"Hey, Stephanie, I'm going to lunch." Winnie popped her head into the office.

"All right. See you in an hour." Stephanie got back to the work in front of her.

Winnie stepped outside the office and took a deep breath. She sang to herself as she walked to the park to meet Alex.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Thanks, guys, for squezing me in. I know you're leaving tomorrow and very busy."

"No problem. It's routine for us." JC stuck his hand out and shook the man's hand.

The interviewer laughed. "I bet." He left.

Justin looked at his watch. "I promised my mom I'd have lunch with her. See you guys later." He waved and went to his car.

"While we have some time I need to pick up a few things up before we leave tomorrow." JC got his keys out and left.

"That leaves us three. What do you two want to do?" Lance looked at Joey and Chris.

Joey shrugged. "I don't know. What do you think, Chris?"

The two men turned to the eldest. Chris was leaning against the doorway staring across the reception area into Stephanie's office. Stephanie was absorbed in her work and did not notice she was being watched.

Lance and Joey quietly left Chris to his thoughts. When they were outside they started talking.

"What are we going to do?"

Joey shrugged his shoulders then an idea came to him. "Doesn't Winnie always meet that guy for lunch? What was his name?"

Lance thought for a minute. "I belive it's Alex. Yeah, they meet at the park. What? Wanna spy on them?" The smile on Joey's face gave him his answer. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go spy."

Lance and Joey cut through parking lots so they would not be seen.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Winnie felt hands cover her eyes.

"Guess who?"

"Umm...one of the Lachey brothers?"

"Nope. It's just plain old me." Alex sat down next to Winnie.

Winnie snapped her fingers in disappointment. "Darn. Well, a girl can dream."

Alex looked around them suspiciously. "I've got an idea. I know this great spot to have lunch. I'm getting tired of this scenery."

Winnie shook her head. "Sure. Why not. Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." Alex grinned mischievesly.

"Alright. I'll follow your lead." Winnie got up and followed him to his car and got in.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Lance sighed.


"I was just thinking about Chris and Stephanie. The look on his face back there was heartbreaking."

Joey nodded. "Yeah. Can't they just see that the other loves them just as much and get over their stupid pride."

The guys knelt behind a bush to watch Winnie and Alex. Lance was about to answer but his words got stuck in his mouth at what he saw.

Joey noticed the shock look on his friend's face. "What is it, Lansten? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Lance simply nodded his head and pointed. He was shocked into silence.

Joey followed Lance's hand. His mouth dropped and the two shared a disbelieving look as they saw who Winnie was with.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"We're almost there." Alex smiled.

"Good. My stomach can't wait much longer." Alex turned down a road and Winnie's eyes widened. "It's beautiful."

Alex nodded. "I found it one day after having a fight with my cousin. I come here often when I need to be alone."

The two looked over the lake from their grassy spot near the beach.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Joey and Lance walked back to the office not knowing what to say. Lance was the one to break the silence.

He took a deep breath. "That was who I thought it was back there, right? I wasn't just seeing things." He asked mainly for reassurance.

Joey nodded his head. "That was who you thought it was. Unless both of us are seeing things."

"What are we going to tell Justin? Should we even tell him?"

"I don't know. I think we should keep this to ourselves unless we need to tell him. That might be best for right now."

Lance nodded. "All right. So we're tight lipped unless we feel like it needs to be told."

Joey shook his head. They walked into the office, both thinking about what they just saw.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Winnie stood up. "This place is beautiful. I have to remember about this place. When I want to get away from the real world."

"I guess I can share with you."

"Thanks," Winnie replied sarcastically. "Now if only there were a place like this near home and school I'd be set."

Alex looked up at Winnie and she sat back down. "You don't have a place like this near home?"

She shook her head. "Nope. The last few months I wish I did. When people found out I'd be working with *N SYNC kids I went to high school with who wouldn't even acknowlegde my existance all of a sudden were my best friend and wanted to make sure I gave the guys something for them. Or, even worse, tell the guys about them and give Justin or JC or whoever their numbers. I even got some requests for giving things to the Backstreet Boys." Winnie laughed.

"I know what you mean. It can be hard. Not knowing if people like you for the real you or because of who you know."

Winnie shook her head. "When I think of all the garbage I have at home from people wanting me to give things to the guys I think of a quote I found on a hot plate in my grandma's kitchen. Weird, but true."

Alex laughed. "What was the quote?"

"True friends are like diamonds- precious but rare. False friends are like autumn leaves- found everywhere." She paused and took a deep breath.

Alex shook his head. "That is so true."

"So how do you know so much on this topic?"

"Oh, I'm friends with Matchbox 20. You do know they're from around here also?"

Winnie shook her head. "Yeah, I've met them once or twice myself."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Bye, Winnie. See you next month." JC hugged her and walked onto the bus. Chris, Joey and Lance did the same thing. Leaving Winnie and Justin alone.

"I'm going to miss you." Justin held her tight and kissed her hair.

Winnie held back the tears. "Me too. Who am I going to tease? Both you and Linda are gone and Stephanie is definately someone I want to cross right now."

Justin shook his head and looked back at the bus. "I know the feeling. Chris is the same way."

"Yo, Curly, we gotta go."

"Be right there, Joey." He turned back to Winnie. "Guess I'll see you in a month."

She nodded. "You'd better call me."

"Whenever I can." They hugged once more and Justin got on the bus. Winnie waved as the bus pulled away.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Hello." Winnie was breathless. As she came in the door from her run she heard the phone ring.

"Hello. Is this Miss Winnie Brooks?" A male voice came over the line.

She smiled. "Yes, this is, but it isn't. I'm another one of her personalities."

"I always knew there was something wrong with that girl. That explains a lot."

"Oh, really, Dr. Timberlake? What does that explain?"

"The reason why that sweet girl can have such a scheming mind."

Winnie sat down at the kitchen table with a bottle of water. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"That's how it was meant."

Winnie leaned down to take off her sneakers. "Uh-huh. I'm sure." She grunted as she pulled one off. "So, how's tour treating you?"

Justin shifted nervously in his seat and looked toward the front of the bus. "Good. Having a blast. Except when I have to room with Chris. It makes me miserable just to be around him."

"Stephanie's the same way. She's working to all hours of the night and there's no way to have a lasting conversation with her."

"Love can be rough sometimes."

"Yup, it sure can."

There was a silence on the line. Justin saw JC walk towards him and motioned to the phone. JC nodded his head.

"There's someone here who wants to say hi." He handed the phone to JC.

"Hey, girl."

"JC, how are you doing?"

JC sat on the couch as Justin walked to the front of the bus. "Good, except when I'm alone with Chris. He's so far from his normal self it's frightening."

Winnie stood up and stretched. "Justin said the same thing, but don't worry. I'm going through the same thing with Stephanie. We are so close to schedule it's scary. If she doesn't slow down we'll be ahead. Now that's a scary thought."

JC laughed. "Yeah. Actually getting something done on time is ahead of schedule in this business."

"So how are the other guys?"

"Good. Joey's flirting with Jordan's female dancers, Lance is excited because we're going to be in Mississippi this weekend and I guess that's it."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Justin sat at the table and sighed. He put his head in his hands. He felt a hand on his shoulders.

"What's wrong, buddy?" Lance sat across from his friend.

"I just talked to Winnie."

"Oh. You haven't told her yet. Have you?"

Justin shook his head. "No, and I don't know how to." Justin looked to the bunk area where sounds of female laughter could be heard.

Lance looked at Joey who had pulled a soda out of the refrigerator. They both nodded. Joey sat down next to Lance.

"Umm... Justin we have something to tell you," Joey started. "It's about Alex."

"The guy Winnie has lunch with?" JC walked into the room and sat behind Justin as his friends nodded. "What is it?"

Joey and Lance looked at each other. "Well,..."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Winnie's alarm woke her from a dream she never wanted to see end. She was overlooking the water holding his hands and talking to him. Every once in a while she would look over and stare into his clear blue eyes. After the sun set he lead her to his truck and drove to the place he first saw her. They would walk around the track at the park laughing and chasing each other. He caught up to her and tackle her on the grass. He leaned down to kiss her. "I love you, Winnie." His lips brushed hers and... Her alarm went off.

"Damn alarm." Winnie shut it off and sat in bed thinking about the dream she just had.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Hey, girl!"

Winnie whirled around. "JC!" She ran to him and gave him a big hug.

"Don't give it all to him. We want hugs too." Winnie turned around and laughed at the pout on Joey's face.

"Aww, poor Joey bear. Here you go." She gave him a light hug and he grabbed her and swung her around.

"Joey, enough!" He put her down. Winnie next hugged Lance and Chris. As she hugged Chris she noticed he was looking past her, not at her. She followed his gaze and sighed.

"What is she doing here?"

"Doing something she doesn't want to."

Chris saw the expression on Winnie's face and decided to check it out himself.

Winnie turned to the other guys. "So where's the fifth member of this little circle?"

JC looked down. "He's already inside."

Winnie nodded. "Well I'm going to go find him and say hi." She turned and walked toward the building. As she entered she did not notice the guy hiding behind a curtain watching her as she passed.

JC, Lance and Joey gave each other looks hoping there would be no bloodshed.

"Let's go see if Justin's going to need our help." Lance and Joey nodded in agreement and the three walked in the building. As they neared their dressing room they heard Winnie gasp.

She had walked up to the room with the intention of surprising Justin, but she was the one who was surprised.

In front of her was Justin kissing another girl.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~


The man looked up. "Stephanie, what are you doing here?"

She looked down and took a deep breath. "I want to give my notice."

"Notice of what?" Bobby was confused.

"My notice of resignation. I'm leaving and taking another job."

"What? You're leaving?!?"

Stephanie closed her eyes and sighed. Why is he here? She opened her eyes and turned around. "Yes, Chris, I'm leaving. I thought you'd be happy. You'll never have to deal with me again." By the end of her sentence her tears were beginning to fall.

Chris walked up to her wanting to brush away her tears but restrained himself. "Just answer me this. Why?"

"Because...because...I just can't stay here." She pushed past Chris and ran across the parking lot and onto the tour bus.

Chris followed her with his eyes and watch her disappear. He turned to Bobby. "Let me see what's going on here."

Bobby nodded as Chris turned and walked away.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Justin looked up when he heard a gasp and let one out of his own. "Winnie. Let me explain."

She held up her hand for him to stop. She chuckled. "This is going to be easier than I thought."

Everybody else looked at each other. Not knowing what she meant.

"Umm... Justin I'm going to get Brian and A.J. so we can go over that song." JC quickly exited the room.

"Lance, I'll help you with that step now. Let's find a place to practice." Joey and Lance left and found somewhere else to be.

"I need to check out my costume for tonight." Justin's girlfriend, Alley, kissed him on the cheek and left.

"So..." Justin did not know what to say.

"Was that you're girlfriend?"

Justin slowly nodded his head. "I meant to tell you, but didn't know how."

Winnie took in this information slowly. "Remember when we finally got to kiss." He shook his head remembering how he felt afterwards. "Well, it was nice and all, but..."

"You didn't feel any sparks?" She looked at him in amazement. "I didn't either. That's what I wanted to talk to you about before JC called. I really do like you Winnie, a lot, but not like that."

Winnie stared at him in shock. "So, we've been feeling this way for over a month, afraid of telling each other the truth and being miserable because we didn't want to tell the other person?"

Justin shook his head. Winnie laughed and hugged him.

Chris rushed into the room. "Winnie, what's going on with Stephanie? She just gave Bobby her notice."

"She what?" JC came into the room followed by A.J. "Why would she do that? Oh, Brian will be here in a minute. He had to do something."

Winnie sighed and looked out the window. "She's taking another job somewhere else."

"Why? More money? Less work?" Chris demanded.

Winnie shook her head. "Actually just the opposite. Less money and more hours. Plus, she'd be working with Ben."

"Ben? As in ex-fiance Ben?" Chris had a bewildered expression on his face that quickly changed to fear. "Why? Are they back together?"

Winnie shook her head still looking out the window. She looked up at Chris' reflection. "You want to know why she's taking the job? Even interviewed for the job?"

Chris nodded his head. He had to know why he was losing the woman of his dreams.

"This is straight from her mouth. It's because she can't handle being around the man she loves when he doesn't love her back."

"Who does she love?" Chris asked softly.

She looked into the eyes of his reflection. "If I need to tell you that she has every right to be leaving."

Chris processed this information and ran to the bus.

After a short silence Justin looked around and smiled.


She turned to him. "What?"

"I have a feeling that you found someone else yourself. Did you?"

She nodded her head. "Yeah, I did. I've been having this dream about him lately."

"Tell me about it."

She took a deep breath. "You really want to hear about it?" She continued after he nodded. "Well, it starts of at the beach where we are just talking and looking into each other's eyes."

"And? Wait. Before you continue. Does he have blue eyes?"

She nodded. "And then he'd drive up to the park by the office in his Jeep-"

"So he drives a Jeep?"

"Yup. May I finish? Good. We'd chase each other and then he'd tackle me. He'd say he loved me as he leaned down to kiss me then-" She paused. "Then my alarm would go off as his lips grazed mine."

"Awww, bummer. I think I know who it is?"

Winnie's eyes opened. "You do?"

Justin looked past Winnie into a pair of surprised blue eyes.

How does he know?


~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Chris silently opened the door and heard Stephanie talking to herself. He watched as she pulled out her phone and dialed a number.

She sniffled and waited for the other party to answer. "Yes. Hello. Can I talk to Ben please? Hi, Ben. Yeah I've made my decision." She felt a hand on her shoulder. From the heat burning through her clothes she knew who it was.

Stephanie tuned around and looked Chris in the eyes. "What? Oh, sorry, Ben. Yeah, I decided to..."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"It's Alex isn't it?"

Winnie nodded her head. "How did you know? You've never met him?"

"Never say never unless you're certain." He looked at the man in the doorway. "I think you've got some explaining to do."

Winnie turned around and her eyes widened. "Alex, what are you doing here? And what does he mean that you've got some explaining to do?"

A few people in the room laughed nervously at what was unfolding and others looked on in pure confusion.

He cleared his throat. "Well, my name's not Alex."

"Then what is it?"

"Umm... remember the piece of paper you carry around with you from the fair? With those initials?" She nodded. "Well, the other pair of initials are mine."

Winnie fumbled with her wallet and pulled out the paper. She stared at it. Now things were coming into place. The love of basketball, the favorite color, the talent and, finally, the 'be a rock' made sense. She did not believe she did not figure out who he was before.

"So this is you?" She pointed to the piece of paper.

"Alex" simply nodded.

She slowly walked up to him and put a hand against his chest. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Because I wanted to make sure you liked me for me." He leaned down and brushed her lips with his. As he did this the others in the room made alarm clock sounds.

Winnie jumped and laughed, causing the paper to fall on the floor, open, revealing the initials written on it.




~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Ben, I decided to decline the offer. Yeah, I'm sure. I'm needed here. Talk to you soon. Bye." She hung up the phone and looked Chris in the eye. "I'm not making a mistake am I?"

"No. Taking that offer and moving away from me would have been the mistake." He took both her hands and brought them to his lips.

Stephanie shivered as his warm lips touched her skin. She closed her eyes and sighed. She did not want to be anywhere else but here. She did not want to be with anyone else but Chris, ever.

Chris watched her close her eyes and watched how she stood there taking everything in. He leaned in and kissed her neck. She responded by moving her head as he continued to kiss up her neck and jaw until he reached her mouth.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Backstreet Boys, you're up."

Brian looked up at where the stagehand just was. He ran his hands down Winnie's arms. "We'll talk after the show."

She nodded and he kissed her. He ran out of the room. Bumping into Chris and Stephanie.

"Wait a second. Is that a real smile on Chris Kirkpatrick's face? I don't believe it." Justin pretended to faint.

"And Stephanie has one to match." Winnie walked up to the couple and held up their intertwined hands. "We have a winner."

Chris laughed and looked tenderly at Stephanie. "We sure do."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~


After the show Brian and Winnie decided to go to where it all started. The park. When they got there they sat on their bench.

Brian placed his hand on her theigh and glanced around. "So this is where it first started?"

Winnie shook her head. "Uh-huh. This is where we first met."

"Actually it started way before that."

Winnie placed her hand on his and started stroking it. "What do you mean?"

Brian cleared his throat. "Well, it all started when I was here one day shooting hoops when I got a feeling. The other guys didn't believe me but I told them something big was going to happen. It was like I knew I was going to find you. Then the next day it was like, poof, here you were. I was shooting hoops again and I saw you exit your Blazer and go to that telephone." He raised his free hand pointed.

Winnie followed his arm and looked where he was pointing. "I remember that day. I just got here and was lost trying to find my way to the office."

"Wait, there's more. For the next two weeks I sat across the park watching you eat and trying to get the courage to talk to you." He looked down, blushing. "I even followed you home one day."

Winnie put a finger under his chin and turned it towards her. "You're cute when you blush." She jabbed him in the side with her elbow. "So you stalked me, huh?

"Well, I tried, but with my schedule it's hard to do an efficient job. And before you ask this. Yes, that guy on the first day was one of my bodyguards. I was stuck in recording and asked him a favor."

"Next you're going to tell me that you planned to bump into me that day." Silence. "You didn't plan that, did you?"

"No, not exactly. I was going to talk to you but I didn't mean to knock you over."


While he was telling everything he decided to get the most important subject out. "You wanna know when first I realized I loved you?"

His use of the word love quickened Winnie's heartbeat. "No. When?"

"I was in a van with the guys and was thinking about you, as always, and realized it. The guys have helped through many things and know stuff about me even my mother doesn't know, yet they couldn't know about you. They would have called me crazy."

Winnie kissed him and then slapped him on the shoulder. "Tag. You're it." She got off the bench and started running.

Brian was up in a flash and tackled her on the grass. He looked into her eyes. "I love you, Winnie." He leaned down and kissed her.

This time no alarm clocks went off.


For more on Chris and Stephanie click here.

See the award "Blue Eyes" won!

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Justin Fiction
