JC Fiction

For those of you who did not see my disclaimer on the first page, read this. I DO NOT own the names of any member of *N SYNC or any other celebrity that pops up in my stories. I DO own my fictional characters, such as Winnie, Stephanie, Dougie, Melissa, etc. ALL these stories are ©Crazy1. If I find these stories, or characters, anywhere else you will be one unhappy camper. Now that the business is done, on to the stories.

**Note** Prior to 2001 I thought Justin's brother Jonathan was a product of Justin's mother and step-father but now I know that he and Justin share the same father, not mother. I have known this fact for awhile but decided to say something before I get another e-mail about it. All stories prior to 2001 reflect that train of thought.

Full Length Stories

The Ties That Bind

The Ties That Bind II

Short Stories

Life For Love

Birthday Boys

A New Kids Reunion

Cat's In The Cradle

No One

Walking Away

Knowing Josh

Phone Calls

What Happened?


Remembering Wonderland


Fiction Index
Main Page

E-mail: crazy1s_fic@yahoo.com