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Tip No. 34 Commentary


Uncommon Bidding Sequences - No. 1

The commentary on the following bidding sequences is either my own or is based on a Bridge authority, who is credited if I know it.


1S - P - 2C - P
2H - P - 4S

Max Hardy states that this bid shows 3 card spade support, with all values in spades and clubs. Partner should not consider slam unless he has controls in both hearts and diamonds.

In this sequence, 2S shows a minimum hand and 3S shows extra values.

Personally, I find this illogical. I would prefer that 4S show a minimum, 2S shows extra values (slow and fast arrival). 3S would show the special hand.

1S - P - 2C - P
3C - P - 4S

This bid shows a minimum hand with 3 card spade support - standard "fast arrival". No interest in slam. With extra values and good cards for slam, the bid would be 3S.

1S - P - 2C - P
2H - P - 4D

This bid shows 4 card heart support and a singleton or void in diamonds (splinter). Partner should think about slam with no wasted values in diamonds.

1S - P - 2C - P
2D - P - 3H

This bid shows 4 card diamond support and a singleton or void in hearts (splinter). Partner may think about slam with no wasted values in hearts, and is warned against bidding 3N without solid stoppers in hearts.

P - P - 1S - 1N

Playing Reverse Drury, I prefer that this bid show invitational values and 3 card spade support. There may be a game if both hands have good distribution. Bid 2S if you just want to compete.

With a good club suit, you have a good lead against 1N. If you really want to play in clubs, bid 3C.

1S - 1N - 2C

This bid should be non forcing but constructive. It denies 3 card spade support, but there may be a game in clubs or even in NoTrump. There is an inference that the clubs are not solid, since in that case a penalty double might be better.


1S - 1N - 3C

This bid is pre-emptive - long clubs and not much else. With solid clubs you would double for penalty.


2H - 3H

This bid is not Michaels. It asks Partner to bid 3N with a spade stopper. It is most often based on a solid minor suit of 7+ cards, similar to a gambling 3N but you may have values in the other two suits also. Partner should bid 3N without thinking (easy for most of my partners), as long as he can stop spades.

Treatment by Hardy and many others.


1S - P - 2S - P
3C - P - 3D

3C is a Help suit game try. 3D says that you have no help in clubs and you cannot bid game directly, but you have values in diamonds. Partner may then be able to bid the game.


1C - P - 1H - P
1S - P - 3D

2D would be fourth suit forcing, saying nothing about diamonds. Rebidding 3D, though, would show a heart - diamond 2 suiter and enough strength to force to game even with a mis-fit.

Therefore, the immediate 3D bid shows a heart - diamond 2 suiter with invitational values. It is then up to Opener to get to the best contract, which with the likely mis-fit may not make. A preference to hearts may be the best choice.

If you held a weak hand with 4 hearts and 6+ diamonds, you would rebid 1N.


1C - P - 1H - P
1N - P - 3D

This bid shows 4 hearts and 6+ diamonds and a weak hand. Partner must pass.

With good diamonds and invitational strength, you would just bid 2N.

With game going strength, you would have bid the diamonds first.

Treatment by Hardy.


1H - P - 1N - P
2N - P - 3D

This bid shows 6+ diamonds and a weak hand not suitable for NT. Partner must pass unless he is sure the diamonds will run, in which case he may try 3N. This is probably a mistake.


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