Wolff Sign-off
When the opening bid is 1C, 1D or 1H and Opener’s rebid is a jump to 2NT, he is showing a balanced 18 or 19 HCP, and is not denying a 4 card major. In standard bidding, any rebid by Responder is forcing including a raise of opener's minor suit. On occasion, Responder will have a hand so weak and unbalanced that he believes 2NT is doomed but a suit contract at the 3 level might fare better. The Wolff sign-off was designed to allow this.
If Responder wishes to sign off in his suit, partner's suit or an unbid long suit, he does this by bidding an artificial 3C. Opener must show 3-card support for Responder’s suit, or bid an artificial 3D. Responder then sets the final contract, usually in his own long suit, by passing 3D or bidding 3H, 3S or 4C. A special case is if Responder rebids 3NT after his artificial 3C bid, this is a slam try in clubs.
If Responder has game values and wishes to check for 3 card support of his major or a 4 card major in Opener’s hand, he bids 3D ( a special case of New Minor Forcing) over Opener’s 2NT. Opener will then either show a 4 card major, show 3 card support for Responder’s major, or bid 3NT.
S - x H - Qxxxx D - Kxxxx C - xx |
S - x H - Qxxxx D - Kxxxx C - xx |
S - x H - Qxxx D - x C - Kxxxxxx |
S - Kxxx H - Qxxxx D - Kx C - xx |
S - x H - Qxxx D - Kxxxxx C - xx |
N E S W 1D P 1S P |
N E S W 1D P 1S P |
N E S W 1C P 1S P |
N E S W 1D P 1S P |
N E S W 1C P 1S P |
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