Bob The Gpeat Eighth
ohdep of the Wopld

Puff the magic dragon,
Spawned from the sea,
Followed the Ottoman Army
To a place called Washington D.C.!!
In which rednecks lived freely,
And Bob the evil asexually reproducing pod person
  from Hell,
An advocate of affirmative action…
Ate pickles with our crazy car that takes pictures
  every day in the middle of nowhere.
Now Puffy smoked the grass
On the White House lawn,
And then became quite bored with his life,
And decided to marry a fawn
Who was actually a disguised agent of Bob,
Who is really Keanu Reeves wearing a Russian
And the fawn suddenly started singing this song:
Bob the great guardian of our sky,
We look up to him, as we get high.
His great wisdom keeps us on track.
He likes to take great amounts of Prozac.
Bob hates Democrat and Republican bones
It was he who harassed Paula Jones,
Fidel Castro sucks
Suddam Hussain die
Spice Girls are sluts
Scott Bayo gave Cartman pinkeye!
Bob's a freak and full of distortion
He's a player and supports abortion.
Bob's an advocate of affirmitive action
He gave Yeltsin great satisfaction.
Keith Richards looks like a queer
There's something weird about monkeys on the backs
  of deer, except for cannibalistic, communist, beef-
  eating, mutant pickles who abduct Mountain Dew
  cans dancing in a circle of bologna, while riding in a
  Styrofoam spaceship flown by a frog with a wart
  on his left eye that suspiciously looks like Bob
  Saget, dating the daughter of a black time bomb,
  who is an asexually reproducing evil pod person,
  with cheese liver spots and blows diarrhea on
  constipated mimes from
the end
I Like Rocky Road Ice Cream!

Written by James and Mr. bivA

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