
"JC, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing. I was thinking of you this morning. If I knew what I was doing I would have called you but I didn’t. Anyway, happy birthday, Drew."

"You too, JC."

"I’d hate to break up this sentimental moment but we’ve got work to do. You two will have plenty of time to talk later but we’re on a schedule. Now I bet you two are wondering what you’re doing here."

"That’s an understatement."

"You got that right."

"Well, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer. Here’s the deal. As you said before it’s both of your birthdays. Well, the two groups, *N SYNC and 98º, came up with a special way to celebrate the day. Now we can’t just give it to you. You are going to have to work for your presents. Now here’s where it gets fun.

"We’ve decided to play a little game with you two. You guys know MTV’s Road Rules?"

JC and Drew nodded, their interest building.

"Well, we’ve cooked up a little game called "Birthday Rules." It’s where you two are sent, via clues, to various parts of this grand city."

"So at each stop we are going to be given clues to another destination?" Drew asked.

"And at the next destination we’ll be given another clue and so on," JC concluded.

Carson nodded. "Yup, and the clues were made up by your groupmates. If anything goes wrong it’s their fault. Now on to the rules. You guys must work together. No splitting up. At each place you are to show your Birthday Rules badges that I have here in my hand." Carson held up two small badges in the shape of the Road Rules interstate sign. "If you’re talking to the person you are supposed to then they will give you your next clue. If it’s not the person then they will ignore you. Following me so far, guys?"

After receiving two nods he continued. "Now, here’s your first clue. I’m giving this to JC because it’s more geared toward him."

"I see how it is. You don’t trust me. Fine, give it to him. I don’t mind." Drew pretended to pout as Carson gave JC the clue.

"Here, I’ll read it to you." JC opened the envelope. "Here’s the first clue. JC we’re giving this to you because it pertains to you. If you’re reading this aloud at the show then stop now and continue when it’s done." JC folded the letter back up. "Well, I guess this is for after we leave. When do we leave, Carson?"

Carson looked at his watch. "Right now. You’re going to have to hurry up. For this occasion we’ve rented a cab because no one knows New York live a cabbie. Plus, you can look like "City Guys." Carson peered out the corner of his eyes at Drew.

Drew playfully punched him in the arm. "Everyone’s a comedian today. I don’t know why some people Love you."

"Oh, and the young Lachey is quick to respond. Now it’s time to take a break and send these two birthday boys off on their adventure." The red light on the camera went off and Carson turned to the two guys on the set with him. "Guys, good luck with the clues and happy birthday. Maybe I’ll see you around."

"Bye, Carson," Drew shook his hand.

JC nodded a farewell and followed Drew. When they entered their cab he reopened the clue and began to read it.

"So what does it say? Where are we going?"

JC laughed inwardly. "We’re going to the Hard Rock."

"Can I see the clue?"

"It’s all yours."

Drew took the clue and began to read it aloud.

We thought you two might enjoy a big lunch before the running around really starts. This place is normally busy but with your status you will be seated right away. Now don’t take too long your next destination isn’t too far off. Have a good lunch and, JC, don’t steal any menus or anything while you’re there. Love, The Guys

Drew laughed. "That’s a good one. They start off with your habit of stealing Hard Rock menus. I wonder what else they came up with?"

JC exhaled. "There’s only one way to find out." JC got out of the taxi with Drew right behind him.

The host smiled as he saw them approach. "May I help you gentleman."

JC spoke up first. "I’m sure you know who we are and why we’re here so we’d be grateful if you could show us to our table."

The host gave them a long look before turning to help the next people in line.

Drew and JC shared a confused look before Drew knew why the host was ignoring them.

"Excuse me, sir." He flashed the badge he got at the studio. "Will you please show us to our table?"

The host nodded and grabbed two menus. "Of course. Right this way, gentleman."

JC followed the two with a bewildered look. I’m going to have to remember this badge. It’s for more than just sticking me in my leg.

"Here you go, sirs." The host began putting down the menus but stopped before they hit the table. "I’m sorry. I forgot we’ve already got your orders. Here they are now. Plus we want to make sure we get our menus back."

Out of nowhere two plates of food we set in front of JC and Drew. The guys did not complain because they liked it but wondered why they had been ordered for.

"JC, do have any clue as to why they already have our food prepared?"

JC shrugged. "I don’t know. Since our whole birthday is planned out for us why shouldn’t our meals?"

"I guess so. I wonder where we’ll be heading to next."

JC shrugged again and continued eating. When both were nearing the end of their meal what looked like the check was placed on the table.

Drew pulled out his wallet. "How much do I owe?"

JC picked up the piece of paper. "Nothing. The meal is already paid for. It’s our next clue."

"Where are we heading to next? Did you figure it out?"

JC simply nodded and said, "I’ll tell you in the car."

Drew followed JC to the car and held out his hand for the clue. "So we’re going to Shea?"

Sorry about this, Drew, this is another one for JC. You are making a repeat performance. Just remember the words. "Oh, Shea can you see." Have fun and good luck. Love, The Guys

JC nodded. "Yup. I sang the anthem there yesterday after I flew in."

"So you flew in yesterday? Did you have any idea what was going on before Carson explained it to us on the show?"

"Nope. Yesterday I was relaxing, then all of a sudden I’m given a plane ticket to New York and I’m out the door within minutes. I land then come straight to Shea and run all sorts of ridiculous errands from there. You?"

"Wel, I went home to visit family for my birthday and I, too, was handed a plane ticket, mine was for Newark, and I’m off. They had already packed my bag and all. I came to my hotel and then was sent all over the place and then was stuck in my room all night. It was the night before my birthday and I’m in New York. I wanted to go out."

"Me too. I had dinner at Joey’s aunt’s house and then I was kept in my room all night, too. Then this morning I was given an unexpected wake-up call."

"Wait a sec. Did this involve two guys dressed in black and a tape recorder?"

"Yup. They did the same to you?"

"You betcha. I think now that we’re spending so much time together today it’s a perfect time to start planning revenge."

JC smiled but before he could talk the cab driver interrupted them.

"Shea Stadium."

The two thanked the driver and headed to the closest door.

Drew held up his badge once again. "Can you help us? We’re going to be singing the anthem."

The guard nodded and motioned for the guys to follow him.

Drew and JC followed instructions and were told to wait after they finished singing.

"…and the home of the brave."

JC and Drew stood where they were until Bobby Valentine, the Mets’ manager, came towards them and started speaking into the microphone.

"Well, if you were here yesterday you would know that Mr. Chasez here sang the anthem yesterday. Today he is joined by Mr. Lachey on this very special day. You see today is their 23rd birthday. That’s right. Both of them were born twenty-three years ago today. Well, they are on kind of an adventure today and here is just one of their many stops. Now I’m asking everyone to join me in singing to these guys. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you…."

Drew and JC stared at the stadium full of people, there to see the Mets play the Dodgers, sing to them. They were so caught up in the strange feeling they almost missed their next clue. They would have if Bobby had not pointed to the outfield board. As soon as JC saw it he showed Drew. Drew read it aloud.

"This is where we are if we’re playing in New York if we’re not in Shea. It’s just a subway ride away." He looked at JC. "Yankee Stadium?"

Bobby handed them a starting line-up sheet. "Here you go boys. Now that you know where you’re going here’s where to find your next clue in there."

JC and Drew were escorted back to the taxi and Drew opened the sheet for both of them to see.

Well, well, Wells, it’s a perfect spot to be in a winning game. Maybe you can even get an ice cream Cone afterwards.

Drew dropped the piece of paper on the seat. "Okay, we know we are going to Yankee Stadium, but where are we to find the next clue? I’m not having luck with this one."

JC shook his head. "I’m not either. It must be somewhere in the stadium though. Not in the offices. Maybe a concession stand since they mention ice cream?"

"You guys aren’t Yankee fans are you?"

The guys shook their heads.

"Then let me explain that clue to you. Only someone who really knows the Yanks can. First off the "Well, well, Wells" part come from a headline that appeared in 1996 when David Wells was an Oriole and beat the Yankees in the playoffs."

"I remember that year. When the Yankees won on that Derek Jeter ‘home run’."

"We’ve got a Baltimore fan here I see. Well anyway last year he pitched a perfect game as a Yankee at Yankee Stadium. And last month David Cone had one."

"Oh, I remember that. One of the few days I actually could read the sports page and see how the Reds did," Drew remembered. "So are you saying that the clue means that we’re going to the-"

"Pitcher’s mound," JC finished for him. "Now I get it."

"Here we are, boys. I wasn’t supposed to help you on any clues but I thought since you two were clueless on the Yankees it would be okay."

"Thanks. We won’t tell anyone about this. As long as you don’t tell anyone how we’re planning to get Joey back for using his Yankee knowledge."

"Deal," the driver replied laughing at the two departing men.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

JC and Drew collapsed in the backseat of the cab.

"Tired, boys?"

"How much longer are we going to have to do this? We’ve been to the Museum of Natural History, the Wintergarden Theater to find out which ‘cat’ we needed to talk to, and we just came back from running around Madison Square Garden looking for Patrick Ewing. Are there any major sport complexes they forgot?"

"Well, there’s always Nassau Coliseum and the Meadowlands Complex."

JC lifted an eyebrow. "Please tell me we’re not going to Long Island or New Jersey."

The driver chuckled. "I’m just kidding. Where to next?"

"Let me see." Drew opened the envelope he received from the towering basketball player. "It says the corner of Bleeker and Sullivan. Sounds like Village street names."

"Next stop, Greenwich Village," the driver announced as he drove downtown.

Both guys enjoyed knowing they had a few minutes of peace and quiet until they were to reach their next destination. After a minute Drew turned to JC.

"Hey, JC?"

JC turned away from his window. "What?"

"I wonder how they planned all this without us knowing. I mean we spend 24/7 with them."

"I know. It’s very weird. I wonder where they even came up with the idea."

"I don’t know but it’s a great one. We’re seeing all different parts of New York City we usually miss because we can’t leave our hotel room."

"I never thought of it that way. You know what’s even better about this though?"

"No, what?"

"That it will be harder for them to know our revenge because it’s just the two of us. We are doing something to them, right?"

Drew smiled. "You bet your booty we are."

"You bet your booty? Where did that one came from," JC managed to get out before erupting into laughter.

Drew’s smile turned into a huge grin. "I have no clue. How about "you bet your bottom dollar"?"

"Oh geez, stop the world I want to get off."

"How about I stop the taxi? We’re on the corner of Bleeker and Sullivan."

"Okay, now where to, JC?"

"I have no clue. We were sent to this corner so it must not be far off. Why don’t we head in different directions then we’ll yell if we find anything to fit this clue."

"We’re not supposed to split up. Why don’t we take one block at a time? Now what does the clue say?"

"Here’s lets reread it." JC pulled the scoresheet out of his pocket.

Now venture to the corner of Bleeker and Sullivan Streets. Not far off you will find where your symbol, Leo, lives.

"Where are symbol, Leo, lives? Well, if we’re going to find the next clue lets get going."

Over the next half hour Drew and JC walked down three blocks from the corner. The began walking down the fourth block when something caught JC’s eye.

"Hey, Drew, look at that sign. I think that’s it."

Drew walked closer to the sign. "Where Leo lives. The Lion’s Den. Sound like it. Let’s go see."

The guys walked into the club and saw a large black guy. Thinking he was the bouncer JC approached him and flashed his badge.

"Hi, I’m JC and this is Drew. We believe we’re supposed to be here."

The bouncer looked at them and nodded. "Yeah, you’re in the right place. My name’s Rob."

Drew stuck his hand out. "Hi, Rob. Now are you going to give us our next clue?"

Rob shook both guys hands and grinned. "Not yet."

"Uh-oh, JC, I don’t like the sound of that."

"Me neither. What, prey tell, do we have to do to get the clue?"

"Well, tonight’s reggae night and we have a dj and live bands perform."

"Yeah, and…?" Drew did not like the sound of this.

"It seems as if one of our acts canceled and we need a one song replacement."

JC and Drew widened their eyes and stared at each other.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Drew and JC stumbled out of the club and into the taxi laughing hysterically.

"I can’t believe we just did that," Drew exclaimed breathlessly.

"Well, I couldn’t believe when you sang a bit of New Kids’ "Stay With Me Baby"."

"Hey, you sang right along in the background."

"That’s only because I vaguely remember the background from a long time ago while you just went straight into the lead. Are we a closet 1999 New Kids listener?"

"Aww, shut up. Lets see the clue."

JC pulled the cocktail napkin out of his pocket. The two began to read and groaned.

Now that you’ve gone downtown it’s time to go back to your last destination. Well, near it. It’s not Beverly Hills 90210 but it’s the best we got. Just make sure the workers don’t go postal on you. Love, The Guys P.S. The next clue is held by two girls. One with a 98º shirt and one with an *N SYNC shirt.

"What’s wrong guys?"

"We’re heading back to MSG."

"Who do you have to find there?"

"Well actually we need to go near there."

"Where to?"

Drew looked at the napkin again. "It says something about workers going ‘postal’ so I’m guessing the post office."

"It also says something about the clue is with someone with an *N SYNC shirt and someone with a 98º shirt. That can’t be too hard."

JC looked over as Drew groaned. "It can be if the block long staircase is filled with teenage girls wearing group t-shirts."

JC sighed as he saw the stairs. "Well, lets get going. It looks like we have a lot to do."

The two exited the taxi and approached the first two girls and looked at their shirts.

"*N SYNC and Backstreet Boys. Nope." After JC said that the two girls got up. "Where are you two going?"

"Well, we were told that once as you guys saw us to leave."

JC smiled and called Drew, who was onto the next pair. "Hey, Drew, as soon as we count them out they have to leave. So, I’ve got an idea. If we see someone who definitely doesn’t have one of our shirts on then go over to them so they can leave and then that’s less people on the steps."

"I like your thinking, man. I know we’re not supposed to split up but do you think it’ll hurt if we go to groups next to another so we can find the ones we need faster?"

JC shrugged. "I don’t see why not. You want to start with one section and make our way around?"

"Why not? Let’s start up there." Drew pointed to a top corner and the two made their way to the section, dismissing pairs as they went.

As the search wore on they found many different pairings. They found *N SYNC and Britney Spears, they found 98º and Goo Goo Dolls and many outlandish pairings. The groups varied from Aaron Carter to Metallica. They thought they had it twice but did not. They once found Justin Timberlake and 98º and they had found a pair with JC and Drew, but neither were correct. They did not see the two girls hidden, waiting for their cue to sit on the steps.

"Okay, you two, are you ready?"

The two girls nodded.

"Good because it’s time for you to go out. Why aren’t you going?" he asked when they didn’t move.

They just patted their cheeks with a finger.

He sighed and leaned down and gave them both a kiss on the cheek. The two girls sat on their spot on the steps, giggling uncontrollably.

The bleached blonde shook his head and left before he was discovered. The things you do because you’re famous.

Drew heard the giggling and looked up. "Hey, JC," he called down the stairs, "we’re those two gigglers there a few minutes ago?"

JC thought for a moment. "No, they weren’t."

"Didn’t think so. I think we found our pair."

The two climbed towards the two giggling girls. Dismissing pairs as they walked even though they knew it was useless because they had found their pair.

"Hi, girls, are you who we’re looking for?" JC showed them his badge and they nodded.

Drew knelt down in front of them. "Now would you two pretty ladies be so kind as to give us our next clue."

"Only if we get to give you each a birthday hug."

JC and Drew shrugged and hugged the girls. Hugging them was not the problem. The problem was detaching them after the hug.

"Now, if we could please have our clue we’d really appreciate it."

The one with the *N SYNC shirt sighed. "Here you guys go. Have a happy birthday, JC and Drew." She pulled the paper out of her pocket.

The other looked down. "Yeah, happy birthday, Drew and JC."

"Wish we could stay but we have somewhere we have to be. Bye, girls." JC winked at them and walked away.

"Bye, girls. Thanks for the clue and the hugs." Drew waved and followed JC to the taxi.

"Where to next, partner in crime?"

"I don’t know. This clue’s for you. Here you go."

Okay, you’re adventure is nearing it’s end. Drew, this one’s for you. It’s the place you’ve always wanted to go and when we moved to New York we made sure to stop there when we could. Along with this note is a picture clue.

"Is it making any sense to you, Drew?"

"I think so but let’s check out the picture before I give any definites." Drew unfold the other paper and laughed.

"At the risk of sounding, um, uneducated. What’s that supposed to be?"

Drew patted JC on the back. "Don’t worry, JC, it looks like Justin drew this and his drawing is one step above chicken scratch."

"Okay, now I don’t feel so dumb. What is that a picture of?"

"Let me explain it. This here is people ice skating and that’s a-"

"I think I got what that is. It’s a Christmas tree."

"Exactly. We’re going to Rockafeller Center."

"I gotcha. Rockafeller Center please," JC told the cab driver.

"You got it."

"I need it. Your love is what makes my heart break," Drew sang and made overexaggerated moves.

JC shoved Drew against his door and it opened as the cab stopped.

"You are one lucky man, Chasez. If we had been moving you’d have many a girls after you."

"Nah, I have enough of my own that I’d be fine."

"Okay, come on. The last clue said we are almost there. Let’s find this one and then we are closer to killing our groupmates."

JC and Drew walked around Rockafeller Center until they came upon a mime in the area where the skating rink is located. JC usually ignores them but this one was motioning to him.

"Hey, Drew, this mime is trying to tell me something."

"Yeah, that you should shut up."

"Quit being smart and come here. Lets see what he does when I show him my badge." JC showed him his badge and the mime held up one finger for him to wait. "I told you he had our clue."

The two watched the mime do a little act as he retrieved their clue. After he was done the guys gave him a tip and headed to the taxi. In the taxi Drew opened the clue and held it so JC could see.

Well, this is your last clue. Don’t be too excited. To find this last place you’re going to have to put on your thinking caps. After you dust them off of course. hehe. Aren’t we so funny? Well we think we are. Okay you’re last destination is, as Dorothy might put it: Somewhere over the peacock. Have fun. Love, The Guys

JC and Drew leaned back against the backseat.

"What does that clue mean?"

"Want me to drive around here and while you think?"

Drew nodded. "Yeah, I guess." He looked up and something caught his eye. "Wait a minute. I know what the clue means."

JC was still trying to figure it out. "What?"

"Take us to the NBC studios. Think about it, JC. Peacock, NBC, peacock, NBC. And what’s above the NBC studios? The Rainbow Room."

"I can’t believe you got that. My mind was miles away from there."

"Well, I don’t think I would have if I didn’t see the NBC sign over there."

"But didn’t The Rainbow Room close?"

Drew shrugged. "I don’t know. Maybe, but I do know that’s where we are being told to go."

"Here we are, guys, NBC studios."

"Thanks for driving us around today. It’s been fun."

"That it has been, JC. I hope you two have had a nice birthday so far and continue once as you get up there."

"Have any clue what’s waiting for us up there?"

"You’ll have to go up and see, Drew."

"Bye, thanks for putting up with us."

"It was my pleasure. See you guys." He honked and waved as he drove away. Around the corner he pulled out a walkie talkie and spoke into it. "They are on their way. Over."

JC and Drew stood in front of the main door for a few minutes. "Well, I guess the thing to do is go inside."

"After you." Drew walked in the building and went to the security desk.

"We believe we are supposed to go up to The Rainbow Room." JC and Drew flashed their badges as he talked.

The security guard motioned behind them. The duo turned and smiled.

"Danny, Rob, how are you two doing?"

"Better now that you two are here. Let’s go up."

The foursome walked to the elevators and rode one up. At the top Rob and Danny directed JC and Drew into the main room.


The room was filled with family and friends. JC and Drew made their way into the room and were ushered to their own head table. Along the way they greeted people. They wondered why everyone was laughing. They found out when they looked at the big screens surrounding the room.

On the screens were JC and Drew completing some of their tasks and also doing some other things that day.

JC felt an arm around him. "I love the song you guys made up. It’s a classic. Perfect for bribery also."

JC shoved Chris’ arm off him and walked to his table.

"Hey, bro. Love the home run you hit in Yankee Stadium. I hear JC’s a hard pitcher to hit."

Drew shot Nick a look and sat next to JC. "They’re dead."

JC took a sip of water and nodded. "Oh yeah. Toast."

The End


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