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Jack's Bridge Tips

Last Updated 9-25-2001



Web Site Road Map

Here's what is available on this site.

1. Andover Standard is a modern treatment of the 2 over 1 bidding system. The material contained in it is taken (stolen) from Max Hardy, Steve Robinson and several others. If you have a question about any convention, it is probably covered here. Navigation within the document is through hyperlinks - just click on anything underlined and you will be magically transported to the appropriate section.

2. Bridge reference Books. This is a listing of many of the best reference books on Bridge. I get no royalties.

3. Bridge Tips. This is a collection of tips, many pilfered from the best Bridge Writers and a few of my own. There is some good stuff here. I have gotten quite lazy in recent weeks about adding to this collection but I may add a new one at any time.

4. From time to time I pose a Bridge question to Eddie Kantar, Mike Lawrence and others - they have been surprisingly good about replying. If you want to get on the e-mail distribution list for this correspondence, sent me an email note.

5. If you want automatic email notification when this site is updated, just click on the link above.


Thank you for visiting my Web Site. E-mail me with any comments or questions

Other useful Web Sites are listed below.

Kevin's Site
Eddie Kantar's Site
Mike Lawrence's site
Karen Walker's site
