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Just what is it with me and un-popular (at least for fangirls in the US) bands/people? ;_; Kotani Kinya rocks, man... but no~ he's really not very popular. ;_; Oh yeah, the band he's part of is Mad Soldiers, but I still call him Kotani Kinya... ^^;; just 'cause that's the first way I've ever heard of him.

Rating ID     Title Artist Bitrate   Time   Comments Lyrics-Download
5 164 Aburakadabura Kotani Kinya 128/44 3:56 ^.^ It's such a cute song ^.^ Lyrics-Download
5 165 anti nostalgic Kotani Kinya 128/44 4:14 This is SO Wands style... Lyrics-Download
5 152 Blind Game again Kotani Kinya 128/44 4:46 Gravitation - 2nd song by BAD LUCK Lyrics-Download
5 166 Easy Action Kotani Kinya 128/44 4:01 "Hah!" "Hah!" ^^;; "Hah, hah, hah!" Lyrics-Download
5 153 Glaring Dream Kotani Kinya 128/44 5:09 Gravitation ED (me likes) Lyrics-Download
5 154 in the moonlight Kotani Kinya 128/44 5:10 Gravitation - song by BAD LUCK Lyrics-Download
4 167 Jounetsu BALLAD Kotani Kinya 128/44 4:31 Not the best, but very, very nice Lyrics-Download
5 168 Jurejurenaru Kisetsu Kotani Kinya 128/44 4:24 "Can you BE alive...?" ^.^ Me luv!! Lyrics-Download
5 169 Kounetsu BLOOD Kotani Kinya 128/44 3:38 ^_^ Kanpai!! Lyrics-Download
5 170 Lost Complex Kotani Kinya 128/44 4:47 Kotani Kinya's English is so nice~ Lyrics-Download
5 171 No! Virtual Kotani Kinya 128/44 3:50 One of my favorite Kinya songs Lyrics-Download
5 172 Shakunetsu BLADE Kotani Kinya 128/44 3:31 Wahaha... I go crazy over this song Lyrics-Download
5 157 Smashing Blue Kotani Kinya 128/44 5:35 Gravitation - song by BAD LUCK Lyrics-Download
7 162 Spicy Marmalade Kotani Kinya 128/44 4:01 *.* "Spi-cy Mar-ma-lade!" my fave Lyrics-Download
5 158 Super Drive Kotani Kinya 128/44 3:54 Gravitation OP Lyrics-Download
4 173 Sweet Sweet Samba Kotani Kinya 128/44 3:47 Hoppy... it's not bad... Lyrics-Download
5 159 THE RAGE BEAT Kotani Kinya 128/44 3:55 Gravitation - 1st song by BAD LUCK Lyrics-Download
5 163 Yuutsuna Seven Days Kotani Kinya 128/44 4:08 "Lemme go! Seven days!" Lyrics-Download

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