I Sold My Soul to the Pizza Man

This is a country song...

I sold my soul to the pizza man
For a large three-topping last night,
And ever since I made that choice
Nothin' at all's gone right.
I sat around in my dorm room
Feelin' no need to breathe,
And the girlfriend that I never had
Decided to up and leave.

Well it really sucks not to have a soul
Most normal people do.
I'd pay a million bucks to just to fill this hole
Or I'd trade some guy these shoes.
Women and children run away in fright
I just want lemonade, not to start a fight...

I sold my heart to a cannibal
'Cause he said he needed a snack
So maybe I cannot pump my blood
But I got a nice Cadillac.
I sat there in the big backseat
And everything went kinda dark
And I had a dream 'bout flyin' pigs
Gettin' eaten by a giant Dick Clark.

Well it really sucks not to have a heart
Most normal people do.
I'd pay a million bucks just to fill this part
Or I'd trade some guy these shoes.
Women and children run away in fright
I just want lemonade, not to start a fight...

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