Justin sighed heavily as he watched the female walk into her house. What was he doing? He didn’t know. He was following this woman around like a stalker. He laughed to himself. Wasn’t it supposed to be the other way around? It was. That’s why this was so awkward. Who would believe that Justin Randall Timberlake was following a girl around?

This girl was different. She was a fan but wasn’t overtly obvious about it. She was definitely shocked when she turned in the bar and saw him but she didn't scream. Her friends didn’t even recognize him, but she did. She most definitely did. She wasn’t all up in his face about being a fan, nor did she shy away from it. She would recite any fact about him or the guys without any hesitation. She was herself, she was a fan and she drew him to her.

”And this is how you end up driving around New Jersey, Justin,” he told himself. “You don’t follow your head. Now how are you going to get back to the hotel? I hope you can remember the way out.”

Justin drove past a few houses before turning on the car’s lights. He turned around to head in the direction he came from. He remembered her street name just in case he would need it again. After forty minutes and many words he hoped his fans couldn’t hear Justin came upon her street for the tenth time and turned down her street. He stopped a few houses from hers.

“You are pathetic, Justin. You follow a girl home and you need to ask her for directions out of the development. Smooth one.”

Justin finally pulled up in front of her house. There were lights on in a few rooms so he knew someone was up. He just hoped it was her and that he wasn’t going to wake anyone up. He slowly got out of the car and dragged his feet up the driveway and walkway to her house. He tentatively knocked on the door. There was a doorbell but he didn’t want to wake anybody. He ran a hand down his face. This is ridiculous. He had a phone and could get directions from someone else. He turned to leave but the front door opened.

”Can I help you?”

Justin turned back and smiled as if he had just been caught. In a way he had. “Hi, Killy.”

Killigan look closely at him. “Justin? Why is Justin Timberlake on my front steps at two in the morning?”

”I got lost?” he offered.

”Not good enough.” She stepped back and let him in. “I don’t let every man I meet to enter my home that same night. Consider yourself lucky.”

”I will.” Justin walked in. “I’m sorry for bothering you.”

”Why are you? Want anything to drink? I was just about to make myself some hot chocolate.”

Justin followed her into the kitchen. “That sounds fine. Thanks for taking pity on me and inviting me in.”

”Where else are you going to go? It’s two in the morning.” She paused as she filled the teakettle with water. “I prefer it with real hot water, not microwaved.”

He shrugged. “That’s fine. So I really am lost. I tried to get back to the main road but it wasn’t happening.”

”What are you doing in my town, Justin? I mean where we met was over an hour from here. Are you staying up here?” She pulled out two boxes. “With or without marshmallows?”


Killigan nodded and put one box away. “So what’s the story, morning glory?”

”What’s the word, hummingbird?”

”Okay, Conrad, now can you please answer my question? What are you doing in my little podunk town?”

”Umm. Well…” Justin looked down and mumbled into his chest.

”What was that?”

”I followed you up here. Okay? I got in my car when we parted ways and somehow I found myself following Kim’s car to her place and you to this place. Is there anyone else here?”

She shook her head as she pulled the chirping kettle off the stove. “Nope. My parents went to visit some friends in upstate New York. We did the Thanksgiving thing yesterday and their friend got really sick earlier this week so I told them to go ahead. I’ll be home for Christmas.”

”When do you have to go back to school?” He accepted the steaming mug and took a sip. “This is heaven. Thank you.”

”Your welcome, and Sunday.” She took another sip. “So you followed me all the way up here? Doesn’t it usually go the other way with you celebrities? People follow you to the point of being nuisances.”

Justin stood. “Am I being a nuisance? I’ll just go.”

”And how are you going to get out of here? You’ve already confessed you have no idea how to get out of here, Justin.”

”Okay. You’ve got me. How do I get out of here?”

”Now, now, Mr. Timberlake, I’m not letting you leave that easily.” She walked out of the kitchen and settled on a couch in the living room. “Now you have my interest. Why would you follow me all the way up here? Me. Of all people.”

Justin sighed and sat in the couch across from her. “I don’t know.”

”Yes you do.”

”What?” Justin stared at her. “I do not know. All right?”

”Nope. Not flying here.” She placed her cup on the table beside the couch she was sitting on.

”Are you just fishing for compliments? If you are then you’re not who I thought you were.”

”Oh sheesh. Justin, I’m not fishing for compliments. I just want to know if you know why you followed me home and somehow wormed your way into my parents’ house. You don’t need to tell me what it us. Fair?”

Justin sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m just not used to people pushing me to talk. Most the people I deal with take my half-ass answers and don’t press for any more. I’m used to just getting by.”

”No,” Killigan leaned toward him, “I shouldn’t have pushed. It’s weird. We’ve never met before tonight yet it feels like I’ve known you for years. I kind of have. I’ve been a fan for four and a half years. I’ve been able to observe you. I am no way an expert. We just met, but it just feels like I’ve known you forever. I know you don’t feel it. I’ll try to curb it until we get to know each other better.”

”We’re going to get to know each other better? You haven’t decided I’m a crazed lunatic and all?”

She laughed. “No, Justin, I haven’t.”

Justin laughed with her. It felt good. He knew there was a reason he wanted to keep in touch with this female. She didn’t demand anything out of him. If she did it was out of concern for him, not his career. He knew she wanted his career to continue and all, but she hasn’t asked too many questions about it. He tipped the mug and drank the end of the hot chocolate.

”That’s good. I may have to disagree with you on the crazed lunatic thing, but it’s all good.” He paused. “I guess I’ll answer your questions about why I followed you here. See-“

”Justin, you don’t have to.”

”No.” He waved her off. “Let me. I was drawn to you. You made it clear that you’re a fan but you didn’t hold your breath to get any inside information out of me. You asked and gave simple conversation. You asked how the others are but didn’t interrogate me about what JC or Chris are doing. Or how disappointed Lance is because he couldn’t fly off into space. You didn’t ask how many or what girls the others, or even me, are bedding or dating. I felt no pressure from you. It was like we were two people getting to know each other. Sure, you knew more about me than I did you but you didn’t throw it into my face.”

”And I wouldn’t, Justin. There’s only so much a fan should know. Have the right to know is more like it. I have no direct relationship with anyone to justify me knowing certain ‘private’ behaviors, like bedside manner. If it ever concerns me or if I have a reason to know that then it’s okay. Otherwise let them be. That’s my motto.”

”Here here.” Justin raised his mug in a toast.

”I have no more hot chocolate.”

”Me neither. That’s doesn’t mean we can’t clink mugs.”

Killigan laughed. “Alas, you’re right.”

”I know I am. I’m Justin Timberlake. I’m always right.”

”Excuse me. I think something’s coming up.”

”Ha ha. How about some more hot chocolate?”

”Sounds good.” She was going to take his cup but was surprised when he took hers. “Thanks.”

He just smiled as he poured the rest of the water in the mugs. It wasn’t steaming hot anymore but it was still warm. “Now there’s only one more with marshmallows. You can have it. Where’s the other box?”

”In the cabinet, but you have that one. I can deal without them.” Before he could say another word she opened the package with marshmallows and dumped then into his mug. “There. Settled.”

”Stubborn,” he said over the lip of his mug.

”Always.” She yawned. “It’s getting late. Don’t you have to get on your way?”

”Nope. I have nothing to do tomorrow. Do you want me to leave?”

”Not if you don’t want to. I don’t have anything planned until later tomorrow and what better excuse to have? A celebrity stalking me.”

Justin laughed. “How about a real toast now that we both have something to drink?”

”I’ll drink to that.”


Killigan woke up to someone shaking her leg.

”Killy? You up, hun?”

”What?” She shifted to see her parents leaning over her. “Morning. Now what do you want?”

Her father looked at her mother. “I can’t wait until someone else can deal with her chirpy morning attitude.”

Killigan looked between her parents, not happy they were finding amusement in her state. “Is there a specific reason why you are waking me up? I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

”How much sleep did you not get last night?”

”Tom!” Her mother hit her father’s arm. “What your father means is that there’s a strange boy downstairs and we were wondering who he was.”

Killigan sighed. She had forgotten about Justin. “I met him last night and he followed me home.”

”What?” He mother looked mortified. “You let a stranger into this house? You just met him last night.”

”Yes and no.” Killigan slowly got up and made her way to her CD holder. She pulled out a CD and pointed to someone on the cover. “Look familiar? Like someone sleeping on our couch?”

”Huh?” Her father took the case and studied Justin’s picture. “A member of *N SYNC in sleeping on our couch?” His face turned from curiosity to anger. “You met him last night and you invited him back here? Didn’t you go to Tina’s last night? That’s over an hour away. I guess that would explain the other car in the driveway.”

Killigan nodded. “Yes, that’s his rental car. And for your information I did not ask him to come home with me.” She sighed. “Listen, it’s a long story. Let me go wake him up and see if he needs to be anywhere.”

She didn’t wait for an answer. She breezed past them and down the stairs to the family room. She paused as Justin’s curled body came into view. His long calves were off the side of the couch and his face looked peaceful. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and approached him. She shook his shoulder. “Justin? Justin, wake up.”

Justin slowly opened his eyes. “Where am I?” He saw Killigan. “Killy? Did I fall asleep on your couch?”

”Yeah, you did.” She sat next to him as he sat. “Last night you were so tired and couldn’t drive. Do you remember?”

”Yeah. I do.” He stood and stretched. He couldn’t help but smile when he caught her looking at his exposed stomach as he stretched his arms above his head. He saw a jacket in the living room and his eyes widened. “Are your parents home?”

She nodded. “Yeah. They just woke me to ask who you were.”

”What did you tell them about me being here? Did you tell them who I was?” He sat on the floor and looked up at her. He straightened his pants.

”Why wouldn’t I? I didn’t explain everything because it’s just too weird.”

”I’m weird?” He raised an eyebrow.

”You know you are. I don’t even need to say anything about that. I don’t know how much it helped that you’re a member of my favorite group.”

”Favorite group?” He nudged her leg. “You didn’t tell me that.”

”As if I’d know that much about anyone else. I’m pathetic I know, but I’m me.”

”And that’s important.”

The two smiled at each other. They were enjoying the silence until a throat cleared from the door. The couple saw Killigan’s parents in the entranceway. Justin stood up and walked up to her parents. He held his hand out to shake her father’s hand first.

”Hi. I’m Justin. Sorry if I caused you any worry when you came home. I promise all I did was talk to your daughter last night. She’s easy to talk to.”

”It’s a little odd.” Her father looked to his daughter. “I do trust my daughter’s judgment though. She’s my little girl.”

”I understand, sir. I usually don’t follow girls home. I’m not in the position to trust people easily myself.”

Killigan’s mother stepped forward. “We’re sure your not. We were just surprised to see a stranger in our family room.”

”Again, I understand.” Justin folded the blanket he had slept with. He put his watch on. “I have to make a few calls to tell people where I am. I think I left the phone in the car. I didn’t think I would be here that long.”

”Good thing you parked in the driveway. It snowed last night.” Killigan’s mother told him.

”Huh? I didn’t park there. I parked on the street.”

”Oh,” Killigan interjected, “I moved the car last night. I parked it behind mine so you guys could have your spot.”

”Okay.” Justin shrugged and grabbed the keys from the table beside the door. “I’ll be right back.”

Justin ran out and retrieved his cell phone. When he came back he made a few calls and calmed a few people down. He enjoyed a nice brunch with Killigan’s family. They allowed him to wash up before he left. He patted his face with a towel and walked out of the bathroom.

”Thank you very much for everything. I really do have to get going.”

Killigan grabbed a jacket and followed him out. “I’m sorry you had to explain things to people. I should have just given you directions and not offered you the hot chocolate.”

”It’s okay.” He opened up the car door and turned the engine on. “I’m not used to having to warm up a car. Orlando and L.A. aren’t usually that cold. A few days or so a year.”

”Aww, poor baby. I really am sorry.”

”Don’t worry about it.” He pushed her hair off her face. “I really needed to just talk to someone. Plus, I’m the one who followed you. I did it to myself.”

She laughed and zippered her jacket. “If you look at it that way…”

”I do.” He pulled her closer. "Umm…I want to kiss you but I don’t want to make a commitment. I also don’t want to hurt you or lead you on.”

Killigan put her hands in his pocket. “You won’t be leading me on or anything. I understand your reasons. I won’t expect anything from you.”

”Are you sure?”

She nodded and smiled. His smile matched hers as his lips covered her mouth. They enjoyed the feeling of kissing each other for a minute before he pulled away.

”Are you okay?”

She nodded. “Yeah. Have a nice Christmas, Justin.”

”You too.” She turned to walk away.

”Wait. Can I have your number?”

She froze before turning back. “You want my number?”

”Yeah.” He disappeared into the car and returned with the phone he had put in the car. “Let me put it in my phone. Knowing me I’m likely to leave the piece of paper it’s on in the car or something when I return it.”

Killigan smiled. “Do you want my number here or at school?”

”How about here for now and then I’ll get the other one from you and if I don’t get to call you please tell your parents to give me your school number.”

”All right. Here it’s 973-555-0293.”

Justin pushed a bunch of buttons on the phone. “973-555-0293?”


”Cool.” Justin threw the phone back into the car. He kissed her quickly and slid into the car. He opened the window. “Thanks for the conversation and the couch.”

She laughed. “You’re welcome.”

Killigan ran back into the house but went to the window to watch him drive away. She sighed and collapsed in an oversized chair. Who would believe the night she just had? Not only meeting Justin Timberlake but also having him spending the night in her house. No one. She doubted he would call though. Why would he want to keep in touch with her?

”Killy?” Killigan's mother was walking toward her, holding out the phone. “Call for you.”


”I still don’t know my way out of this damn development.”

Killigan laughed and stayed on the phone with Justin until he got back to his hotel.


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