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Tip No. 27


Preemptive Bidding

A high-level preemptive bid can hamper the opponents bidding to the point where they are merely resorting to guesswork. But often the most pressure exerted is on partner who frequently has one of 2 problems to face:

1) With a very good hand he has to decide whether game or even slam is there.
2) With other hand types he has to decide whether to assist in the pre-empt.

In order to help partner make an intelligent decision the pre-emptive bid should be somewhat disciplined. I would suggest the following ground rules, using the Losing Trick Count to evaluate hand strength (see Ron Klinger's excellent book).

Guidelines for preemptive bids:

A preemptive opening bid or jump overcall should be made at the highest "safe" level, assuming one trick in partner's hand and that the bid will be doubled. The penalty incurred should be less than the opponent's (assumed) game (or slam) score. The preempt should not meet the requirements of an opening bid and should not contain more than 1 defensive trick. Vulnerability is an important factor.

1) If neither side is vulnerable, the expected maximum penalty should be -300 (assuming one trick from partner). Thus a 3 level preempt should be a 7 loser hand, a 4 level preempt should be a 6 loser hand, and a 5 level preempt should be a 5 loser hand.

2) If both sides are vulnerable, the expected maximum penalty should be -500. Thus a 3 level preempt should be a 7 loser hand, a 4 level preempt should be a 6 loser hand, and a 5 level preempt should be a 5 loser hand. Note that this is the same as 1) above.

3) With favorable vulnerability(they are, you're not), the expected maximum penalty should be -500. Thus a 3 level preempt should be an 8 loser hand, a 4 level preempt should be a 7 loser hand, and a 5 level preempt should be a 6 loser hand.

4) With unfavorable vulnerability(you are, they're not), the expected maximum penalty should be -200. Thus a 3 level preempt should be a 6 loser hand, a 4 level preempt should be a 5 loser hand, and a 5 level preempt should be a 4 loser hand.

Some examples:

Nobody vulnerable

S - xx
H -KJxxxxx
D - Kxx
C - x

Open 3H.
Favorable vulnerability

S - xx
H -KJxxxxx
D - Kxx
C - x

Open 4H.
Unfavorable vulnerability

S - xx
H -KJxxxxx
D - Kxx
C - x

Open 2H or pass.
Both Vulnerable

S - xx
H -KJxxxxx
D - Kxx
C - x

Open 3H.

Responses to preemptive bids:

The partner of the preemptive bidder can use the concept of "cover cards" (see Bridge Tip no. 5 on Cover Cards) to evaluate his hand for both preemptive and game (or slam) purposes. You can calculate how many losers there are in the combined hands by determining how many of Partner's known losers you can "cover".

If partner wishes to help in the pre-empt he should count on Opener to have one defensive trick. Adding the expected defensive tricks in his own hand, he should then estimate what the opponents can make and make the bid which makes it the most difficult for them to find the right contract or which might prod them to overbid (or underbid).
To determine the highest level contract which is safe, you must expect to be doubled. Your estimated penalty has to be less than their expected game or slam.

Some examples:

Nobody vulnerable. Partner opens
3H and you hold:

S - AKx
H - Qxxx
D - xx
C - AKxx

Bid 4H. Partner has 7 losers. You
can cover only 5 (the AK of spades,
the heart Q and the AK of clubs).
Nobody vulnerable. Partner opens
3H and you hold:

S - AKx
H - Axxx
D - x
C - AKQxx

Bid 4NT. Partner has 7 losers. You can cover all 7 (the AK of spades, the heart A, and the AKQ of clubs, and the singleton diamond). When you find out about the diamond Ace and the heart K, you can place the final contract at 5H, 6H or 7H.
Nobody vulnerable. Partner opens
3H and you hold:

S - Axx
H - Qxxx
D - xx
C - Axxx

Bid 5H. Partner has 7 losers. You
can cover 3 (the A of spades,
the heart Q and the A of clubs). Down 2 at 5Hx should be a good sacrifice.
Nobody vulnerable. Partner opens
3H and you hold:

S - xx
H - Qxxx
D - xxx
C - xxxx

Pass. Partner has 7 losers. You
can cover only 1 (the heart Q). Your good trump support is almost worthless. The opponents have a cold game and likely slam. But: 4Hx is down -500, 5Hx is down -800, 6Hx is down -1100, etc.


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