I’m sorry.”

Chris felt her rub his neck for a few seconds before hugging him. Chris returned the hug and sighed.

”I’m sorry too. Now let me restart.” He pulled and looked at her outfit. “Roni, you look beautiful, especially those sandals. And they’re covering such tickling feet.”

Roni saw an evil glimmer in Chris’ brown eyes and tried to scramble off his lap. Chris expected this and held her down with an arm as he took her shoes off with his other hand. Once as her sandals were off Chris proceeded to run his fingertips lightly up and down the soles of her feet.

”Chris! No!” Roni repeated those two words as she squirmed in his lap.

”Ahem!” A throat cleared near the door. The friends looked up and saw Joey standing in the open door and Max with his hand on the knob.

”Hey, Joey,” Roni got out as she lifted herself off Chris.

Chris helped Roni off his lap. He looked up at the younger male and saw Joey’s eyes trying not to look at something. He followed Joey’s gaze to the piece of stomach now showing of Roni’s. Chris quickly stood behind her and pulled her shirt back down.

”Hi, Joey.” Chris shook Joey’s hand. “How are you doing?”

Joey shrugged. “I’m doing okay. How are you and Caroline?”

”We’re good. Actually I was just on my way to go pick her up. I’ll walk you two down.” Chris grabbed his wallet and car keys. He shoved them in his pockets as he walked out the door. “Bye, Max.”

Roni followed Chris out the door. “Bye, Max.”

Joey looked at Max awkwardly before sticking his hand out. “Nice meeting you, Max, I’m Joey.”

”I surmised. Nice meeting you too.” They shook hands. “You do know that if anything happens to her Chris will kill you, right?”

Joey nodded. “I’m very aware of that fact. Good night.”

Max laughed to himself as he started to shut the door. It was almost closed when there was a push of resistance from the other side. Max let the door open and Roni burst in.

”Sorry, Max, but I think it’ll be easier if I just take my wallet instead of my whole purse.”

She ran by him and his head followed her.

”So is Chris talking to Joey?”


Max shook his head, thinking he’d love to hear that conversation and knowing that Joey was wishing it wasn’t happening.


Caroline answered her door after someone knocked on it. She waved Chris in and walked back to her bathroom.

”Hey, hun. What’s wrong?”

Chris sighed and sat backward on a dining room chair. “Nothing much. I just watched Roni leave with Joey.”

”Chris,” she warned at his tone, “Joey’s a nice guy. You’ve met him. Plus, I think he’s afraid of you. I bet the talk you had with him tonight just intensified it.”

”What talk?”

”Umm, the talk I’m betting you had with him warning him of the consequences if anything happens to Roni while she’s with him. You had one of those talks with him, right?” She raised an eyebrow and smiled when she didn’t hear him answer. “Thought so.”

She looked in the mirror and saw him in the reflection.

”Well, I had to do the older brother protective bit. She’s like my little sister. I just want her to be safe. Is that a crime?”

”Nope.” Caroline turned and wrapped her arms around his waist. “So where are we going?”

”It’s a surprise.”


”Hey, Joey.”

Joey led Roni into the house and waited for his friend to work through the crowd.

”Hey. I’m JC.” JC extended his hand and Roni shook it.

”Also known as the guy who bumped into you at Universal,” Joey added.

Roni smiled. “Then thank you.”

”Huh? Thanks for what?” He wore a confused frown.

”For bumping into me, of course. If you didn’t then I wouldn’t be here right now, about to have fun.”

”Well, let’s change that to having fun.” JC grabbed her hand and started pulling her away from Joey but the younger male stopped them.

”Just one minute, JC. I just need to tell her something.”

”All right.” JC shrugged. “I’ll be right over there waiting for my dance. I promise you I’m better at keeping my balance while I’m on the dance floor.” He batted his eyelashes at Roni and walked a few feet away.

Roni laughed and brought her attention back to Joey. “What is it?”

”Umm, well…I just wanted to let you know not to drink the punch. Actually don’t drink anything unless you know exactly what it is.”


”Because I know for a fact the punch is spiked and so could anything else. I really don’t need to upset Chris and all by bringing you home smelling of alcohol.”

Roni nodded. “I see your point.”

”Good. Now if anyone tries to pressure you into drinking find me. You should be okay but if I’m not right next to you I should be near by. Okay?”

Roni nodded again and turned to find JC. JC smiled at her and held out his arm. Roni linked hers through his and followed him through the crowd.


She nodded.

”So what did Joey have to tell you?”

”Just that he’d rather not be hurt by the friend I’m staying with so he told me to avoid all drinks unless I know what they are. What is there non-alcoholic here?”

JC looked around. “Not much. If you can snag a can of soda or some water you’ll be good. I have an early promotional engagement tomorrow so getting drunk is not the best idea for me either. But it seems as if I’m the only one from the show doing that.” He looked at the teens in the corner.

”Cool,” Roni replied before the two picked up their rhythm as the song changed. “What show?”


”Oh, Chris, this place is beautiful.” Caroline looked at the restaurant Chris pulled in front of and smiled. She reached for the door.

“I’ll be right back.”

Caroline watched in confusion as Chris opened his door and jogged into the restaurant, leaving her in the car. Minutes later he came out carrying two bags with, what she assumed, was food. He opened his door to unlock the door behind him. He opened the back door and placed the food on the floor. He closed the door and slid behind the wheel.

”Okay. Phase one done. Now into phase two.”

”Chris, what are we doing? Aren’t we going out to eat?”

”We are.” The corners of his mouth darted up and Caroline decided to leave matters alone until his whole plan was given to her. She watched the buildings go by and she realized where they might be heading.

”Chris, are we going to Tommy’s?”


His tone told her that she guessed right.

”But why?”

”Just hush and you’ll see.” Silence followed Chris’ order and he quickly slid his glance to his girlfriend’s face. He smiled at the confusion on he face. He turned into the apartment complex and led Caroline to their friend’s apartment. He opened the door and smiled as he heard her gasp.

”Chris, this is beautiful.”

The inside of the apartment had been decorated in her favorite colors with tiger lilies, her favorite flowers, as the centerpiece to the table that was set for their dinner. Chris wrapped his arms around her from behind and rested his head on her shoulder.

”Since Tommy was going out of town I asked if we could borrow his place. When I told him my plans he said it was okay. As long as we clean up.”

”I’m sure we can do that.”

She turned and kissed him. Chris returned the kiss but part of his mind wasn’t with his girlfriend. It was on his visitor and the guy who promised to keep her safe.



Joey heard his name and made his way toward the voice. The urgency in it made him scared. He had already helped a friend to the bathroom and remembered why he usually didn’t stay sober, the responsibility of taking care of others. But the voice that had called him was sober and the first thing that ran through his mind was Roni. He had spent most of the night with her but when his friend threw up right next to him Joey left her with the people they were talking to. JC was among them so he felt okay leaving her there. Since then he hadn’t be able to locate her. JC came running up to him, out of breath.

”There you are. Joey, we’ve got a situation here.”

”What is it? Is it Roni?” A scared look crossed his face as JC nodded and led him through the house. They came to the living room and Joey’s mouth dropped. “Roni, what are you doing?”


Chapter 7
Story Index

E-mail: crazy1s_fic@yahoo.com