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Tip No. 38 Commentary


Uncommon Bidding Sequences - No. 5

The commentary on the following bidding sequences is either my own or is based on a Bridge authority, who is credited if I know it.


1N - P - 2D - P
2H - P - 4C

This is RKC Gerber for hearts.

1S - P - 3D - P

This bid says: bid 7S with 2 of the top 3 spades, bid 6S with one of the top 2 spades, and pass otherwise.

1S - P - 2C - P
3C - P - 4H

This shows a singleton or void in hearts, and is a slam suggestion in clubs.

1D - P - 2D - P

This is a club splinter, not RKC Gerber (4D would be Gerber).

1H - P - 1N - P
2C - P - 3C

This bid shows 5 clubs and fewer than 11 support points.

1H - P - 1N - P
2C - P - 2S

This bid (impossible spade) shows 5 clubs and more than 10 support points.

1D - P - 1N - P
2D - P - 3D

This bid shows 3+ diamonds and 6 to 8 support points.


1D - P - 1N - P
2D - P - 2S

This bid shows 3+ diamonds,
9 or 10 support points and values in spades.


2C - 2S - 3D

This bid shows 4 controls (Dbl shows 0, Pass shows 1, 2N shows 2, etc.). You can also play that Dbl shows 0 or 1 control, pass shows 2, etc.

1N - P - 4N - P

4N is invitational, not Blackwood. 5D means that opener accepts the slam invitation, has 4+ diamonds and is suggesting that a diamond slam may be better than NT.

1S - P - 2S - P

This is a help suit game try. Responder may rebid 3S with a minimum, bid 4S with a maximum or "help" in clubs (a singleton is good help), or make a further game try himself by bidding 3D or 3H - showing values in the suit bid.

1C - P - 1S - P
2S - P - 3C

This is a game try showing club support and only 4 spades. Opener may now bid 3S, 4S, 3N, 4C or pass.

1C - P - 1S - P
2S - P - 4C

Game forcing (in spades) with club singleton or void. Suggests slam if partner has no wasted values in clubs.

1C - P - 1S - P

This bid shows 4 card spade support, a solid 6 card club suit and enough strength to make 4 spades.

1D - Dbl - P - 3H

Long hearts and a weak hand -
fewer than 6 HCP.

1S - 2C - 2H - P
2S - 2N

2N shows a hand too strong (opening strength) to bid 2N originally, with 6 clubs and 5 diamonds - partner chooses better minor.


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