Justin Fiction

For those of you who did not see my disclaimer on the first page, read this. I DO NOT own the names of any member of *N SYNC or any other celebrity that pops up in my stories. I DO own my fictional characters, such as Winnie, Stephanie, Dougie, Melissa, etc. ALL these stories are ©Crazy1. If I find these stories, or characters, anywhere else you will be one unhappy camper. Now that the business is done, on to the stories.

**Note** Prior to 2001 I thought Justin's brother Jonathan was a product of Justin's mother and step-father but now I know that he and Justin share the same father, not mother. I have known this fact for awhile but decided to say something before I get another e-mail about it. All stories prior to 2001 reflect that train of thought.

Full Length Story

Blue Eyes

Short Stories


A Conversation and a Couch

Phone Calls

There's a Time for Everything


A New Kids Reunion

Fiction Index
Main Page

E-mail: crazy1s_fic@yahoo.com