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Tip No. 4


Losing Trick Count

The Losing Trick Count is a method of evaluating the trick-taking power of the combined hands in cases where a good (at least 8 card) trump fit has been found. It is not a substitute for point count but can be used as a supplement to it. It is NOT useful for evaluating No Trump contracts. The value of this method is that sometimes games and slams can be bid with fewer points than normal. It can be helpful in close decisions.
The method is fully and clearly described by Ron Klinger in his book " The Modern Losing Trick Count".

How to Count Losing Tricks

Count one loser for every card in each suit that is not an Ace, King or Queen (a maximum of 3 losers per suit). Thus a suit with 4 or more low cards has just 3 losers.

Add the losers in each suit to get the number of losers in the hand.

Add this to the number of (estimated) losers in Partner's hand, and you have the combined losing trick total for both hands.

Subtract this total from 24, and the result is the number of tricks the combined hands will probably take. So a combined losing trick count of 14 will take 10 tricks, etc.

Summary of Losing Tricks in Common Holdings

An average Opening Bid has 7 Losers. So if partner opens and you have a fit and 7 losers, you should contract to take 10 tricks.

A Jacoby 2NT or a Splinter raise hand should have 7 losers or better.

A major suit invitational raise should have exactly 8 losers. Opener goes to game with 6 or fewer losers.

A constructive major suit raise (8 to 10 support points) will have 9 losers.

A minimum major suit raise will have 10 Losers.

A reverse bid by Opener has 5 losers.

A jump rebid by Opener has 5 losers.

A jump shift rebid by Opener has 4 Losers.

A 1NT Opener, if the final contract is in a suit, has 6 losers.

A 2C Opener has 3 Losers.

A decent weak two Opener has 8 losers. If Partner has 6 losers or better, game (or slam) should be bid.

A sound overcall at the one level has 8 Losers or better.

A sound overcall at the two level has 7 Losers or better.

A sound take-out double has 7 Losers or better.


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