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Andover Standard

This is a special version of Andover Standard for on-line reading. The table of contents is hyper-linked for quick access to any topic. Just click on the three asterisks following any chapter and then on any topic, and you will be magically transported to that section of the book. Try it.

To avoid potential law suits, I hereby state that nearly all of this material has been lifted from books by Max Hardy, Steve Robinson, Mike Lawrence, Ron Klinger, Larry Cohen and many other fine Bridge Authors.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 General Approach ***

Two-Over-One Game Forcing to 3NT

Principle of Fast/Slow Arrival

Losing Trick Count

Cover Cards

Chapter 2 NoTrump Bidding ***

NOTRUMP Opening Bids

Gambling 3NT Opening

Non-Forcing Stayman


Texas Transfers

Major Suit Transfers (Jacoby Transfers)

Minor Suit Transfers

Jump Shifts

After Opponent’s Interference


Over Natural Overcalls

Over Artificial Overcalls

Overcalls at the 3 level

Smolen Transfers

Minor Suit Stayman over 2NT (Option to 4 suit transfers

Bidding with Two-Suited Hands

Chapter 3 Major Openings ***

Bergen Raises

Jacoby 2NT Response

Splinter Raises

Forcing 1NT Responses

Immediate Jump to 3NT

Jump Shifts

Two Way Reverse Drury

Game Tries after a Single Raise

Chapter 4 Minor Openings ***

Responses to Minor Suit Openings

Inverted Minor Suit Raises

The 1D Response to 1C

Jump Shifts

NOTRUMP Responses

Splinter Rebids by Opener

Wolff Sign-off

New Minor Forcing

Checkback Stayman

Fourth Suit Forcing

Chapter 5 High Level Opening Bids ***

2C - Strong, Artificial, and Forcing

Weak 2-Bids: 2H, 2S and 2D

Roman Two Diamonds


Opening 3-bids or Higher


Chapter 6 Slam Bidding ***

Cue Bidding

Roman Key Card (RKC)Blackwood


Auctions With 6 Key Cards


RKC Gerber

Minor Suit Raises as RKC Blackwood

Grand Slam Force

Control Asking Bids

Chapter 7 Competitive Bidding ***

Suit Overcalls

Weak Jump Overcalls

1NT Overcall

Unusual NT Overcall

Michaels Cue Bid

DONT Overcalls Over Strong NT Openers

Capelletti Overcalls Over Weak NT Openers

Takeout Doubles

Equal Level Conversion

Special Lebensohl Application

Negative Doubles

Responsive Doubles

Support Doubles

Maximal Overcall Doubles

Rosenkranz Doubles

Informative Doubles


Law of Total Tricks

"Unusual Over Unusual"

Western Cue-bid

Sandwich NT

Defense to Strong One-Club Opening Bid

Defense to Strong Two Club Opening Bid

Defense to Weak Two Openers

Defense to Gambling 3NT Opening

Defense to Unusual Two NT Opening

Defense to Three-Suited Openers

Defense to NAMYATS (Transfer Preempts)

Defense to Flannery



Third from Even, Low from Odd.

Zero or Two Higher.


Upside Down for Count and Attitude.

Odd-Even Discards.