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Tip No. 21


Slam Bidding in Stayman Auctions

1) After a major suit fit has been discovered, Responder may move toward slam as follows:

a) A jump to 4C is RKC Gerber, in Opener's major. NOTE: a jump to 4NT is a raise in NT, not Blackwood.

b) A jump to 3S over a 2H response, and a bid of 3H over a 2S response are splinter bids - showing a singleton or void somewhere and interest in slam in Responder's suit. If shortness in any suit would make slam a good bet, Opener makes his cheapest bid (either 3S or 3N). This asks Responder to show his short suit. Otherwise, Opener signs off at 4 of the agreed major.

Over 3S by Opener (spades is trump), Responder shows shortness in clubs or diamonds by bidding that suit, and in hearts by bidding 3NT.

Over 3N by Opener (hearts is trump), Responder shows shortness in clubs or diamonds by bidding the suit, and in spades by bidding 4H. Opener evaluates his hand with respect to Responder's shortness, and rejects or pursues slam accordingly.

c) A jump to 4D is an artificial bid agreeing trumps and showing a balanced hand (no singleton or void). Opener bids slam with a good slam hand, bids 4NT (RKC Blackwood), cue bids his cheapest Ace, or signs off at 4 of the major.

d) A bid at the 5 level in the agreed major is a slam invitation. Opener bids 6 with a maximum NT.

e) A jump to the 5 level in any suit except trumps is an Asking Bid, suggesting a grand slam if partner holds adequate controls (usually the King) in that suit.

2) If a major suit fit has NOT been discovered, Responder may move toward slam as follows:

a) A jump to 4NT is a quantitative small slam try and denies 4 cards in the major Opener responded in. Opener declines the invitation by passing or correcting to the other major with 4 cards. Opener accepts the invitation by bidding the slam directly in NT or the other major, or cue bidding his cheapest Ace.

b) A jump to 5NT is a quantitative grand slam try (denying a fit in Opener's major), forcing to a small slam. Opener may bid a small slam with a minimum or a grand slam with a maximum, in either NT or the other major.

c) Holding a 5+ card minor suit in addition to a 4 card major, bid the minor suit. This is game forcing and shows the other major and slam interest.

If opener holds 4 spades and 4 hearts, he responded 2H. He now knows there is a 4-4 spade fit and must bid 3S, setting spades as trump. Responder may now pursue slam by cue bidding his cheapest Ace or bidding 4NT (RKC Blackwood for spades).

With no major suit fit and no slam interest, Opener signs off at 3NT (with the other minor well stopped) or raises Responder's minor suit.

With a good fit for Responder's minor, Opener may show slam interest by making the cheapest natural bid in a suit where he has values. Further bids are to determine whether the necessary controls for slam are present. A bid of 4 in the minor by either partner is RKC Gerber for that minor .


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