Here's the art page, home of my manual drawings and computer art. Please remember that this entire website is copyrighted. That means it's illegal to use any of the graphics accessed through this page for your own use, except under the single condition that you get my permission first. In other words, hands off!

Drawing (Digital and Analog)

Zebratree | 7th grade
Grid Designs | 7th grade
Contour Hand | 9th grade
Realistic Hand | 9th grade
Eye | 9th grade
Cartoons | 11th grade
Liero Fan Art I | 11th grade
Liero Fan Art II | 11th grade
Blow'd Up! | 11th grade
Seanchan Guard | 11th grade
TV | 11th grade
Maggie's Comic | 11th grade
Liero Fan Art III | 11th grade
W.I.P. | 11th grade
Anger | 12th grade
Flashlight | 12th grade
Control Valve Symbol | 12th grade

3D Computer Graphics

DNA | 10th grade
Desk of the Future | 10th grade
Satan Duck | 10th grade
bivAwarE Logo | 10th grade
Hell's Welcome Sign | 10th grade
StalinTube | 10th grade
StalinTube (profile) | 10th grade
StalinTube (bottom) | 10th grade
StalinTube (wireframe) | 10th grade
StalinTube video | 10th grade
Spinning HH Logo I | 10th grade
Spinning HH Logo II | 10th grade
Ringed HH Logo | 10th grade


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