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Heaven Force


Welcome to the home page of the original army, which brought us out of the Era of Chaos! Today, this is arguably the most powerful army out there fighting! Feel free to browse around the page, and acquaint yourself with this army and the unique history surrounding it.
History Structure Personnel Equipment Relations


About 8 years ago, Heaven Force was first founded with a total of 56 members, and quickly began a long winning streak against its opponents, who at that time were all absolutely pathetic. It wasn't until 3 months later that Shadow League coalesced, created exclusively to try to hold us off -- and then the members went back to their petty bickering when we were off doing something else. Despite their slightly superior numbers at that time, we still obliterated them in most battles because of their disorganization.

Things went fairly slowly, until the creation of the Law Command. Heaven Force, being the predecessor to modern-day waterfighting, was instrumental in laying out most of it and managed to work out something reasonable. After the Law Command, history is completely filled with the stories of armies which, following our example, sprung into being. Despite the competition, Heaven Force is very proud to have nurtured such a wonderful principle, and is glad to boast saving the community from many dishonorable tactics of that day.

Today, Heaven Force is famous for its unification, and its originality. I'd love to tell you all about some of the wonderful plans we're laying out, but at the moment most of them remain classified, so we'll all just have to wait and see what the future holds . . . . .


While Heaven Force doesn't believe in being too rigid, a disciplined and well laid-out structure is responsible for many of our triumphs. What follows is an overview of this.


Although there are a few permutations in the rank structure, in general its pretty basic. When someone joins Heaven Force, they begin without rank, and are just a soldier. At their first promotion, they are awarded the rank of Lieutenant. Following Lieutenant, in order, are Commandant, General, and Emperor -- of course, there is only one Emperor, our wonderful leader, Joruus Sel.

Battlefield Organization


A squad is made up of 5 soldiers, usually none of them with rank -- either the soldier with the longest service record at Heaven Force leads, or an officer pre-designates a leader. Squads are classified as Runner, Fighter, Strike, Assault, or White depending on the weapons being carried -- a Runner Squad indicates a squad armed with light weapons, a Fighter Squad indicates a squad armed with medium weapons, a Strike Squad indicates a squad with medium and heavy weapons (and sometimes one or two light weapons), an Assault Squad indicates a squad with heavy weapons, and a White Squad indicates a squad of elite, hand-picked soliders (or even officers) with weapons chosen for a specific task. A White Squad is the least-seen battlefield unit in the entire army.

Task Force

A task force is made up of 20 people, including one (or sometimes two) Lieutenant(s) for command. Troop movements are usually divided at the Task Force level, allowing them to split into four squads in battle. These squads are usually predetermined to avoid wasting time in a battle, and traditionally include one Fighter Squad, two Strike Squads, and one Assault Squad.


A battalion is a large unit made up of 50 people. This usually includes two Task Forces, a Commandant his four chosen aids, and one White Squad. Battalions aren't usually assigned to a specific task (such as defending an outpost), but would rather be told to guard a border, or split up and find the best way to make an attack on an enemy.


A host is composed of 101 people, two Battalions and an additonal General. The Host is the largest single battlefield unit in Heaven Force, but on rare occasions as many as four have all been grouped for the same assignment. Generally one host guards the HQ and the area around it, and the rest are almost never grouped together. When not in command of his Host, the General usually remains at an outpost or the HQ.


Of course, it would be impossible to list every individual member of Heaven Force -- we don't have enough web space for profiles on 675 people! However, below is a listing of a handful of the more important members of Heaven Squad.

Emperor Joruus Sel

We all owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Joruus Sel, for he not only dared to dream, he dreamed us right out of the Era of Chaos. He is the leader of this prestigious army because he envisioned the modern world of water fighting, and made it into a reality. Even our most bitter enemies hold him in high esteem.

His commanding career is not without merrit, either. Only five years ago, he lead the forces of Heaven Army to victory against synchronized assaults by Ground Thunder, the Chaos Legion, and Top Dive -- a stunning victory against the most massive surprise attack in the history of water fighting! Slightly less well known are his stunning commands at the Saving Battle and Light's Doom.

General Heran Tacemnuena

This powerful figure was the second in Heaven Force to earn the proud rank of General, and is the personal advisor in many matters to Emperor Sel. Just how much influence he has is not public knowledge, but he is suspected by many to, in fact, be the primary strategist of Heaven Force. He is famous for such incredible victories as Glowing Ember and Luminous Dream.

Ambassador Yorn Tesel

Yorn is the primary ambassador of Heaven Force, and one of the few people in the army who doesn't mind dealing with the Peacekeepers. Ambassador Tesel has skillfully talked us out of many tough situations, and has forged the cease fires, treaties, and rare temporary alliances which have provided the very lifeblood of Heaven Force.

"White" Halcona Drevu

The unofficial rank of "White" is applied solely to this incredible warrior. She is famous for her command of many White Squads, leading them to victories against some of the most astounding odds Heaven Force has encountered. She is also famous among the higher officers of Heaven Force for extensive work in essential classified missions.


Heaven Force generally has fairly good equipment available -- either brought by the fighters or donated/bought and the property of the army. We're better off than most in this category, with almost exclusively medium and heavy weapons -- which is generally what's good to use anyway.


Shadow League

In earlier times, the Shadow League was our most hated rival and worst enemy. However, more recently, such a variety of different armies have come into being that we no longer clash as much (and also have more serious rivals to worry about). We are still enemies, but do not fight each other nearly as exclusively.

Ground Thunder

Our second major enemy, we don't disagree with Ground Thunder by principle, its just that back then there were fewer powers and so each power's attacks were more concentrated on each victim -- we've got dozens of old scores to settle from years ago.

Adamant Army

Adamant Army, somehow, has never been a bitter enemy. We have recently signed a cease fire with them, allowing them to protect one of our borders while we fight off recent attacks from other fronts.

Red Herrings

Hated deceptors! The Red Herrings bend the words of our sacred Law Command to allow their dishonorable attacks! No one in Heaven Force can tolerate this outrage calling itself an army, and none can imagine how its membership grew so big!

Heralds of Order

Despite their size, the Heralds of Order don't and haven't stood a chance. Virtually every army in existence hates them! No one in Heaven Force is willing to trust them, and the only reason our encounters are as rare as they are is that the Heralds of Order are too busy fighting everyone else.

Chaos Legion

The Chaos Legion is really nothing but a band of fools. They have signed up as an official army, but still choose to try to fight against the Law Command. We fight them on principle, everyone in Heaven Force would just as soon shoot them as question them.

Mighty Marines

The Mighty Marines aren't really serious about what they do. We like fighting them because it proves how poorly trained and organized they actually are, even in their own element.

Acquatic Armor

The Acquatic Armor are well-disciplined, and although we don't particularly like them, we don't seek them out for battles. In general, we just stay out of each others' way.

Terran Warriors

They're . . . . average. What can I say?


Although we generally try to stay away from the Peacekeepers, they are occasionally helpful for negotiations, just because of their "neutral" affiliation. How they manage to keep their territory, I'll never know . . . .


These wretched weaklings can't make a normal attack, but always run away at the first sign of real resistance. The only way they manage to keep their territory above the minimum requirement must be by taking as much ill-defended territory from others as they themselves lose to more diligent foes, such as Heaven Force.


We don't really know much about the Dragons, we've never dealt with them directly because their territory lies so far away.

Death Legion

We don't really know much about the Death Legion, we've never dealt with them directly because their territory lies so far away.

Supreme Army

These arrogant pests are going to learn a very strict lesson if they keep going around boasting a name like that. Its a wonder they've even lasted this long.

Eagle Assault Force

We don't particularly like the EAF, but they're allied with what is arguably one of the most reasonable armies out there . . .

Top Dive

Top Dive is an annoyance, one which we dislike fighting simply because of the adrenaline our troops have to suffer through whenever we do.


This is obviously the natural opponent of Heaven Force, but they've made some surprisingly good counterattacks when we've set out to destroy them. Some might even call them worthy opponents, but they'd never fight off even a half of our army.

Freedom League

This pathetic little disorganized fource is spared our wrath by almost never encountering us in any way, shape or form -- but their fame has already earned them a negative reputation in Heaven Force.

Unofficial Powers

The existence of several "powers" not official by the Law Command has not escaped the notice of Heaven Force. What their politics are I can't say, and no one here really cares. If its not a real army, its just another faceless enemy.