Death Test
Mark your calendar or Palm V. You can expect to die on:

December 15, 2052
at the age of 67 years old.

On that date you will most likely die from:

Cancer (42%)
Heart Attack (13%)
Third Degree Burns (7%)
Horrible Accident (7%)
Suicide (6%)
Homicide (6%)

Sex Test

Congrats! In your life, you'll have sex with

1 person!

And you'll first have sex at age 16,
in a hotel room.

The info on your 1 future sex partner(s):
1 of them will be female
0 of them will be male
And you will actually love 1 of them!
You have a 71% chance of dying during sex.

Wealth Test
Congratulations! Based on inflation, taxes, the anticipated world economy, melting icecaps, free love, the global yeast war of 2017, the Canadian depression of 2021, and your personal financial outlook, you can expect to be worth one million dollars at...

36 years old!

And your fortune will be made in the following ways:
BAR$61,000 begging in the streets.
BAR$122,000 through insider trading.
BAR$120,000 being a star.
BAR$180,000 through lucrative nerd-ism, like Bill Gates.
BAR$301,000 working 9 to 5.
BAR$112,000 'working' between the sheets.
BAR$104,000 odd-jobs for the Pope.


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