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Tip No. 35 Commentary


Uncommon Bidding Sequences - No. 2

The commentary on the following bidding sequences is either my own or is based on a Bridge authority, who is credited if I know it.


1H - P - 1S - P
1N - P - 2H

With a weak hand and 3 hearts, the spades should be suppressed and 2H bid immediately. So this sequence should show 5+ spades, 2 hearts, less than 11 HCP and a fear of playing in 1N. Hard to imagine such a hand.

1H - P - 1N - P
2H - P - 2S

An "impossible" spade bid. Shows weak hand with both minors - asks partner to choose. With invitational strength, bid 2N instead of 2S.

1D - P - 2D - P

Splinter in hearts. Partner will consider slam with a "splinter fit", and bid 3NT with values in hearts and no slam interest.

1D - P - 1N - P
2C - P - 2H

Cannot show a heart suit. This bid shows 8 to 10 HCP, good (4+ card) club support, and heart values.

1D - P - 1N - P
2C - P - 2S

Cannot show a spade suit. This bid shows 8 to 10 HCP, good (4+ card) club support, and spade values.

1D - P - 1N - P
2D - P - 2H

An "impossible" heart bid. Shows heart values, implies diamond support and suggests that partner bid 3N with spades and clubs stopped.

1C - P - 1N - P
2C - P - 2D

An "impossible" diamond bid. Shows diamond values, implies club support and suggests that partner bid 3N with spades and hearts stopped.

1N - 3D - 3H

Shows a good 5 card heart suit, and is game forcing. With a six card heart suit and game values, bid 4D (transfer to hearts).

1S - 2H - 2S - 3H

A maximal double, which is a game try. This is used only when there is no other game try bid available at the 3 level. If you wish to penalize the opponents, you must pass and hope partner can make a penalty double.

2C - 2H - 3D

Playing controls over 2C, and DOPI after interference, 3D shows 5 controls. Double shows 0 or 1, Pass shows 2, 2S shows 3 (A and K), 2N shows 3 kings, etc.

2H - Dbl - 2N - P
3C - P - 3H

2N is Ogust, 3C shows a weak hand and a bad suit, 3H is to play.

1H - 1S - P - 3H

This is a "mixed" raise, showing 7 to 10 support points and 4 spades.


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