(AUTHOR’S NOTE: For those who don’t know. Both JC Chasez and Drew Lachey were born on August 8, 1976)

August 7, 1999

"What is this?" JC exclaimed as a plane ticket was pushed into his hand.

"It's a plane ticket to New York," Lance replied as if the answer was obvious.

"I can see it's to New York, but why? And the day before my birthday too?"

Justin nodded his head. "Yup. You're supposed to be at the MTV studios tomorrow at eleven for a guest appearance at noon."

JC looked at the four faces in front of him. "Aren't any of you coming with me?"

They all shook their heads.

"Nope. You're on your own on this, man," Chris stated as he slung his arm around JC's shoulders.

"Joey? Come on, man. You can go visit family." JC looked pleadingly at the only one who had not talked.

"Sorry, Charlie. I can't help you there. Now that we finally have time to relax I'm going to take it and spend some time with my family here."

Lance looked at his watch. "Come on, crybaby, its time to take you to the airport. Who's coming?"

All but Justin said they would.

"I have to make a phone call. I'll talk to you later, JC." Justin waved to his friends and grabbed the cordless phone and dialed a long distance number.

"I want you back."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~


"Why am I going to New York? I'm here in Cinci visiting family for my birthday and I have to go back to the East Coast? Can someone please explain this?"

"Sure, little bro. You have to do something for MTV tomorrow at noon." Nick reached into a cabinet, pulled out a glass and filled it with water as he talked.

Drew made a whining sound. "But why me, not anyone else? I'm not even the most popular."

"Because you're so darn cute." Jeff walked up to Drew and pinched his cheeks, then tapped them as he said, "Don't whine, Radar. It doesn't become you."

Drew slapped Jeff's hands away. "Ahh, shut up. It's not my fault-"

"They all think you're as cute as the sly dog you are."

Nick and Jeff laughed as Drew shot Justin a dirty look. "Funny." Drew rubbed his temples and sighed. "Now when am I leaving for New York?"

Nick checked his watch. "Oh, my gosh." He chugged the rest of his water and placed the glass on the counter. "Now. Let's go."

The phone rang and Nick raced to pick it up. "Hello?" He listened then handed the phone to Justin. "It's for you."

Justin caught Nick's look and knew who it was. "Sorry, Drew, but I've been waiting for this call. I'll see you on TV tomorrow."

"Bye, Just, see ya." Drew waved and walked out the door with Jeff and Nick. "Are you guys sure I have to do this?"

"Yes. Now get your butt in the car before I have to kick it in there."

"Love you too, bro."

Inside the house Justin put the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"I want you back."

Any other day Justin might have been thoroughly confused but today he knew how to answer that.

"Give it up."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

JC looked at his watch. Wow. I'm only a half hour late. That's good for an airline. JC surveyed his surroundings. Why did they have me fly into La Guardia? We never fly into here.

As soon as JC exited the plane he found the bodyguards that the group used if they needed back-ups and headed towards the provided car.

"So, guys, where are we going? Wait a minute. Why are we pulling into Shea?"

The guard next to him handed JC the papers in his hands. "Here's the itinerary, JC. See. Pick up from airport and bring to Shea for singing of anthem."

"I was wondering why I flew into La Guardia. I'm singing the anthem at Shea Stadium before the Mets' game. I got it now. What's on the next page?"

The guard took the packet out of JC's hands before the page was turned. "That's for me to know and you not to."

"Then I'm guessing it's the schedule for tomorrow. Since I wasn't given notice about this trip why should I know what I'm doing. It only makes sense. Right?" JC turned to the guard who was now getting ready to exit the car.

"Come on, JC. It's showtime."

JC stepped out of the car and looked at his surroundings. I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting weekend.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Drew looked at his surroundings and sighed. He was stuck in a back room waiting to board his plane. As he waited his mind began to wander.

What am I doing in an airport waiting to fly from my family to New York City on the day before my birthday? Why am I being sent to do a show on MTV on my birthday? Why was I the only one picked from the group? Why is this the Cincinnati airport although it's miles out of the city and in Kentucky? Why am I asking myself these questions I have no way of answering?

Drew was awoken out of his thoughts by a knock at the door.


The door opened and a head popped in. "You can board your plane now, Mr. Lachey."

Drew sighed as he stood up and stretched. "Okay. Let's get this over with." He collected his belongings and ran and dodged his way to the plane. He found his seat and got comfortable. I have a feeling this is going to be one interesting weekend.

If only Drew and JC knew what lay ahead of them.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Yeah, we sent JC to Shea and he's singing the national anthem as we speak. What's Drew up to?"

Nick sat down and looked at his watch. "Right now my brother's sitting in a car in traffic."

"Does that mess up any of your plans for today? I was so busy making sure our end went okay for today I forgot about yours."

"Don't worry, Joey, it doesn't screw anything up. Actually, it helps us out."


"Well, it seems that someone at MTV screwed something up with their rooms so they needed to fix it."

"And now that he's being delayed they have time to fix it? So he was going to stop at his room first?"

"Yup, give him a little rest before the game starts."

"You guys seem to be taking it easy on him. We have JC going a few places today. Including visiting my family in Brooklyn."

"Don't worry. Our little birthday boy has some running around of his own to do today. We just want to make sure he has enough energy for tomorrow."

"Oh, JC will get sleep and will be fine for tomorrow. Plus, I don't think he'll be able to sleep through his alarm tomorrow."

Nick laughed with Joey. "No, I don't think he'll be able to. Neither will Drew. Everything should work out if they don't run into each other before the show."

"Well, my family is going to keep JC at least until we know Drew's safely in his room for the night. Once as they are in their rooms they can't get out. They won't be able to do anything outside of their rooms without permission."

"Trapped like two schoolboys on a class trip wanting to sneak into girls' rooms but can't."

Joey switched the phone to the other ear and chuckled. "Nice analogy, Nick. I'll have to remember that one. Listen I have to go. Still have stuff to do and all. I'll see you soon."

"Yup. I think I'm going to call Drew and see what he's up to. Not that I don't really know but I'm going to play dumb."

"You're playing when you act that way? I couldn't have guessed."

"Like you should talk. Okay, before the insults go any further let's end this conversation. Deal?"

"Deal. If I was there I'd shake your hand."

"I'd shake yours right back. See ya, Joey."

"Bye, Nick."

Nick pressed a button on the phone and listened for the dial tone. With a smile on his face he dialed his brother’s room number.


"Hey, bro, how’s the trip so far?"

Drew threw his bag on the bed and sighed. "Well, my plane was delayed about an hour and then I was stuck in traffic. Whatever possessed you guys to fly me into Newark? I’m staying in the city."

"Well, the only direct flight we could book was into Newark." Plus, it fit into our plans better.

"I guess I can take that explanation. Can you please tell me why I’m here and I have double the usual security at my hotel? It’s almost like there are two of us but I’m the only one. Well, that I know of. Why can’t I know what I’m doing here? Tomorrow’s my birthday and I’m clueless on how I’m spending it." Drew laid next to his bag.

"All I know is that you’re supposed to do a show at noon for MTV. Nothing more."

"Uh-huh. I believe that, big brother. You have absolutely no clue on why I’m here or what I’m doing."

Nick shook his head and laughed inwardly. "How many times do I have to tell you I don’t know what’s going on?"

Drew grabbed his bag and started rifling through it. "Until I believe you and I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon, Nick."

"Whatever. I just wanted to call and say hi and wondering how you were."

"Speaking of reasons not to believe you I just thought of one. If you had no clue to what was happening how did you know where I was staying?"

"Because I called MTV and asked where you were."


"You’re still not going to believe me, are you?"

Drew shook his head as he sat against the headboard. "Nope."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Well, it’s great to see you all but I’ve got to go."

Joey’s aunt Mary placed her hand on JC’s arm. "Please stay for dinner. How often do you get home cooked Italian food? Plus, maybe you can give us the low down on what Joey’s really doing."

JC smiled. "Are you sure you really want to know that, Mary?"

"Maybe not," she reconsidered. "Well, maybe you can tell us some of the PG things with as little detail as possible. But please stay. I won’t take no for an answer."

"If you’re anything like Phyllis, and from knowing you I know you are, then I don’t think there’s any argument that I can make to get me out of this."

She reached around his shoulders and patted them. "Smart boy. I’ve always liked you but how you put up with my nephew I’ll never know."

"Well, the money his parents give us for keeping him away from home is encouragement. We get bonus when Steve’s with us."

Mary laughed and stood up. "I wondered what their secret was. Bribery. Well, I guess I’d better check to see how Tony’s doing in the kitchen. Sometimes he needs to be watched. Come on, Gina, let’s go help."

The twelve year old stood up from her watching place and sneaked one last look at JC before following her mother.

JC noticed her looks and laughed to himself. Another young girl in love with me. I wonder what Joey would do if he knew his cousin was so smitten with me?

JC looked down at the feeling of his foot being trapped and laughed out loud. He picked one little boy off the other and pinned him to the ground. "Ah-ha. I’ve got you now, Matty."

"Don’t worry, Matt, I’ll help you," the other little boy, Carmen, yelled as he jumped on JC’s back to protect his brother.

JC grabbed at the boy on his back and the boy beneath him wiggled out and joined his brother in attacking JC. They wrestled for awhile before a female voice interrupted them.


The trio looked up to see Gina standing there with a bored look on her face. JC smiled at her to try and ease the blow that was coming.

"Wel, if you boys," she looked pointedly at JC, "are done could you please get cleaned up for dinner?"

Matt and Carmen grumbled but stood up and headed towards the bathroom. JC stood up and smiled at Gina.

"You sure know how to take away the fun."

Gina placed her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrows. "Aren’t you a little old to be playing like that, Joshua?"

"Ooh, she used my full name," JC joked. "Plus, age is just a number." He tapped her cheek with his hand and went to follow her brothers.

Gina watched JC walk down the hallway longingly. Age is just a number? I don’t think you really believe that. But I wish you did.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Drew slid the little box across the desk. "I can’t believe I had to pick up a package to give to my brother, from his girlfriend, when she’s going to be seeing him the day after I am." Drew shook his head and yawned. "Then again I can’t believe any part of today. From being unexpectedly rushed to the airport to not being able to leave my room for the rest of the night."

"Sorry, Drew, but orders are orders," the guard who would be stationed outside his door sympathized. "You are to stay in this room until morning. They don’t want word of your being here getting out. It’s supposed to be a big surprise on TV tomorrow."

"Well, it’s going to be a surprise to me too. I was given no info about this show. Do you know anything?" Drew asked hopefully.

"I only know what they tell me to tell you. Nothing more. Is there anything else you’d like before I close the door?"

"A little sanity?"

"We all dream of that. Have a good night, Drew."

"Night, Rob." Drew sighed and looked around the room. "Now what am I supposed to do? I wonder why they are making me stay in here? I can only take so many petty excuses but there’s nothing I can do. Can’t a guy go out the night before his birthday? Why are they doing this to me?"

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"I’d love to stay and talk more but I have things to do tomorrow and I have no clue as to when I’m going to be woken up. Actually, I have no clue as to what I’m doing tomorrow at all."

"Please just stay a little bit more. I know Gina wants to show you the trophy she won last week," Mary said quickly.

"Our little Gina won an award. This I’ll have to see. Now Joey can have something else to brag about his smart and beautiful little cousin."

Gina turned on her heal and started walking to her room so JC could not see the blush that was crawling up her cheeks because he had called her beautiful. Nor the anger she felt when he called her little. "If you want to see it I suggest that you come now. I’m only giving one tour," she called over her shoulder.

"Yes, ma’am." JC laughed and saluted her back before walking down the hall to her room.

"What time is it?" Tony looked at his watch. "They said he should be in his room by 9:30 and now it’s almost-" He was cut off by the phone. He answered it and nodded when he listened to what he was told. He hung up the phone in relief.

"Was that them?"

Tony nodded at his wife. "Yep. He’s safe and sound in his room."

"Who’s safe and sound?"

"My uncle," Tony replied, thinking quickly. "He’s been having bad spurts of memory loss and sometimes forgets where he lives."

"Sorry about that, Tony. Well, I really do have to get going. It’s been great spending time with all of you but I’m beat and I have a feeling tomorrow’s a big day. I have no idea what’s happening, but I feel it’s going to require me to have energy and a good night’s sleep."

"Well, good night, JC. It’s always a pleasure to have one of you boys stop by. And before I forget, have a happy birthday tomorrow, sweetie."

"Thanks, Mary." JC hugged Joey’s aunt and turned to shake Tony’s hand. "It was a great meal, Tony. Much better than what either of your nephews can do."

Tony laughed. "I learned from the best." He reached over and kissed his wife’s cheek.

"You’re making me blush, Tony."

"I’ve got to go. Bye, Gina. I’ll see you next time."

"Bye, JC." She turned to walk quickly to her room with the birthday card she made him tucked under her shirt because she was too nervous to give it to him.

"Bye." JC walked out of the house and into the waiting car.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

August 8, 1999

Drew heard a light banging noise and turned over. "Who is making such a ruckus this early in the morning?"

A minute after he stopped mumbling to himself two figures dressed in black appeared at the foot of his bed. They counted to three on their fingers before yanking the sheet and cover off his body.

The sudden stripping of his covers shocked Drew and he sat straight up and stared at the perpetrators. "What’s going on here? Security!"

The two men silently walked on either side of his bed and sat down. The shorter one handed the taller one something. The taller one put it in what he was holding and gave it to Drew. Drew studied what he was holding and discovered it was a tape recorder. He looked up at the taller figure.


The figure just shook his head and the two dressed in black slipped out as quietly as they slipped in. The two figures closed Drew’s door and saw two more figures dressed in black exit JC’s room. Once as they saw each other they gave the thumbs up signal.

In JC’s room he was as confused as Drew. He decided to listen to what was on the tape he was given. What he heard was similar to what Drew was listening but with different voices. It started with a version of "Happy Birthday" before one by one their friends started talking.

"Hey, JC, man. Happy b-day. I know you have no idea what is happening but you will soon. Just use some of that patience that I know is in there and wait."

"Happy birthday, buddy. Are you having fun so far? I hope you are because the fun is just beginning."

"I know you’re wondering what Chris is talking about but you’re going to have to wait a bit more to find out more. Oh, and happy birthday, JC. Get ready for the most confusing, but fun, day of your 23 years.

"Now as you can guess this in only the beginning. Well, actually, the beginning was when we took you to the airport. Now just do as you’re told and you will find out all you need to know. You will meet your partner at MTV. That’s all I’m giving away. Bye, good luck and happy birthday.

With that the tape ended and left JC more confused then before. What do they mean I’ll find my partner? Are they setting me up on a date? I really hope not.

JC sat on his bed for a few minutes before getting ready for the day. Without him ordering room service a guard brought in JC an order of pancakes while he was finishing.

"Hey, Rob? Know anything about what my "friends" are up to?"

"I only follow orders. And right now they are to bring in you food. Danny will be escorting you to the studios."

"Why not you?"

"I have other orders." Without explaining what he meant Rob left JC standing in his room confused.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Come on. Rob, I’m going to be late."

Rob looked at his watch. "Hold on a minute, Drew. I just need to go to the bathroom. I’ve been so busy this morning that I haven’t had time."

"What have you been so busy with? I haven’t seen you all morning."

Rob walked out of the bathroom. "You’re not the most important person in the world, Drew," Rob teased the younger man.

"Haha. So funny I forgot to laugh. So what’s first?"

"I thought you knew? We’re heading to the MTV studios."

"I know that. To "meet my partner" whatever that means. What else is on the agenda? They’re not setting me up on a blind date or anything?"

Rob tried not to laugh at the picture of Drew and JC on a date. "I told you already this morning I only follow orders."

"You must really be out of it because you told me that last night. Way earlier than I’m used to being in."

"Deal with it. Now let’s get going before we get behind schedule."

"And who’s fault is that?"

"Not mine. It’s always the celebrity’s fault."

Drew rolled his eyes before following Rob out of the hotel.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Okay, JC, a few minutes before noon we’re going to blindfold you and bring you onto the set. From there listen to what Carson has to say and you’ll go from there. He’ll explain it all."

"And I’m going to meet my "partner" there as well?"

"It’ll all be explained then. Come on, I’ll show you where you’ll be placed so you’re not totally blind when you come out."

JC nodded his head and follow the assistant. He made a mental note of where he was going to be placed and the finished getting ready for the show. He was just about done when another assistant came in.

"Okay, birthday boy, it’s showtime." He took the blindfold from his back pocket and gave it to JC.

JC took the blindfold and sighed as he put it on. "I feel like I’m being set up on a date or something."

"Can you see through there?" The assistant waved his hand in front of JC’s face.

JC shook his head. "Not a thing."

"Good, because it’s showtime. Now follow my lead."

JC was lead to his spot and stage and was helped onto his stool. He would have talked to Carson and tried to get information out of him but JC was instructed to keep his mouth shut. He sat there quietly until he heard Carson’s voice.

"Okay. Now I know they told you to be quiet so just nod your head. Okay?" Carson grinned as his question was met with two nods.

"Now you have no idea what’s going on, do you?"

Again two heads responded.

"Well, you’ll find out shortly. The show is going to start in a few minutes then I’ll let you in on the plans. Okay?"

Carson had to hold in his laughter at the sight of two clueless blindfolded guys nodding at him.

"Just listen to my instructions and you’ll do fine. Well, I have a few last minute things to do. Now, remember, no talking and no peeking. See you in a few."

Drew knew he was on a stool with his back facing the windows but that’s all he knew. He started tapping his foot on the stool bar to an imaginary beat in his head while he was waiting. The suspense was killing him. He had no idea on the other side of the curtain next to him was someone else going through the same agony he was.

JC fiddled with the neckline of his shirt. Somehow a thread came loose and was driving him crazy. He really wanted to know what was happening but followed orders and kept his mouth shut. He had no idea what was in store for him or whomever his "partner" was.

Before either had time to contemplate any more they could here last second preparations for the show.

"It’s showtime, everybody." They heard Carson call out before going into his opening monologue.

JC and Drew sat up straight, as they were taught to do during performances and interviews.

"Hi, everybody, as you all know I’m Carson. And you also know who’s over there. You do but they don’t so before I really start explaining why don’t I let them see who is here. All they know is that they were unexpectedly flown out of where they were and have been doing whatever they were told. Now all they know is that they were told to meet their "partner" here. Now from what I’ve gathered both think they’re being set up on a date. Can’t you just image how lovely that would be? These two on a date. I can just picture it now.

"Okay, now on the count of three take off your blindfolds and look at the curtain next to you. Then we’ll reveal your "partner." Okay?"

After receiving two confused nods Carson started a count down. "10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, you can now remove your masks."

JC and Drew wearily took off their masks and, when their eyes could focus, turned and looked at the curtain between them.

"Okay, on the count of three we’re going to lift the curtain so you can see who you’re going to be working with today. Come on, everybody. Help me on this one."

Drew and JC started fidgeting. They wanted to know who was on the other side of the curtain. Both wanted to yell at Carson to hurry up but did not because of the no talk rule. Soon all the workers in the studio began a three count.


The curtain lifted and…


