I have a collection of j-pop/j-rock lyrics and mp3s... So look around and enjoy yourself... ^_~ The mp3s and lyrics are organized by series. If the song isn't in a series, it's listed by artist. If you still can't find the song you're looking for, then go to [Edit] then choose [Find (on This Page)...] and type in whatever you're looking for (if you STILL can't find it, then I probably don't have the song... you can always request something by sending e-mail to kyatsuai@hotmail.com. If you include the song name and artist, I can probably find it for you... ^_^). Songs are rated from 1 to 5, 1 being the worst and 5 being the best, beware though, there are many bests.
I've been slacking on the lyrics and mp3 uploading... x_X;; And yeah, only the first few lyrics work and only the first few downloads work... -sigh- I *will* get those up *sometime*. You'll need an unzipping utitlity (for the songs) like Winzip (which is free) or PKUnzip (which is a simple DOS version, click here for instructions on how to use) BTW, this site looks best if you go to [View], [Text Size], and set it to [Smallest] (since there are huge charts and stuff). Resolution doesn't matter as long as the text size, yeah. Oh, and also, my time zone is GMT-5, which is the Eastern Time Zone in the U.S.
since March, 2001
May 15, 2001 - 16:02 Yeah... Streamload caught me. More info in the old episodes section.
May 13, 2001 - 20:07 Okay... added an FAQ, which you should read before asking me questions, and five more accounts. And oh yeah, added 9 new anime series, and updated 5 old ones.
May 9, 2001 - 18:52 Yup, those other ten accounts are up and running now ^_^ Feel free to use 'em.
PKUnzip is a really simple and easy unzipping utitlity to use that's both small, free, and fast. It was designed for MS-DOS, so it's rather old, but it functions and will continue to function in the future. To use it, just download the file from this site (using the link above...) and save it anywhere you want. When you have a file to unzip, just drag that file into the pkunzip.exe file you downloaded, and the contents of the .zip file should show up on your desktop. Simple, right?
Actually, there's another way. You don't have to learn this way if you don't want to, since the above method works very well. But what if your .zip file contains 100+ files? You wouldn't want all those to pop up on your desktop, now would you? I doubt it. So here's a solution. This is the "old" way it was used, the standard way (before Windows became graphical).
Move the .zip file and pkunzip.exe to a folder/directory in C:\ drive
Open up MS-DOS by going to [Start] [Programs] and [Command Prompt] or [MS-DOS]
Something resembling:
Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM)
(C) Copyright 1985-1996 Microsoft Corp.
should show up. (If it doesn't say "C:\" then type in "C:" and press enter). Navigate to the folder you stored the files in by typing cd [file path], replacing [file path] with the file path not including the C:\ part. (For example, if your file was stored in C:\Windows\Desktop\MyFolder, then you would type in cd Windows\Desktop\MyFolder.)
Type in pkunzip [filename].zip, replacing [filename] with the name of the file. (e.g. If the file was called 001.zip, then you type in pkunzip 001.zip. It's very important that you have pkunzip.exe and the .zip file in the same folder.)
Now you're done ^_^. The contents of the .zip file should appear in the folder that the .zip and pkunzip.exe files were stored in.
Whoopee. Now you know how to use the simpler PKUnzip, and you won't have to go to winzip.com and download the annoying large winzip file. ^^;;; Unless you want to, that is. After all, Winzip is fairly modern and it's free (annoying evaluation version only, but the evaluation continues for as long as you want to use it). Personally, I prefer Winzip, since it lets you open the archive and see what files are in it and choose which files you want to unzip before you actually do the unzipping. Winzip also lets you create your own zip files (which you can do with PKZip, but I currently don't own that file, although you can probably get it in numerous places).